The GOES satellite is a geostationary weather observation satellite that takes images of the Earth. Its mission is to observe the weather for people living on Earth. Its primary mission is to observe weather conditions, such as the temperature and moisture content of the atmosphere. The GOES satellite is only in orbit during the daytime. However, the visible light it collects is invaluable for meteorologists, as it allows them to identify different types of clouds, track their movement, and even predict severe weather.
GOES data is used for weather monitoring and forecasting. Its data is distributed to a wide range of research and operational centers. Users include the National Weather Service, commercial weather services, the Department of Defense, and the global research community. This information is vital for accurate weather forecasting. GOES is used to forecast and monitor climate and weather conditions in North America, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and southern Canada. GOES is an integral part of the National Weather Service’s operations.
GOES satellites provide continuous monitoring of the Earth’s surface. Since they hover high above the Earth’s surface, GOES satellites have a clear view of the entire planet. GOES monitors atmospheric triggers for severe weather, and then monitors storms as they move through the atmosphere. Its mission is to help forecasters and decision-makers make the right weather decisions for people living in the affected areas. There are many benefits to using GOES.
GOES has a long history. In fact, the first three GOES satellites were launched in 1989. The second GOES satellite, GOES-12, was launched in 1996 and decommissioned in 2009. GOES-13 and GOES-16 were both launched on 19 November 2016, and renamed GOES-16 once they reached orbit. In July 2017, GOES-14 became operational and will continue to provide weather and sea level information for at least four years more.
GOES-T will be the third satellite in the GOES-R series. GOES-T is expected to provide advanced imagery of Earth and atmospheric conditions, along with real-time mapping of lightning activity. When it reaches geostationary orbit, GOES-T will be renamed GOES-18 and the GOES-U will follow in 2024. It will cost about $11.7 billion to launch and is expected to remain in operation until 2024.
GOES-R series is the next generation of geostationary weather satellites scheduled to be launched in 2016. The advanced spacecraft technology and improved resolving capabilities of GOES-R are expected to enable improved weather forecasts and observations. Such improvements will increase the public’s safety, property protection, and economic health. The GOES-R series is a joint effort between NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The GOES-R series will provide continuous imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s Western Hemisphere.