The Greek Word “Good”


Plato first discusses good in an ethical context, and he defines good as the action that man should perform. The good can be both useful and pleasurable, but the main goal of good is the virtue of the soul. Knowledge of good counsel and the qualities of temperate people is good knowledge. These are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Rather, good knowledge should be used to understand all the other virtues. This will help us to define our own moral values, and to apply them to our daily lives.

Greek uses “good” in many different phrases, and it is also a common noun. The word “good” is used in numerous Bible passages and is often confused with the English word “better.”

Various versions of the word “good” have many meanings, but the main purpose is to describe what is worth having and to satisfy one’s desire. Good is described as anything that fills a person’s need, and philosophers refine it in various ways. For example, they may refer to God as “the Absolute Perfection,” the “Supreme Good,” or the ultimate goal of the universe and man. The idea of “good” is also referred to as a metaphysical concept that identifies objects of desire as well as transcendentals, such as “good people” and “good things.”

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