Is Being Nice a Good Idea?

Do you want to be known as a “nice guy”? Do you want to know how to make other people feel good about themselves and have them think nice things about you? Are you interested in having more good relationships with good people? If so, then you should read this article. It will teach you how to be a nice guy, without it being cheesy or coming off as an attempt to manipulate.


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is an independent executive board of the Government of England, which produces guidelines in four fields: medical, social care, community and public health. It is the largest ever voluntary organisation in the United Kingdom, with more than 13 million members. All of its members are experts in their field, with a further level of board directorships for each discipline. The key players are the consultants NICE provides, who are responsible for drawing up the strategies that all its members need to apply in practice to deliver the guidelines as effectively as possible.

One strategy that the consultants work on is to use the strengths of all of its members to make its recommendations as broadly as possible, taking into account the views and opinions of other people too. This strategy is called “community effectiveness”. It has been found to be very cost effective, both in terms of the actual budget received, as well as the services provided to the local communities. This is one reason why so many social care professionals are now using this method of strategy.

Another strategy that NICE uses is to recommend treatments that are most likely to be liked by the people who will receive them. Guidelines are not legally enforceable, but they do set out what is expected from healthcare professionals. In general, the more desirable treatments, such as surgery, are less likely to be recommended, and even recommended only when there is very little choice left. This is because people prefer to use drugs, rather than have surgery, or take drugs which may cause side effects. Therefore, by recommending more expensive treatments, they hope to ensure that they make more money.

It should be noted, however, that this strategy has been found to cause problems within some professional bodies. For example, in a paper published last year, a group of clinical psychologists said that “engaging in behaviour suggesting social normality was detrimental to the implementation of clinical guidelines”. This was particularly the case with procedures such as “Etherapy”. The guidelines state that these procedures should not be carried out if there is no good evidence that they will improve patients’ condition. As a result, some clinical psychologists said that there was no point in even beginning such treatments.

A more worrying trend, however, is the increasing number of hospitals and clinics around the UK that are starting to offer drug-based treatments for patients with severe psychiatric conditions. These drugs have been found to be at least as effective as their chemical equivalent, and can also be more cost-effective. There are already drug-free alternatives available for people who want to take advantage of these services, and it is unclear how many clinics will offer them. If you’re in England and need some serious help, why not try an herbal remedy?