What Is Nice?

Nice is an all-purpose word: It describes things that are friendly, polite and conciliatory. It’s also a verb, meaning “to be nice.” The nice in nice means being considerate of others’ feelings and needs. Nice people are warm, they try to build group solidarity and they go out of their way to make people feel comfortable. However, nice can also be mean: It means acting in a self-serving manner, giving people a backhanded compliment or even manipulating them for personal gain. The difference between nice and kind is night and day.

Niceness is a personality sbobet88 trait that psychologists describe in terms of five broad dimensions. One of these is agreeableness, which relates to how much you value other people’s opinions and perspectives and how willing you are to compromise your own beliefs and values in order to fit in with the group. People who are genuinely nice tend to be very agreeable and often show empathy and compassion for other people, listen well, take responsibility for their mistakes and help out when needed. They may have difficulty saying no to other people, which is a sign that they can become very easily overwhelmed by their desire to please others.

People who are merely nice tend to put the needs of other people above their own and have trouble establishing boundaries. They often say yes to requests they don’t really want to do, and they lie or mislead in order to avoid upsetting people. They may also be prone to co-dependent relationships where they depend on the other person for emotional support, which can be detrimental in the long run.

A toxic nice person will let their guard down with everyone, making them a target for bullies and other negative people. They can also be very self-deprecating, which can lead to low self-esteem and an inability to assert themselves. In the workplace, a toxic nice person may be a pushover who takes abuse from bosses and coworkers.

It’s important to be nice, but it’s also important to have healthy boundaries and know when to say no. You can’t be a true friend if you’re always putting yourself second, and you can’t be a good parent, employee or partner if you’re too nice to stand up for your own needs. Being nice is a powerful force when it’s driven by consideration and mindfulness, but it can also be toxic when it becomes an attempt to manipulate others or to cover up a lack of personal strength. Nice people often struggle with relationships because they allow themselves to be taken advantage of, which can have lasting negative effects. They never fully realize that they have the power to say no and stand up for themselves. It’s better to be honest than nice, even if it hurts for a while.