How to Write a Good Article


A good article is one that clearly communicates its topic, engages its readers and promotes the writer’s ideas. It’s important to write articles in a language that’s appropriate for the intended audience, avoid jargon and idioms, and use visual elements to keep the reader engaged. A good article is also organized in a logical manner and uses keywords to optimize it for search engines.

A good article begins with a clear understanding of the topic, which must be defined as broadly as possible so that it can cover a variety of issues. The article should also be focused and not include any irrelevant or redundant material. It should be well-written and include no errors in spelling or grammar. The article should be easy to read, with paragraphs that flow logically and use active voice. Breaking up long paragraphs with subheadings and adding visuals can help make the article more readable and keep the reader interested.

The Good

The word “good” has several different meanings in philosophical thought, but the most common is that which serves as the ultimate end and purpose of human actions. Philosophers often discuss this as either ontological or moral good. The former entails the ultimate end of man and the universe as perfect or supreme perfection, while the latter refers to any action that serves as man’s innate moral virtue.

In the Bible, God is described as the “good” Yahweh. The word is also used in the biblical commandments: “thou shalt not kill”; “love thy neighbour as thyself”; and “turn not aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left.”

St. Augustine synthesized the Plotinian notion of the good with Christian Revelation. He held that the good of moral action is a synthesis of the natural goods of a person’s soul and the transcendent good, which is God. He also argued that the ontological good is a degree of perfection and that nature has a definite measure and form.

The Thomistic school developed the idea of the good in a sophisticated way. It incorporated not only Aristotle’s concept of the good but also the further insights of pseudo-dionysius and St. Thomas Aquinas. This led to a finer elaboration of the relation between metaphysics and ethics, so that the ontological or intrinsic good is identical with the good of moral action. Kant, however, criticized this notion as subjective and purely relative. He sought a principle of morality that would be universally valid and based on something absolute in the self, such as the good will or good intention.