The Characteristics of Nice People

Nice people are kind, compassionate, and concerned about other people. They often go out of their way to help others. Unfortunately, these characteristics make them susceptible to being taken advantage of by those who are less empathetic and caring.

Nice is the leading resort city on France’s Mediterranean coast, situated on the Baie des Anges (Bay of Angels). Its many parks and gardens make it a popular tourist destination. It is also a business center, industrial town, and university city. Nice is the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department and Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region.

The dictionary defines nice as a pleasant, agreeable person with good manners and good character. However, there is much more to being nice than just being pleasant and agreeable. Nice people are often thought of as being the pillars of society. They give back to their communities in many ways and help those around them. They may be volunteers, teachers, or doctors. They have good relationships with their family and friends. They are often admired and looked up to by others.

There are two types of nice people: the literal kind person and the urban definition of “nice”. The former is a person who genuinely likes other people. The latter is the person who thinks that being nice entitles them to something from other people. These jerks take advantage of nice people because they are naive and have no sense of boundaries. They may even befriend people just to use them as a yardstick of their niceness.

It is important for nice people to learn how to set boundaries and say no. They can do this by learning how to distinguish between being friendly and being a doormat. Nice people who are overly generous can become resentful of other people who demand their attention and support. They need to realize that they can’t keep giving without receiving in return.

Another problem that nice people have is that they tend to be people pleasers. They seek other people’s approval and need to be praised in order to feel valuable. This can be a difficult habit to break.

Lastly, there are nice people who turn their friendliness on and off depending on the circumstances. These people are the life of the party when they are surrounded by other people but they can be cold and distant in smaller groups or one-on-one situations. This type of behavior is not genuine and will eventually backfire.

Nice people have a lot to offer the world, but they need to be careful about how they display their kindness. They need to balance their desire to be helpful with the need to protect themselves from being taken advantage of. A great way to do this is to adhere to the 3-strikes rule. If someone misbehaves, the nice person should stick to a firm policy of speaking softly but carrying a big stick. After three strikes, the nice person should end the relationship and if necessary, take legal action.

What Is a Good Article?

Good is a word that means right, or suitable according to moral standards or religious beliefs. It may also refer to a quality or degree, such as good health or good weather. The adjective good is often used to describe things that are pleasant or agreeable: The cake tastes good. The weather is nice today. It is good that Tom has come home safely.

In some cases, especially in informal speech or writing, the adverb well is used instead of good: He did good on the test. She sees well with her new glasses. In many languages, the word good is used to express positive emotions: I feel good after eating a healthy meal.

People choose to watch movies and TV shows that are so bad they’re good, even though this may not be good for them. A study using three waves of experience sampling data has now shown that people who take the good with the bad in life are more likely to preserve their health over time. It is believed that a key mechanism is the fact that mixed emotions are associated with a higher heart rate, and a high heart rate has been linked to preserved physical health over time.

Someone who is good obeys rules and laws, behaves in a socially correct way, or does well at school or work. I have always been a good student. The president is a good man.

A good article contains accurate, clear, and well-organized information. Its structure is appropriate for the type of article or paper and it stays focused on the topic without going into unnecessary detail. A good article also avoids plagiarism and cites sources correctly.

Good articles are written for a wide audience and are not solely the author’s personal opinion. They should be based on sufficient research and presented in an objective manner. A good article includes useful links to other articles, websites, or books that will help readers learn more about the topic.

Writing well requires a certain amount of skill, which can be acquired through training and practice. It involves following a set of rules, including structural requirements, but it also requires creativity, remaining relevant, and avoiding excessive words. A good article is well-researched and presents a range of viewpoints, giving each one equal weight.

A good article is accessible to its intended audience, and does not contain any offensive material or bias. It has no copyright violations, and it is neither overly promotional nor does it seek to exploit its audience in any way. It is clear and concise, and includes references to support its claims. Readers are encouraged to submit articles for review, and a decision about whether to accept the article will be made within ten days of submission. The editors of this website are volunteers. If you would like to contribute an article, please read the instructions for nominating a good article. If you believe an article does not meet the criteria for good articles, please contact a member of the editorial staff with your comments and suggestions.

The Essential Features of a Bicycle


A bicycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that’s propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars. It’s the most efficient means of human-powered transportation, converting about 99% of the energy that’s put into the pedals into forward motion. It’s also a great way to get exercise, and it’s widely used as a means of transport and recreation. There are more bicycles in the world than any other mode of transport, and they outsell automobiles three to one.

The first verifiable claim to the bicycle dates back to 1817, with Karl von Drais’ Laufmaschine (German for “running machine”). Drais’ invention was essentially just a curved wooden plank attached to the seat, but it was the first device that could be used as a means of human-powered travel. The term ‘bicycle’ was coined in France in the 1860s, although it was previously known as a velocipede or a hobby horse.

Bicycles can be classified into a few categories depending on the type of riding and how the bicycle is built, with upright and mountain bikes being the most common. Some of the most important features include the frame, drive system, and handlebars.

The bicycle’s frame is an essential part of the entire machine, and it usually has a double triangle diamond shape. It’s often made out of steel, aluminum, or titanium, and it connects the cranks to the front and rear wheels. There are several different types of frames, including rigid, semi-rigid, and full-rigid.

Most modern bicycles are chain-driven, with the cranks supplying power to the rear wheel via the chain. Some models use shaft drives or special belts. The bike’s drivetrain is an essential piece of technology because it allows the rider to use more power and go faster, while also allowing them to maintain control at lower speeds.

Another essential feature of a bicycle is its brakes, which help slow the machine down and prevent it from falling over. The most common brakes are called caliper brakes, which squeeze the wheels’ rims to stop them. Another popular type of bicycle brake is the disc brake, which uses pads to apply pressure to the rotors.

There are several styles of handlebars, and the most common are upright or drop style. Upright handlebars, which were the standard in Europe until the 1970s, curve gently back toward the rider and offer a natural grip. Drop handlebars, on the other hand, curve down and forward, enabling the rider to be in a more aerodynamic crouched position for faster, smoother braking.

Whether you’re writing a paper on a bicycle or just using it for exercise, you’ll want to have the best bike possible to get you where you’re going. A good quality bicycle will last you for years to come, and it’ll be worth the investment in terms of both convenience and durability. When you’re ready to buy a new bicycle, make sure you research the different brands and models before making a final decision. Read the reviews on various websites to help you choose a bicycle that fits your specific needs.

GOES-R – The Next Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites


GOES stands for Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. The GOES system, managed by NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service division, supports weather forecasting and severe storm tracking for North America. It also provides a wealth of scientific data for weather research and meteorology studies.

Unlike most weather satellites, which orbit the Earth at fixed altitudes and only scan the surface at intervals, the geostationary GOES satellites are positioned 35,790 kilometers (22,240 miles) above the planet’s surface in geosynchronous orbit, continuously viewing a specific region of the United States and its surrounding oceans. Two GOES satellites, called GOES East and GOES West, provide coverage for the eastern half of the country; one GOES-T is positioned to monitor Alaska and Hawaii as well as a large section of the Pacific Ocean.

Each GOES satellite is equipped with multiple instruments that are grouped into two suites: the Imager and the Sounder. The Imager captures visible and infrared light from Earth’s surface, clouds, and atmosphere to create imagery and maps of weather phenomena and the environment. The Sounder measures vertical atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles, as well as surface and cloud top temperature and ozone distribution.

Both GOES and the Sounder feature an advanced technology that allows them to track the evolution of severe weather events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and cold fronts. The imager’s high temporal cadence of 10 minutes and the Sounder’s rapid response time enable NOAA National Weather Service meteorologists to better track these events as they unfold.

GOES-R is the latest in NOAA’s series of geostationary weather satellites and features improved performance over previous generations. The GOES-R Series is a collaborative NOAA and NASA project with NOAA managing the satellites and their operations, NASA overseeing the acquisition of the spacecraft and instruments, and managing the launch service through the agency’s Launch Services Program based at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Lockheed Martin is developing the GOES-R Series satellites for NOAA with the help of partners and subcontractors from across the country. The GOES-R-1 satellite will be armed with a range of new instruments, including the Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (EVI) with three times more spectral channels, four times greater resolution and five times faster scanning than its predecessors, as well as the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS). GOES-R-2 will premier the Naval Research Laboratory’s Compact Coronagraph-1.

The GOES-T satellite is currently undergoing thermal vacuum testing in a 29’ x 65’ chamber to simulate the extreme temperatures and conditions it will experience during its journey to space. In addition, the spacecraft recently completed a reverberant acoustics test and sine vibration test, designed to expose it to the sound and vibrations it will experience during a launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V 541 rocket in 2024.

8 Traits of a Really Nice Person


Whether you’re someone who strives to be nice or you’re trying to figure out what makes that selfless acquaintance of yours tick, understanding what a truly nice person looks like is helpful in navigating relationships and achieving personal growth. The key to niceness is consideration and mindfulness. Here are eight traits of a genuinely nice person:

They treat everyone with respect. Nice people are accepting of others, regardless of their values, beliefs, or feelings. They listen to others attentively and offer a helping hand.

Despite being busy with their own lives, they make an effort to connect with others. They’re friendly and kind to strangers, coworkers, friends, and family alike. They also extend kindness and compassion to those who have wronged them.

These people always want to do right by others. They’re willing to go above and beyond to help those who need it, even if it means they may not get what they want in return. They prioritize fairness and equality in everything they do.

They are selfless and never put themselves above anyone else. People who are genuinely nice never let their own needs and wants get in the way of being there for those who matter most to them. They know that there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re a burden to those closest to you.

When they do something wrong, they own up to it and work to fix it. They’re also not afraid to give constructive feedback when they feel it would be beneficial to the recipient.

Being a good person isn’t just about being nice, it’s also about having strength of character, having a well-developed intellect, and showing courage. Niceness is a valuable trait, but it shouldn’t be seen as full compensation for other qualities.

Nice people have the ability to put themselves in other’s shoes. They’re empathetic and compassionate, and they try to understand where others are coming from when they disagree. They’re able to empathize with their own frustrations and aren’t easily offended.

Practicing small acts of kindness, such as holding the door for a coworker or complimenting a friend, triggers a positive emotional response in us. This is because it boosts our serotonin and oxytocin levels, two neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in mood stability. This one-two punch of happiness and wellbeing is why being nice makes you feel so good. When you’re in a bad mood, doing something kind can instantly lift your spirits. It’s a simple, yet effective, way to manage negative emotions. Plus, it can help reduce stress and improve your mood. So next time you’re feeling a little blue, do something nice for someone and see how it makes you feel. You might be surprised at how rewarding it is! It just might make you want to do it all the time.

What Is a Good Article?


Good is an adjective that can be used to describe a thing or a person. People use it to express pleasure, satisfaction, or agreement. It is also used to emphasize the degree of something. He was a very good actor. The food was good.

Someone who is good behaves morally correctly and obeys rules or instructions. The president is a good man. A good idea is one that will benefit a lot of people. The new policy was a good idea.

A good article contains facts that capture attention, stimulate thought, and inspire action. It is written with the reader in mind and avoids excessive jargon. It is well organized and logically structured. It has a clear and concise title and subtitles, and includes relevant images or graphics.

Whether an article is good depends on the individual’s preferences and personal experience. The quality of an article can also be influenced by the website on which it is published. A good article should contain a high level of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T), a satisfying amount of high-quality main content, including a descriptive and helpful title, and be published on a reputable site.

The earliest use of good was as an adjective after linking verbs such as taste, smell, look, feel, and seem: The bread tastes good. The biscuits smell good. I feel good this morning. It is also common as an adverb after forms of do: He did good on the test. She sees good with her new glasses.

Some religious texts refer to God as the Good One or the All-Good. It is also used in philosophy to refer to the most fundamental qualities of a being, such as perfection or completeness.

In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls prioritized social arrangements and goods, arguing that they should be distributed as fairly as possible to all members of society. Some philosophers have defined the concept of good in different ways, such as utilitarianism, hedonism, and Kantian ethics.

This NCBI article is a good example of an informative article. It is easy to read, follows standard formatting, and includes a table of contents. It has a high readability score and includes only the most essential information. It also uses short paragraphs and bullet points to break up blocks of text. It also contains links to related articles. This is a good example of how to write an article that will engage readers and drive traffic to your website. However, it is important to note that not all informative articles will achieve a high readability score. This is because some articles will contain technical jargon that makes it difficult to understand. This can be avoided by using a simpler vocabulary and avoiding lengthy paragraphs. This will make the article easier to read for everyone, not just for Google and other search engines. This is why it is important to write for your audience rather than for search engines. By following these tips, you can create an article that will be read by the majority of your target audience.

How Bicycles Work


A bicycle is a human-powered, two-wheeled machine for transporting a rider over long distances. It is considered to be the most efficient means of human transportation in terms of the amount of energy it takes to propel a person over a given distance. It is also considered a very safe form of transportation when used correctly. Despite its relatively simple mechanical construction, the bicycle requires regular maintenance and the replacement of worn parts to keep it operating efficiently and safely. A variety of components and mechanisms allow the bicycle to be adapted for different purposes, such as racing or touring.

Bicycles are typically made of aluminum, steel or carbon fiber. The choice of material depends on the desired weight, stiffness and cost. Aluminum is lightweight and relatively stiff, while steel offers more durability. Carbon fiber is the lightest and most expensive of these materials, but it is also the most durable and has the best shock absorption.

The bicycle was first patented in 1817 by Baron Karl von Drais. His design had a wheel with cranks attached to the frame, but no pedals. A later version added pedals and a chain, making it possible to both steer and power the bicycle. By the early 20th century, bicycles had become widely popular in many nations, reducing crowding in urban tenements and allowing people to commute into suburban areas where they could live more comfortably. They also provided a fast and convenient way to travel for leisure, and were three times as energy efficient as walking or riding horses.

In addition to the forces of friction that slow a bicycle, there are several other dynamic forces at work on a cyclist’s bike. These horizontal forces are generated by the rider’s legs as they push on the pedals, and they are balanced through the cranks, chain, and rear wheel to generate a pushing force that accelerates the bicycle.

Every time a spoke is rotated, it gets pulled on by the rim of the wheel, and that pulling causes the nipple to move down onto the hub. The nipple then pulls on the spoke, trying to screw it into itself, and it is that pulling that creates the tensile load that keeps the wheel centered on itself.

In order to maintain the vertical balance of a bicycle, a rider can simply lean into a turn. This shifts the center of gravity to one side, and the leaning wheel generates a force that counters the horizontal force of friction on the ground. The result is that the bicycle is able to stay upright without any assistance from the hands of the rider. This method of balancing the bicycle is also known as “hands-free stability”. This technique allows people to ride a bicycle with very little effort while maintaining a comfortable posture, and it is an extremely effective means of control for both racing and casual riding. It is also very important to maintain a steady pace while riding on steep hills or in windy conditions.

GOES-R – The Next Generation of Geosynchronous Earth Rotation and Transmission Satellites


Since 1974, the Geosynchronous Earth Rotation and Transmission (GOES) system of satellites has been a key element in National Weather Service operations, providing a constant stream of weather imagery and quantitative data. The GOES program has a long record of success, spanning more than four decades and providing continuous, reliable information on severe storms and atmospheric conditions.

Each of the two GOES-R Series spacecraft operates in tandem to provide a full-face picture of Earth day and night. GOES-R West covers North and South America, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea; and GOES-R East covers the Eastern Pacific.

The primary instruments on the GOES-R series are the Imager and Sounder, which use multichannel sensors to observe the Earth’s atmosphere and surface to collect critical environmental data. The Imager senses emitted thermal energy and visible reflected solar energy to detect weather phenomena such as clouds, rain, snow, and ice. The Sounder measures the radiated ionization of the atmosphere and the resulting vertical temperature and moisture profiles. The GOES-R satellites also carry the Space Environment Monitor (SEM) instrument which identifies electromagnetic fields produced by the Sun and their impacts on the Earth’s ionosphere and near-Earth space. The Space X-Ray Imager (SXI) on GOES-12 and GOES-15 adds the ability to observe the impact of solar flares on the Earth’s atmosphere and high altitude aircraft, as well as on satellites and power grids.

GOES-R is a collaborative NOAA-NASA program with NOAA managing the program through an integrated NOAA-NASA office in Suitland, Maryland, and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center managing the design of the spacecraft and sensor complement as part of the co-located Program and Project offices. Lockheed Martin provides the spacecraft platform, the main instrument payload — the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) — and the ground system. NASA’s Launch Services Program, based at Kennedy Space Center, launches the satellites.

GOES-R is the latest generation of geostationary weather satellites that will continue to deliver the valuable environmental observations needed to support the mission of NOAA’s National Weather Service. The new spacecraft will be able to operate with a 10 minute temporal cadence, an improvement over the current GOES satellites that have a 20-30 minute cadence, and provide improved spatial resolution. The higher temporal cadence is particularly important for monitoring hazardous weather conditions such as volcanic activity and associated ash plumes, where a faster observational frequency is vital to improving aviation safety by reducing the risk of airplane encounters with the ash. The improved spatial resolution is also beneficial for enhancing the capability of GOES to detect and track polar regions, including northern lights and the arctic ice cap. GOES-R is scheduled to be launched in 2021. This augmented data will allow the National Weather Service to respond rapidly and more accurately to weather events. The improved data will enhance severe weather forecasting, severe storm tracking, and environmental monitoring. It will also improve operational services, including search and rescue, ocean surface wind monitoring, and natural disaster prediction and response.

What is the Word Good?

Good is a word that can mean many different things. As an adjective, it can describe a person or thing as pleasant or nice. It can also refer to morally excellent or righteous. It can even be used as a verb, meaning to do something well.

Using the word good is pretty simple. Just make sure to use it correctly, especially when talking about a specific person or situation. For example, you might say that someone did a good job at school, but you wouldn’t say they did an excellent job. In general, when describing something, good is usually positive and descriptive. It’s also commonly used in expressing approval or compliments. For example, you might say that a friend did a good job on a test or that an article was well written.

In Philosophy, good is often used to talk about values. For example, an ethical philosopher might argue that it is good to be honest or to help others. The concept of the good has been used for centuries to guide people’s behavior. This is particularly true in religious or spiritual traditions. In some of these traditions, the good is a universal force that can be used to counteract evil.

There are many ways to write a good article. A good article has the reader in mind, and focuses on their problems, questions, pain, happiness, and dreams. It should be well-written, logically organized, and concise. A good article will also have accurate information and be illustrated with appropriate images. In addition, it should follow Wikipedia’s basic editorial guidelines.

A good article should include an introductory paragraph that clearly states the purpose of the article. It should also contain a clear title and a list of key words or phrases that will be included in the article. This will help readers find what they’re looking for quickly. Finally, a good article will have an interesting and engaging style.

While the word good is a relatively straightforward concept, it can be confusing for new writers. This article provides some tips to help new authors write a good article.

A good article is an article that meets a core set of editorial standards, the good article criteria, and passes through the good article nomination process successfully. These articles are well-written, broad in coverage, neutral in point of view, stable, and illustrated with relevant images that have suitable copyright licenses. In addition, good articles follow Wikipedia’s guidelines for sourcing and writing articles. To nominate an article for this category, see Wikipedia:Good articles. This page has a backlog that needs attention from willing reviewers. Please read the instructions before nominating an article. To delist an article, see Wikipedia:Good articles (delist). If you have any questions about the criteria or the process, please contact the administrator of this page. Thank you for your help! Please note: this is not the main page for Wikipedia:Good articles. For more information about the Good article system, please see Wikipedia:Good articles (help). For information about how to edit an existing article, see Wikipedia:Editing good articles.

History of the Bicycle

A bicycle is a human-powered two-wheeled vehicle that can be used for transportation and recreation. Its use is widespread in the world, where it is usually cheaper than an automobile and often provides a healthier mode of transport. It is also popular for sport and exercise, as well as a means of transport in inner cities.

There are several types of bicycles, ranging from the recreational to the professional racing bike. Each type differs from others in technical characteristics of the bicycle parts, some movement specifications, formal specifications and performance. These differences make it possible to have defined usages that correspond with each bicycle type.

The first modern bicycles were invented in the early 19th century, when German inventor Karl Drais made a wooden frame with pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain. His invention was not very practical, as it required great effort to turn the wheels and only allowed for a slow speed of travel.

By the 1860s, inventors had developed more advanced bicycles with metal frames and tires. This era was marked by the invention of the freewheel, which enabled the bicycle to spin while not being pedaled and to stop easily using a hand brake (earlier designs used a pedal that was connected directly to the steering front wheel, making cycling more difficult and dangerous). During this period the term “cycle” was also introduced to describe the entire machine.

Later on, more improvements were made. Scottish inventor John Boyd Dunlop re-invented the pneumatic tire, which made riding easier and safer by absorbing the shock of bumps. Also, the chain drive was improved, allowing the bicycle to move more smoothly and quickly. Finally, in the 1890s, French inventor Aime Olivier created a diagonal single-piece frame made of wrought iron, which was much stronger and more practical than the earlier wood or wrought steel frames. This invention was the most significant in the history of the bicycle, as it shifted its public perception from that of a dangerous toy for young gentlemen to a useful everyday transportation tool for men and women of all ages.

Currently, millions of people around the world ride bicycles as a form of recreation, exercise and transportation. Some individuals, especially in industrialized countries, ride their bicycles for work. For example, in many large car manufacturing plants, employees use bicycles to move rapidly from one department to another. Bicycles are also commonly used in the United States and other countries by emergency medical services personnel, who can maneuver in crowded urban areas more quickly than a standard ambulance.

Overuse injuries in bicycle users may include compression of the nerves in the wrist from gripping the handlebars; neck, shoulder and back pain from repetitive flexing of the upper body; hip pain from sliding the soft tissue of the pelvis over the underlying bone; and saddle sores (for both men and women) from pressure on the seat. In addition, there is a risk of accidents with motor vehicles when using a bicycle on the roadways.