Being Nice Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be

Nice is a popular word that often gets used to describe people who are friendly, pleasant, and agreeable. It is an admirable quality that many of us seek to possess. However, there is a difference between being a nice person and being a good person. Good people are true to their values, and they don’t compromise them just to be liked.

A genuinely nice person is someone who is kind and compassionate. They are the first to help a stranger, make someone else feel comfortable in a stressful situation, and offer genuine compliments. A nice person goes out of their way to help others, whether it be opening a door for someone or offering their assistance with a project at work. Being a nice person helps build relationships because it demonstrates empathy, which can be a very powerful and healing trait.

Being a nice person is also a form of prosocial behavior, which is a category psychologists use to describe actions that promote the well-being and safety of others. This includes being supportive of the feelings and needs of others, taking responsibility for one’s own mistakes, and helping to prevent and alleviate suffering. Being nice is one of the five broad dimensions of personality that psychologists use to describe how you interact with other people.

The problem with being a nice person is that it can be used as a cover for other behaviors. For example, being nice can be a mask for being manipulative or deceptive. In addition, being nice can be a mask for insecurity. You have heard the expression, “He’s a nice guy,” which has been used to describe an insecure man who believes his kindness automatically entitles him to sex. This concept of nice guy syndrome was popularized in the 2000s on some feminist spaces on the internet, where women were critical of men who believed being a nice guy meant they would be rewarded with sex.

Nice people can also become sycophantic, which means they cling to other people to get the attention they crave. They will offer positive reviews for people’s work, and they are quick to praise anyone who crosses their path. They can also be used as a tool in a power play to keep people from speaking up or challenging them.

Being a nice person can also be a mask for toxic and dysfunctional relationships. Nice people are unable to set boundaries with other people and may end up getting walked all over. This can be dangerous to their mental and physical health. In these types of situations, nice people often lose sight of their own values and priorities and sacrifice their own well-being in order to please other people. It is important to remember that you can be a nice person without being a doormat or becoming a sycophant. You can still be a kind, supportive, and helpful person, but you must also stand up for your beliefs. This will allow you to create deeper and more meaningful relationships with others.