Nice people are kind, compassionate, and concerned about other people. They often go out of their way to help others. Unfortunately, these characteristics make them susceptible to being taken advantage of by those who are less empathetic and caring.
Nice is the leading resort city on France’s Mediterranean coast, situated on the Baie des Anges (Bay of Angels). Its many parks and gardens make it a popular tourist destination. It is also a business center, industrial town, and university city. Nice is the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department and Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region.
The dictionary defines nice as a pleasant, agreeable person with good manners and good character. However, there is much more to being nice than just being pleasant and agreeable. Nice people are often thought of as being the pillars of society. They give back to their communities in many ways and help those around them. They may be volunteers, teachers, or doctors. They have good relationships with their family and friends. They are often admired and looked up to by others.
There are two types of nice people: the literal kind person and the urban definition of “nice”. The former is a person who genuinely likes other people. The latter is the person who thinks that being nice entitles them to something from other people. These jerks take advantage of nice people because they are naive and have no sense of boundaries. They may even befriend people just to use them as a yardstick of their niceness.
It is important for nice people to learn how to set boundaries and say no. They can do this by learning how to distinguish between being friendly and being a doormat. Nice people who are overly generous can become resentful of other people who demand their attention and support. They need to realize that they can’t keep giving without receiving in return.
Another problem that nice people have is that they tend to be people pleasers. They seek other people’s approval and need to be praised in order to feel valuable. This can be a difficult habit to break.
Lastly, there are nice people who turn their friendliness on and off depending on the circumstances. These people are the life of the party when they are surrounded by other people but they can be cold and distant in smaller groups or one-on-one situations. This type of behavior is not genuine and will eventually backfire.
Nice people have a lot to offer the world, but they need to be careful about how they display their kindness. They need to balance their desire to be helpful with the need to protect themselves from being taken advantage of. A great way to do this is to adhere to the 3-strikes rule. If someone misbehaves, the nice person should stick to a firm policy of speaking softly but carrying a big stick. After three strikes, the nice person should end the relationship and if necessary, take legal action.