Learn the Basics of Go

Go is a board game that has been played for more than 2000 years. It combines strategy, tactics, and calculation. The game is played with black and white stones on a 19 x 19 square board, which is called a goban. In addition to the board, a player requires gobukawa (a flat cloth), which is used for playing and displaying the stones. A goban is often decorated with a design, such as dragons and flowers.

The most important concepts in Go are territory, attack, and defense. The main purpose of a player is to expand his or her territory, capture the opponent’s weak groups, and ultimately kill the opposing group. The complexities of Go are found in the rules regarding life and death, capturing races (semeai), and nakadai (area of influence).

A goban is not a perfect rectangle; there is a 15:14 ratio in length to width. The ratio is important because it creates a perspective that makes the board appear larger when viewed from the player’s position. A larger board also allows the player to more easily play a kozugawa, or defensive position.

In the beginning, a beginner must learn how to read the goban. This includes learning the symbols and understanding their meaning. Once these basics are mastered, the student can begin playing the game. Once a player has mastered the basics, the next step is to understand the game’s strategy.

Go has a long history in East Asia. In the 20th century, it became popular in the West as well. A number of famous Western players have attained high ranks in international competitions.

The GOES-R Series

The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the GOES-R satellites will improve imaging capability for severe weather, aviation, natural hazards, and the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. The expected scan mode will allow for CONUS and mesoscale sector imagery every 15 minutes, automatically interleaved with full-disk scanning. In addition, the ABI will have spectral bands that are not available on the current GOES imagers.

The GOES-R satellites are in a geosynchronous orbit, which means they move at the same speed as Earth rotates and are directly above the equator. This unique position makes it possible to monitor Earth’s weather at very fine time and space scales. During the daytime, GOES-R satellites provide images of Earth’s surface and its clouds using visible light imaging. The brightness of the images depends on how much sunlight is reflected off the ground, and snow, ice, and light-colored sand reflect the most sunlight. Meteorologists use these visible light images to identify cloud type and movement, as well as the location of developing severe weather. At night, GOES-R satellites collect thermal infrared radiation (radiation that warms objects). The longer wavelengths of this type of radiation are absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, but the shorter wavelengths can reach the satellites. These observations help meteorologists determine air temperature, water vapor, and other atmospheric constituents. They are especially useful in detecting low-level cloud cover and monitoring storm development.

The Meaning of Being Nice

Being nice can bring a lot of benefits. It can make you feel good, help others to feel good, and even help you achieve success in your endeavors. But it’s important to remember that being nice can also have its downsides if you’re not careful. In this week’s episode of That’s What They Say, University of Michigan English Professor Anne Curzan and host Rina Miller explore the meaning of the word “nice.” 1. pleasing to the senses or emotions: a nice lunch 2. refined in manners and speech; pleasant 3. pleasant in appearance or surroundings: the hotel is really nice

4. having a good reputation; suitable: a nice school

5. having fine distinctions; minute: a nice difference
While many people naturally have a knack for kindness, compassion and empathy, it is possible for others to work on being more nice. Being nice isn’t just about being polite, but it’s about having an overall attitude of caring and thoughtfulness towards everyone you encounter. It is about putting others before yourself, whether that’s holding the door for someone else or offering to help a colleague with an assignment. It’s about sharing your time, resources and wisdom with those around you. It’s about being a positive influence in the world and helping to create a more kind and loving society.

There are some things that are never nice, such as talking about others behind their backs. Talking negatively about a coworker, classmate or friend is not nice because it can cause them to doubt your integrity. It also shows that you are unable to see their perspective and therefore cannot respect them as a person.

Being nice also involves being able to communicate your feelings in an appropriate way. Keeping your feelings bottled up will not serve you or anyone else in the long run. Eventually, those negative feelings will come out in an unexpected and unfavorable way. Rather than being a nice person, you might become an unpleasant, angry or jealous individual.

So, if you want to be a more nice person, start by focusing on the qualities listed above. Keep in mind, however, that being nice is not about being fake or manipulative. Being nice is about being true to yourself, allowing others to be themselves and recognizing the value of every person. So, don’t try to be nice for the sake of getting something in return; do it because it makes you happy and it will make a difference in the lives of those around you.