What Is Good?

Good is the state of being or quality. While it is not a fixed property that can be defined or manipulated by a human, a person can be good in certain ways. Aristotle defined good as a state of being where a person can be happy. However, Aristotle does not develop the idea of good as an independent object. The Stoics, on the other hand, saw good as the pursuit of happiness and a passionless nature that is lived rationally.

The idea of good is a complex concept. It cannot be described in a single definition; it has several meanings, and it has expanded far beyond man’s first understanding of the word. As such, it is only by tracing the evolution of the term “good” that we can see its depth and diversity.

The word good comes from the Old English word bettra, which means “superior quality.” It derives from the Proto-Germanic root *batizo. In the modern English language, it means “excellent,” “superior,” and “excellent.” These words are used to describe good things in a wide variety of contexts, and they are frequently used interchangeably.

Moreover, being is not only existence; it is development. While all things are intellectually good, not all ontological goods are good for man’s development. In fact, all things are only morally good in the appropriate context. As man develops in relation to other beings, he develops his own being and gives expression to his primary principle of being.