How to Be Nice


Being nice is a great quality to have. It can make other people feel good, and it can help you get what you want in life. It can also help you become a better person.

Be kind to everyone, even if you don’t like them or have anything in common with them. Being kind to the people around you can help you avoid hurt feelings and build lasting relationships. It can also give you an extra dose of self-confidence, and it can help you see the world in a more positive light.

Smile when you talk to someone, even if you’re having a bad day. A smile makes you look and feel good, and it can make others more comfortable talking to you. It can also help you connect with people, and it can make them think of you as a kind, caring person who is easy to be around.

Complimenting and cheering up your friends is another way to be kind. It can be as simple as telling them that you like their hair, or it can be more in-depth, such as saying that you think they’re pretty and you wish them the best. Whether it’s for something they did well or just to keep them company, being nice can really make a difference in your friends’ lives.

Take the time to ask how people are doing and genuinely care about what they have to say. Don’t be intrusive or nosy if you don’t know what’s going on, and if they seem to resist talking to you, let them be quiet for a while before you try to elicit more information from them.

Be honest with yourself and with others. A kind, honest person will tell you when they are wrong and will be honest about what needs to change. They will also be truthful about their own feelings and opinions.

You can be a very nice person, but being too nice can be harmful to you and to those around you. It can also make you less valued at work, which can be dangerous for your career.

Being too nice can lead to co-dependent relationships where the nice person takes care of others without taking care of themselves. They’re constantly doing things for others and expecting them to love and respect them, but they don’t understand that they can’t be the only ones to be happy with their lives. They also don’t recognize how their pleasing behavior creates more problems for them, which in turn erodes their own self-esteem.

It is crucial to learn to take responsibility for your own feelings and to not be a user-pleaser. This means learning to accept your own flaws, your own strengths and your own needs. It also means letting go of the co-dependent relationship that has been created by your neediness and your desire for approval.

You can use these eight qualities to soften the edges of your own niceness and to help you become a more kind, considerate and thoughtful person. They are simple to practice and will make you a more authentic person.