Goes Down in History

To move or cause to move; to depart: The ship went down the river.

To be the case; to occur: The plan was a go but it didn’t work out.
To go through a period of change or growth: His career went up and down.
To be a part of something: His work goes into a journal.
To be in progress: Their project is a go and they should be ready to launch by next spring.
To have an effect: His work went through several revisions.
To have an effect or influence: The report will go through several rounds of peer review.
To be considered as being an option: They are thinking about expanding their company into Europe.
To be a possibility: The new law might not go through but it is a go.
To be the reason or motive: Their plans are going through but the economy isn’t there yet.
To be considered as a candidate: They will decide in March whether to go forward with the bid.
To be a source of information or inspiration: Their research went to support the theory that global warming is real.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been using Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) since 1975. The GOES satellites have provided continuous imagery and data on atmospheric conditions, solar activity, and Earth’s weather systems. They have also contributed to the search and rescue of distressed people and helped provide long-term climate records. The GOES fleet is now composed of 14 satellites that are parked in a geostationary orbit about 22,000 miles above the Earth’s surface and can cover more than half of the planet at one time. The GOES-R series, launched between 2016 and 2024, is the most advanced GOES satellites with sensors that will enable scientists to see more detail about what’s happening on our planet than ever before. A key component is the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), a state-of-the-art imager that can view Earth in 16 different wavelengths, or spectral bands, of light, from visible to near-infrared. Compared to the existing GOES imager, the new system will have significantly improved spectral, spatial, and temporal resolutions. The GOES-R series will also be equipped with the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), a new sensor that will detect lightning strikes and determine when lightning is building up in clouds. This is a significant advancement that will aid in improving severe storm and tornado forecasts. GLM will also help meteorologists understand more about the structure of thunderstorms.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Nice

Nice is a town on the Mediterranean coast in southern France. It is the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department and is known as a vacation destination. Nice has a long history of welcoming visitors, including notable painters such as Marc Chagall and Henri Matisse, and writers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Anton Chekhov. The city’s clean air and soft light have also inspired many other artists, including photographers and composers.

People who are considered nice are genuinely interested in others and want to make them feel good. They show this by listening attentively, asking open-ended questions and doing things like baking a cake or sending a text to let their friends know they are thinking of them. Nice people are patient and understanding, knowing that it takes time for some people to work through problems. They believe that everyone has something to offer and aren’t judgmental of those who may have different values or beliefs than themselves.

There are a few downsides to being nice, particularly when it’s used as a mask for a person’s negative traits or as an excuse for bad behavior. This can lead to an inauthentic relationship and repressing of true emotions, which can build up until some trigger causes them to emerge – such as a short temper or an outburst of anger. Nice people can also have trouble separating their own feelings from those of others, which can result in them taking on other people’s problems and feeling overwhelmed.

Nice people are often so focused on pleasing others and making sure they are seen as a good person that they don’t set their own boundaries, which can cause them to get walked all over by those who have nothing but disapproval for them. However, if they truly are nice at their core, they will stand up for themselves and what they believe is right, no matter the consequences.

The meaning of the word ‘nice’ has changed over the years, with its semantic evolution influenced by the etymology of related words and obsolete senses. In the past, it was often used to describe a person who was foolish or stupid. It then became a synonym for pleasant or agreeable, and in modern English it is used to describe someone who behaves well and is respectful towards others.

Being nice can help us to be more effective in the workplace and with family and friends. However, it’s important to be able to differentiate between being nice as a way of gaining favor and being kind because we are genuinely concerned about other people’s happiness. The latter is the only way to create lasting positive change in society and in the world around us. So next time you are thinking about how to be ‘nice’, remember that true kindness comes from the heart and will inspire others to follow suit. It’s worth it in the end! (Source: Forbes.) —Alexis Clemmons, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at George Washington University and the author of “Being Nice is Not That Easy” (St. Martin’s Press, 2018).

Define and Explain the Good


The good is a concept that permeates all aspects of our lives. It is something that we aspire to, as individuals and societies, because we know that it leads to happiness, prosperity and health. It is often used in moral philosophy, especially as the basis for ethics and a code of conduct. It is difficult, however, to define and explain, because it is so fundamental to our understanding of reality.

In philosophical terms, ‘good’ is a term that encompasses several different ideas. It can be a general term that assigns positive value to something, or it can be a specific idea that is associated with morality and right and wrong behavior.

One of the most important uses of ‘good’ in philosophical discourse is the idea that there are certain things that are intrinsically valuable or worthwhile: a good education, a life of virtue, freedom and dignity, a relationship with one’s family and friends, and so on. These values are called ‘ethical goods’ and they play a key role in the philosophy of morality.

Another important use of the term good is as a concept that relates to the nature of human beings: being ‘good’ means living in ways that are characterized by compassion, kindness and other virtues. This idea of ‘being a good person’ has long been an essential part of many religious traditions and is also the basis for most ethical systems of thought, including secularist morality and utilitarianism.

A third and final way in which ‘good’ is used in philosophical discourse is as a synonym for ‘right’: being ‘good’ means being a person who obeys the law and treats others fairly. This is a major theme in ethical theories of law and government, and it is sometimes contrasted with ‘bad’, which is seen as immoral or criminal.

In everyday speech, ‘good’ is often used as an adjective or adverb: it means that something is pleasant or satisfying, or that someone is healthy and well. It is also used in idioms and colloquialisms: I feel good, she’s a good mother, we had a good time, we’re in a good mood, he’s a good man, it’s a good job, she’s got a good figure, etc. In formal writing or edited work, however, the adverb well is usually used instead of good: He did well on the test, she sees well with her new glasses.

In his essay ‘On Good and Evil’, Bertrand Russell famously asserted that morality is an attempt to distinguish between what is good for us and what is bad for us, and that this distinction can only be made by considering what makes humans distinct from other animals. He also argued that this definition of good requires that we know something of the Form or essence of what is good, an ideal that cannot be derived from the particular qualities or characteristics of things such as humans, lions or houses. Other philosophers have disagreed with this position, most notably philosopher Jeremy Bentham in his essay ‘On Liberty’.

The Basics of a Bicycle


The bicycle is a human-powered, two-wheeled vehicle that can be used for recreation or transportation. A bicycle has handlebars for steering, a saddle for sitting on, and pedals to provide power for movement. Some bicycles have gears, which allow the rider to change the amount of effort needed to pedal and to move at different speeds on different surfaces. Thousands of people die every year in bicycle accidents, but careful riding can help prevent them. Many cities and states have laws requiring cyclists to wear helmets and obey traffic signals and signs.

The earliest known bicycle was created in 1817 by Karl von Drais, who developed a machine that allowed the rider to propel himself by pushing his feet against the ground. The modern bicycle is based on Drais’s design, and it uses pedals to convert the rider’s motion into mechanical energy. The pedals are connected to cranks that drive chains and gears, which then drive the wheels.

Most modern bicycles have upright seating, and the frames are built using a diamond truss that includes a head tube (which contains the headset), a top tube, a seat tube, and paired chain stays and down tubes. The frame is usually made from steel, but it can also be made of other materials such as aluminum or titanium. Some bikes use a suspension seat post or suspension seat spring to improve comfort by absorbing shock from the road or other rough terrain.

Many people use bicycles to get around, particularly in urban areas where there are few public transit options. The low cost and convenience of bicycles make them a popular mode of transportation. Many people also use them for exercise, to keep fit or lose weight, and to compete in sporting events such as races.

Some bicycles have brakes to stop the wheels from turning, and these may be powered by the rider’s hand or by a lever on the handlebars. Some have gears to adjust the pedaling speed to match the terrain or the load, and these are called derailleurs.

Bicycles can be fitted with accessories such as baskets to carry goods, and racks to hold luggage or a backpack. Parents may add rear-mounted child seats or auxiliary saddles to the crossbar to transport children. Many cyclists use lights to increase visibility, and some even have specialized reflective clothing to increase their safety. A bicycle can be equipped with a hitch to tow a trailer carrying cargo or a person. Various types of bicycles are available, with the most common being the road bicycle that is designed for use on paved roads. Other bicycles are designed for off-road use, competition, or for touring and leisure. People who enjoy these activities may join clubs to meet others with the same interest. This can lead to friendships and even romance. Some professional cyclists earn a living by competing in races, and some have risen to international fame. Many other people simply enjoy the pleasure of riding a bike.

The Next Generation of Geostationary Weather Satellites


Since 1975, geostationary equatorial satellites, known as GOES (pronounced “go-ess”), have provided continuous imagery and data on atmospheric conditions and solar activity (space weather), which have led to more accurate and timely weather forecasts and a better understanding of long-term climate conditions. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) builds the GOES, while NOAA oversees its operations.

The current GOES system includes the GOES-13 and GOES-15 satellites. It provides National Weather Service local weather forecast offices, national centers and volcanic ash advisory centers with a stream of environmental images. It also supports scientific research on land, atmosphere and oceans.

NOAA and NASA are preparing to launch the next generation of geostationary weather satellites. These spacecraft, known as the GOES-R Series, will provide more timely information about Earth’s Western Hemisphere, more accurate lightning mapping and enhanced monitoring of solar activity and space weather.

GOES-R will feature a new, advanced imager. This sensor will view the Earth in 16 different wavelengths, or spectral bands, ranging from visible to infrared. As a GOES-R education document puts it, “Imagine this as if you put on a pair of sunglasses with 16 different lenses that allow only certain wavelengths of light through.”

This will lead to more detailed and sharper pictures of the storm systems that form near the United States. For example, GOES-R will be able to measure cloud top heights and vertical velocity, two important weather properties that help determine how fast a thunderstorm is moving. Similarly, the satellite will be able to see how thick the clouds are. The GOES-R imager will also measure a third property of clouds called cloud optical depth, which is how much a cloud modifies the light that passes through it.

The GOES-R will also be able to monitor and track storms as they move across the Western Hemisphere. The satellite will be able to detect a wide range of weather phenomena, including tropical depressions, hurricanes and tornadoes. It will even have the ability to monitor volcanic ash plumes.

NOAA manages the GOES-R Series program through an integrated NOAA/NASA office and is responsible for the ground system contract, satellite operation and distribution of GOES data to users worldwide. NOAA’s GOES-R Series satellites are designated with a letter before launching and are then renamed when they reach geostationary orbit, which is 22,300 miles above the Earth’s equator. The first of the new satellites to reach geostationary orbit was GOES-16, which is currently operating as NOAA’s GOES East satellite. The next, GOES-T, is scheduled to launch March 1 and will become NOAA’s GOES West satellite after it reaches its geostationary position. The final satellite in the GOES-R Series, GOES-U, is planned to be launched in 2024. All of the GOES-R satellites will be equipped with a suite of instruments to measure a variety of atmospheric, hydrologic and oceanic observations, as well as improve direct services like WEFAX (WEFAX Radio Data System), EMWIN (Emergency Managers Weather Information Network) and LRIT (Low Rate Information Transmission). All of these are critical to supporting NOAA’s mission of delivering vital meteorological information to the Nation.

The Difference Between Being Nice and Being Good


Nice is one of those words that people use a lot, and it’s usually used in a positive way. Nice people tend to have a larger circle of friends than other people, and they are more likely to help you in a time of need. People also admire nice people because they treat everyone in their life with respect and kindness. However, it’s important to note that there are some differences between “nice” and “good.” People who are nice can become easily manipulated by others, as they often put themselves out for other people without getting anything in return. They often give up their own needs and wants in order to please others, but the truth is that this can lead to resentment in the long run.

A good person is someone who is genuine and has a high sense of self-worth. They are willing to stand up for themselves and what they believe in, even if it means losing friendships in the process. Good people don’t allow other people to walk all over them because they have set boundaries that reflect their values. For example, if they don’t think it’s kind to tell someone the hard truth that will benefit them in the long run, a good person will still do it because that’s what they believe is right.

People who are nice can also be taken advantage of by others because they don’t value their own independence. They are more concerned with fitting in and getting along, and they will go to any lengths to do so. They will sacrifice their own happiness in the process, which can be very harmful to their mental health. In addition, they will often let their friends down because they haven’t learned how to say no.

On the other hand, a good person knows their own worth and is confident in their abilities. They are more likely to speak up if they feel like they are being mistreated or ignored. They don’t fear losing friends or ruffling feathers, and they are willing to put their own needs first in the face of injustice.

People who are genuinely nice enjoy helping other people. They love making other people happy, whether it’s by baking them a cake or texting them to tell them they’re thinking about them. They also encourage other people to be the best version of themselves, no matter what that means for them.

Lastly, nice people are open to learning new things. They are willing to travel and meet new people, and they enjoy reading books about different cultures. They are curious about the world around them and want to understand how different people live their lives.

People who are nice are also very empathetic. They are able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand their feelings, which makes them great listeners. They are able to offer sincere advice and support to those who need it, as well. Being able to empathize with others is a very valuable skill, and it is something that most people strive for. Being able to show empathy for others is what makes people happy and fulfilled, and it is something that can be developed over time.

What Is Good?


In English good means pleasing, favorable, or nice. It also refers to the state of being healthy, well, or fit. It is a general term of positive evaluation in a wide range of contexts and plays an important role in ethics, morality, and philosophy. In contrast, bad and evil are opposites of good.

Despite its generality, good is also a very subjective concept. In one sense it is relative – that which is good for the individual may be bad for someone else. For example, it is good to return a wallet if you find it, but not so good to steal the money from your neighbor.

Philosophers have divided good into ends, which are valued for their own sakes, and means, which are valuable because they promote the achievement of ends. Some philosophers also distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic goods. Intrinsic good are values that are innately valuable: honesty is a good virtue, for example. Extrinsic good are things that are valuable because of the way in which they benefit or enhance something else: a long walk through a crowd of people is a good thing for someone who enjoys people-watching, but it would not be so good for someone who dislikes people.

A person is considered to be a good person when they have the proper traits for their task or vocation: wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance are all good virtues. Most ancient philosophers tended to accept this conception of goodness, though Aristotle proposed a more sophisticated and original theory of the virtues.

Many synonyms for good are used in different languages to indicate the same meaning, and a few are even more specific. In Spanish, bueno is the usual translation for good. It is used in informal speech after forms of the verb do: He did a good job on the test. She sees well with her new glasses. This usage is not common in formal or edited writing, where the adverb well is preferred.

When writing articles for a broad audience, it is a good idea to use clear and concise language and include examples and visuals. This helps readers understand your ideas, and it makes the article more interesting and engaging. In addition, if you know your audience well, you can use idioms, colloquialisms, and analogies that they will recognize and relate to. This adds a personal touch and makes your article more relatable for your audience. In addition, it can help to keep them engaged until they reach the end of your article. For example, if you are writing for a sports magazine, you might use charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate your points. These elements can make your article more visually appealing and help readers stay engaged until the end. It is also a good idea to break up long paragraphs into shorter sections with subheadings so that readers can skip through the article more easily. Adding visuals can also help make an article more appealing and increase its search engine visibility.

The Basics of Riding a Bicycle

A bicycle is a human powered land vehicle with two wheels and a seat. It is the most efficient means of transport currently available. It can transform up to 90 percent of the energy a rider generates into forward motion. A metal chain transfers the power from a pedal to a crank that drives a rear wheel. A bicycle’s frame gives it strength, while the handlebars and other parts provide control.

A bike is a machine that requires a certain amount of skill to operate, but can be very rewarding. There are many different types of bikes and ways to ride them. Some bikes are suited for racing, while others are designed for touring or transportation. Bicycles can be ridden by men, women, and children of all ages. Bicycling is popular as a recreational activity, and it also serves as an effective form of exercise.

The modern bicycle first emerged as a mode of transport in the nineteenth century. Karl von Drais, a German professor, invented the first steerable two-wheeled device in 1817. His invention was known by various names, including a draisine, Lauf-maschine, hobby horse, and velocipede, but it is the bicycle that most of us think of when we hear the word.

In the 1860s, French inventors developed bicycles with pedals. These new models, which were called velocipedes or ‘running machines,’ became popular in Europe. They were sometimes referred to as boneshakers in the United States because of their rough ride. By the end of the nineteenth century, a variety of innovations had made the bicycle an affordable and practical means of transport for both work and leisure.

There are several different styles of bicycles and a wide range of parts that can be used to make them. The most common type of bicycle has a horizontal frame with the seat located in front of the cranks and a chain connecting the pedals to the rear wheel. There are also vertical frames with the seat situated behind the cranks, and a frame that sits vertically with the seat at the front of the cranks.

Handlebars are available in a number of different configurations, which determine how a cyclist rides a bicycle. Upright handlebars, which were the standard until the 1970s, curve back toward the rider, offering a natural grip and comfortable upright position. Drop handlebars, which were introduced in the 1960s, drop downward and offer a more aerodynamic, crouched position that offers better braking power.

Many large cities employ couriers who deliver mail on bicycles, which are parked in special racks in the city streets. There are also companies, such as DHL Express in Germany, that use cargo bicycles to transport packages. Bicycles are even used by some law enforcement agencies, such as the police departments in San Francisco and Boston. They can maneuver in crowded areas that are difficult for motor vehicles to navigate, and they allow officers to extend the reach of their foot patrols.

GOES-15 Will Be the Most Accurate Go Satellite Ever Launched

For more than 40 years, geostationary GOES spacecraft have provided continuous and accurate imagery and data about Earth’s atmospheric conditions, solar activity, and weather systems. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) GOES system of satellites, operated jointly with NASA, is a critical element of the nation’s weather forecasting and severe storm tracking operations, and of meteorology research.

The GOES-15 spacecraft is equipped with the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which will provide enhanced imaging of Earth’s radiant and reflective solar energy at moderate spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolution. In addition, GOES-15 is equipped with the Space Environment Monitor (SEM), which provides near-real-time data on the Sun’s influence on Earth’s solar-terrestrial electromagnetic field and atmosphere.

Until recently, only Japan, Korea and China had communities of professional Go players. In those countries, a top player is considered to be of national importance and has the same status as a professional athlete or sportsman. In the past, strong players from China and Korea tended to move to Japan to pursue their careers as professionals. Today, a growing number of Chinese and Korean professionals are returning to their home countries to become leaders in their fields.

In Europe, Go is played in many countries and has a significant following. The standard of play in Europe is far below that of Japan, Korea and China, but the gap is closing. Some of the strongest European players spend time studying Go in Japan, Korea or China and return to their own countries to become professional. There are now several major tournaments in Europe, and a European Go Centre opened in Amsterdam in 1992 with support from the great Iwamoto Kaoru.

The DCS onboard GOES relays environmental data transmissions from remote automatic Data Collection Platforms (DCPs) that are in radio view of the GOES satellite. The DCPs are designed to function either as self-timed reporting DCPs or interrogated reporting DCPs. The self-timed reporting DCPs have a pre-programmed schedule for reporting to GOES.

The interrogated DCPs have the ability to send a signal to a DCP that has reached a specific condition or event threshold, causing the DCP to report over a different frequency than its normal reporting cycle.

These features will help improve the accuracy, timeliness, and reliability of GOES data transmissions. Ultimately, they will lead to a more timely and complete weather picture, enabling the National Weather Service to better serve the public by reducing the number of false alarms and alerts issued during severe weather events.

What Is Nice?

Nice is a wonderful thing, but there are times when it is not the best thing. Nice can sometimes be seen as a form of insincere flattery, which can be very harmful to those who receive it. It can also be seen as a form of cowardice, which can lead people to hide their true emotions and feelings for the sake of being nice. This can cause them to be manipulated by others and can be very harmful to their own self-esteem.

Nice – Definition:

A person who is nice is someone who shows consideration for others. This can be done by helping them in a variety of ways. For example, they may help a friend with an assignment or give their coworker a lift to work. This kind of behavior is also known as prosocial behavior, which is a term psychologists use to describe actions that are concerned with the safety and well-being of others.

Being nice can also mean helping out a neighbor with a chore or buying a stranger coffee. This is a very common type of niceness, but it is important to remember that not everyone is willing to be helped. If you are being nice to a person who is not willing to accept your help, this can be hurtful for both of you.

The etymology of the word nice is quite varied, and there are many different definitions that have been given over time. Often, the meaning of nice has been changed by cultural context and changing social norms. These changes have been both positive and negative, and they have helped shape the modern definition of nice.

In addition to being kind, it is also nice to be generous. Being generous can include giving money to charity or even just dividing your dessert in half for your younger sibling. It is also nice to share things with friends, including your time and space.

One of the most important aspects of being nice is knowing what you want. It is not nice to act in ways that contradict your own values or what you believe is right. It is also not nice to compromise your own values or beliefs just to be nice.

Nice people are very easy to recognize, as they are often the ones who go out of their way to please others. They have very little self-esteem and are always looking for approval from others. They are usually obedient and willing to follow rules.

Nice people are a joy to be around, as they make other people feel good about themselves. They are good at making people laugh and are very popular. However, they can be overly compromising and will often lose sight of their own values. They may come across as fake and phony, and they will not be able to stand up for themselves. These people may seem like they do not have any opinions, but this is not the case.