What Is a Good Article?

A good article has a clear central idea that is clearly developed and supported by paragraphs and other elements. It is also well-written, with good grammar and sentence structure and proper citations. It should be broad in coverage and balanced, neutral in point of view, stable, illustrated, and if possible, accompanied by a high-quality image suitable for the article’s topic. In addition, it may have passed through the Wikipedia:WikiProject Good Article nomination process and met a number of additional criteria.

A noun, good refers to something valuable or desirable, such as a good education or a good job. It can also be used to mean something that is functional, efficient or effective, such as a good book or a good car. A good investment is one that will provide a return on its value. A person who is good at something has natural ability in that area.

As an adjective, good means satisfactory, acceptable or favorable. It can be a predicate adjective, meaning that slotthailand it modifies or describes a noun or phrase. It can also be a conjunction, meaning that it joins two words together in a relationship, such as good friends or good food. It can also be an adverb, indicating degree or extent, such as a good deal or a good time. It can also be a euphemism for God.

Several philosophical theories of goodness have been proposed. In particular, the work of Moore has been influential. His approach involves considering the meanings of specific evaluative notions and whether they fit a given context. It is a theory that allows much more disagreement than some other theories, which tend to focus on the concrete things that are considered to be good.

The adverb good is often paired with the adverb well in both spoken and written English. It is important to understand the difference between these two, as well as the different connotations of each. Well is standard, neutral, and colorless, while good has a more positive and emphatic connotation.

Some philosophers have argued that it is possible to analyze the good by considering its causally relevant properties. This is sometimes referred to as Cornell realism. An alternative view is that the good is an ambiguous concept and cannot be analyzed in this way.

A good article is a Wikipedia article that has a good level of expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (E-A-T) and a satisfying amount of high-quality main content, including a descriptive and helpful title. In addition, the article should be written in a way that is accessible to readers and published on a reputable website. This is especially important for scholarly articles, as it increases their credibility and builds trust between authors and their readers. This is important in a world where information is increasingly distributed via digital channels. In some cases, this is the only way that an author can get their research out to a wide audience. In these circumstances, a good article can be critical in getting their work recognized and cited by other academics and researchers.

The Basics of a Bicycle

The bicycle is a small human-powered land vehicle with two wheels, a seat, and pedals. It has a metal chain connected to cogs on the pedals and rear wheel, and it is powered by the rider pushing on the pedals with his or her feet. A frame gives the bike strength, and other parts connect to the frame. The word “bicycle” comes from the French words for “two-wheeler,” and it was first used in English in the 1860s.

The invention of the bicycle changed the world, as it enabled people to travel faster and farther than ever before. Today, the bicycle is still one of the most efficient forms of transportation, and it can be enjoyed by almost anyone who is healthy enough to pedal. Bicycling is good for the environment, and it can also be a fun, social activity that is great for personal health and well-being.

Although many improvements have been made in the materials, design, and construction of bicycles over time, their basic form remains unchanged. The modern bicycle has a steel frame, two rubber tires, a chain, and two pedals. The frame provides the foundation for all other components, and it also sets the stage for the cycling experience. The frame geometry, material, and build quality determine how well the other components work together, and how well the bicycle rides.

Early cyclists were generally upper class and middle class men who used their bikes primarily for leisure activities. They enjoyed riding the bikes for exercise, to visit friends and family, and to see the countryside. The bicycle was a symbol of independence and freedom. It was not until the 19th century that the bicycle became widely used for transporting goods and services.

During the Industrial Revolution, bicycles were used for work. In factories, workers moved rapidly between different sections of the plant using bicycles. They also carried small shipments and other items to and from customer locations on bicycles. Today, these types of bicycles are sometimes called utility bicycles or city bikes.

The bicycle is a popular mode of transport for people who wish to avoid automobile traffic and air pollution. It can be very fast and reliable, and it requires less maintenance than a car. It is also a very efficient way to get around town. There are many different styles of bicycles, from racing bikes to cruisers and mountain bikes. There are even bicycles for children, which help them develop motor skills. There are also a variety of accessories for bicycles, such as baskets, panniers, and trailers. In some cities, bicycle-mounted paramedics are used in emergency medical services. This type of service is often more practical than a traditional ambulance, as the bicycles can maneuver more easily in city streets. In addition, a bicycle can carry more weight than an ambulance, making it possible for workers to transport supplies and equipment to and from a scene of an accident or disaster.

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite System (GOES)

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system supports weather forecasting, severe storm tracking and meteorology research. NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) manages the system in orbit. NASA provides spacecraft and instrument design, procurement and launch.

GOES satellites are positioned 22,236 miles above Earth’s surface, in geostationary orbit at speeds matched to the planet’s rotation. They maintain their positions over specific geographic regions, providing continuous monitoring of atmospheric conditions and surface weather, lightning activity and solar activity.

Observing and forecasting the Earth’s atmosphere, land and ocean with GOES requires multiple instruments and sensors. The GOES Imager and Sounder each employ a servo-driven, two-axis gimballed mirror system that operates with a 31 cm Cassegrain telescope to scan the Earth’s surface. These pointing capabilities allow for close-up observations of severe storms, as well as global views of the entire Earth.

Both GOES Imager and Sounder are multi-spectral, with multiple channels to sense the various electromagnetic radiation that radiates from the surface of the Earth. The instrument’s sensors collect the radiated energy to form an image, and the sensor’s output is measured in a variety of ways that provide useful meteorological information.

In addition to the GOES Imager and Sounder, some GOES satellites fly the NOAA Space Environment Monitor (SEM) package, which includes an Energy Particle Sensor, High Energy Proton and Alpha Particle Detector, Magnetometer and a Solar X-Ray Sensor. The SEM package provides Space Weather data on a regular basis to NOAA’s users.

The GOES DCS (Data Collection System) onboard each satellite transmits data to properly equipped ground stations via a series of RF (radio) communication channels. The DCS also processes and stores the data that it receives.

GOES data is available online through NOAA’s NESDIS website. The GOES-R Series satellite’s official website hosts information including a mission status page, a GOES data download portal, a link to the GOES Data Archive and a Frequently Asked Questions.

A wiki page hosted by the GOES RD&C (Research & Development) group at NOAA’s Earth Science Office has links to more detailed documentation of the GOES system. The wiki page also hosts several example images and links to online software tools for processing GOES data. The wiki also serves as a place for the community to discuss issues related to the GOES system. The GOES RD&C team welcomes contributions from the broader GoES user community, whether they are suggestions for software enhancements or ideas for new applications of the GOES system. To contribute to the wiki, contact a member of the RD&C team.

The Qualities of a Nice Person

A nice person has a good heart and is friendly. They’re a good friend and a kind neighbor. Nice is also the name of a town in France. The word has many different meanings, and it’s important to know the difference between them all.

Some people are naturally nice, while others have to work at it. It’s OK to not be naturally nice, but it’s also important to try and make kindness a priority in your life.

People who aren’t naturally nice tend to look for validation outside of themselves. They have a half-full cup that they’re trying to fill by transferring their happiness to others. They often do this without asking for anything in return. This makes them feel like they’re helping, but it really isn’t. It’s more of a manipulation. They don’t realize they are letting themselves get walked all over because they’re too busy trying to please other people.

Nice people are often insecure, which explains why they’re so willing to compromise their values. They want to be liked so much that they’re willing to put up with a lot of crap in order to do it. However, this ends up backfiring on them in the long run because they’re not true to themselves. A good person doesn’t do this and will not sacrifice their values for anyone.

It’s important to be nice to everyone, regardless of their race, gender, or sexuality. Being kind is a great way to practice this and it can help you cultivate more empathy in your life. You can do small acts of kindness throughout your day, such as helping someone with their groceries or offering to pick something up for them. It’s also important to forgive others and yourself, so that you can move forward with a positive attitude.

A good person will always do the right thing, even if it’s not popular or socially acceptable. They’re not interested in fitting in and won’t let their personal integrity slip for anyone, not even friends. For example, if their friends are skinny dipping for fun and they don’t want to do it, a good person will speak up and let them know they don’t agree.

If you’re a naturally nice person, it’s a great quality to have and it can lead to a happy, fulfilling life. However, you should try and find a balance and don’t let being nice interfere with your self-respect or personal beliefs. It’s also important to be kind and respect others, no matter their race, age, or sexuality. If you don’t treat others with respect, then it will be hard to expect them to treat you with respect. And remember, there’s no such thing as a fake nice person. It’s all about being genuine! If you’re looking for an integrated primary care clinic that offers in-home and virtual care plus free labs and x-rays, try Nice. Get started with a video visit today!

What Is Good?

The term good has a long and complex history in philosophy. Several philosophers have attempted to analyze what good is, and some of them have made what are now considered mistaken claims about its nature. In his essay “On Good and Evil,” a notable early 20th-century moral philosopher called George Edward Moore argued that several of the previous philosophers had committed what he termed the naturalistic fallacy by trying to define good in terms of its natural properties. Moore’s claim was that such definitions were unable to capture the full complexity of good.

The meaning of the word good can vary a great deal from person to person, depending on things such as their religion, culture, and family dynamics. It can also depend on how one views themselves and how they believe others should see them. A person’s idea of what it means to be a good person can change over time, as well. Those who struggle to find balance in their views of themselves and of what it means to be good can benefit from talking with a therapist.

While there are many definitions of the word good, it is often used to describe a person’s general sense of morality and a sense of fairness. It can be used to describe a person’s actions, the way that they treat their friends, and their overall demeanor. A good person may try to think of how their actions can impact those around them, and they might seek to avoid harming others.

In some cultures, the idea of being a good person is associated with particular virtues. For example, in some religious traditions, it is thought to be good to be empathetic. In other traditions, it is believed to be good to be honest.

A good article is an informative piece that provides a satisfying amount of high-quality information on the topic it covers. It should be well-paced and organized, and it should include a descriptive title that accurately reflects what the article is about. It should also be published on a reputable site.

Lastly, a good article should not contain any copyright violations or plagiarism. It should also be free of bias, and it should give equal weight to viewpoints.

It is not necessary to write a lengthy dissertation to produce a good article. Even a short essay can be considered good if it is written clearly and logically. It should also be proofread carefully to check for typos and grammatical errors before being submitted for publication.

The Basics of a Bicycle

A bicycle is a human-powered, two-wheeled vehicle that can be used for recreation, transportation or work. Bicycles are the most efficient means of transport a person can use, in terms of the energy required to travel a given distance. The bicycle is also one of the most popular forms of recreation and has been adapted for many uses, including racing and artistic cycling. The International Organization for Standardization has a special technical committee, TC149, which deals with standards related to cycles and their parts.

The modern bicycle is a relatively simple machine. The frame is a truss consisting of two triangles: the front triangle, which includes the head tube and top tube; and the rear triangle, which has paired chain stays and seat tubes. The wheels are attached to the lugs on the ends of these tubes, which have a fixed width and axle diameter. The cranks, chain and saddle are usually mounted on the seat tube. A handlebar is usually mounted on the seat tube, with a lever or brakes on the end of the bar.

Pegs can be fastened to either side of the wheel hubs to allow a place for a rider to stand, or a child seat can be fitted on the crossbar for carrying cargo or children. A hitch can be attached to the rear of the frame for towing a trailer.

Modern bicycles are designed for comfort, efficiency and speed. Pedal-assist systems can be added to help the rider pedal with less effort. This is especially useful for older or injured cyclists, and people who wish to commute longer distances. The most efficient bicycles are designed for racing, with lightweight frames, narrow tires and drop handlebars.

A bicycle can be made using a variety of materials, and the components may vary greatly in cost and performance. The most expensive bikes may feature carbon fiber frames and components, which are lighter and more aerodynamic than steel and aluminum. The frame geometry, material and build quality set the stage for how the bike will function, and can affect its handling, ride quality, and aesthetics.

Despite the many advantages of cycling, accidents and injuries are common. Injuries may be minor, such as scrapes or abrasions, or major, such as fractured bones and traumatic brain injuries. Bicycles are particularly hazardous for young children, who may crash without having the motor skills and cognitive abilities to control a moving object.

Those who use a bicycle for transportation or work should wear a helmet to protect against head injuries. Cyclists should also wear bright clothing or reflective gear to increase their visibility, and be aware of the traffic laws in their area. It is important to be alert for pedestrians, cars, trucks, other bicycles, animals, and changes in road terrain. It is also recommended to carry a repair kit and have tools on hand in case of an emergency. Bicycles are relatively simple machines, so many users maintain their own bikes; repairs are often straightforward and can be done with basic tools.

GOES Satellites Provide Critical Weather and Atmosphere Data

Go is a very old game, but its popularity in the West continues to grow. In fact, the most recent Go World Championship was held in New York in November of 2014. There are more than 30 million players worldwide and about 31,000 active tournaments every year. Interestingly, Go is not played by the same rules as chess or checkers. Rather, it is played by two or more opponents with the goal of making the most moves and capturing the opponent’s territory. The strategy is different from chess or backgammon, but the principles are similar.

The GOES satellites are part of NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series, and they have been providing critical atmospheric conditions, solar activity and space weather data for more than 40 years. These observations directly impact our nation’s safety, security and economic well-being. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) builds the GOES spacecraft and NOAA operates them once in geostationary orbit.

GOES spacecraft are designed to fly above the Earth in geostationary orbit 22,236 miles above the equator, and their three-axis body-stabilization allows the sensors to “stare” at an area of interest on Earth. This enables meteorologists to monitor the evolution of weather phenomena such as severe thunderstorms, hurricanes and flash floods by continuously imaging them from the same location.

These observations are made possible by a suite of instruments onboard the satellite, including the GOES Imager and GOES Sounder. The Imager senses radiated and visible reflected solar energy to provide images of clouds, the surface and oceans, and the atmosphere’s vertical temperature and moisture structure. The Sounder measures the atmospheric transmission of radiated thermal and water vapor energy, and provides data on the vertical structure of these quantities as well as surface and cloud top temperatures and humidity. The Sounder also includes an Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Sensor, which is capable of detecting solar flares that can affect communications, navigational accuracy and power grids on Earth.

In addition, GOES has a suite of Space Environment Monitor (SEM) instruments that detect and report on solar-terrestrial electromagnetic fields, with the ability to identify the source of a flare and determine its impact on our planet. The SEM instrument package consists of the Energy Particle Sensor, High Energy Proton and Alpha Particle Detector, Magnetometer, and the Solar X-ray Imager.

The GOES R system is designed to operate for at least 14 years, and will be able to acquire and disseminate regional environmental imagery and specialized meteorological, climatic, terrestrial, oceanographic and solar-geophysical data from the GOES R spacecraft and its data collection systems (DCS) and distribute them to direct users.

GOES R will offer reduced latency, full hemispheric coverage, and will operate during periods of eclipse at the vernal and equinoxes. This will enable the NOAA Satellite and Data Information Services (NESDIS) to deliver real-time and delayed data with a smaller bandwidth requirement. This will significantly reduce the time it takes for NOAA products to reach the public.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Nice

Nice is a quality that makes you kind and respectful to other people. When you’re nice, other people can tell that you care about them and want to make them feel good. It’s important to be nice because it can make your life a lot happier and also help you achieve your goals. However, it’s not always easy to be nice because there are some disadvantages to being nice.

Being nice can backfire, especially if you aren’t genuine about it. A fake nice person will try to impress you by saying and doing things that aren’t true in order to get what they want from you. A real nice person will be honest with you and will only say what they mean.

A real nice person will not gossip about other people behind their backs. They will not brag about themselves either, but they will be respectful and will let other people speak for themselves. They will listen to other people and they will remember what they said to them.

People who are nice are not afraid to speak up if they think something is wrong. They will not let other people take advantage of them and they will not tolerate injustice. Nice people are willing to stand up for what they believe in even if it means they might lose some friends in the process. They are not worried about being hurt, but they are concerned about the well-being of other people.

Being a nice person can be exhausting, because you are constantly giving other people your time and attention. Being nice can also be a source of stress, because you may feel pressure to do the right thing at all times.

It’s important to be nice, but don’t sacrifice your own happiness and health for the sake of being nice. It’s okay to take a break from being nice sometimes. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and focus on yourself for a little while. You can return to being a nice person when you’re feeling better.

You can practice being nice by putting kindness into your daily routine. Start small by holding the door for others or by saying “please” and “thank you.” Be sure to be genuine in your kindness, so that other people can recognize it as being from you.

If you want to be nice, it’s essential to have firm values in place and to live by those values. It’s also important to be kind to yourself, because if you don’t treat yourself well, you won’t be able to be nice to others. Be patient with yourself and remember to smile often. It’s been proven that a simple smile can improve your mood and make you more attractive to other people. So, remember to smile and be nice! You never know who might need it.

The Concept of Good

The concept of good is central to ethics, morality, philosophy, and religion. It is one of the most widely discussed concepts in these disciplines, and there is considerable debate over what it means to be a good person and to do a good deed. The etymology of the word reveals that its meaning has varied greatly over time and between languages, but most cultures recognize some version of its general idea.

Most ancient philosophers tended to view goodness as having several components, including wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance. Aristotle’s approach was unique, however, in that he conceived of virtue as a mean between two opposite poles, one of deficiency and the other of excess.

Modern philosophical discussions of the good often start with an analysis of a person’s character. The philosopher Jeremy Bentham, for example, thought that to be good required a certain amount of tenderness and empathy with others. He also argued that to be good, a person should try to avoid being unfair, which would make her untrustworthy and thus not a good person.

Other philosophers have emphasized the importance of being honest. Aristotle, for example, viewed honesty as an essential component of being a good person. He regarded dishonesty as one of the worst vices and thought that being dishonest was almost always harmful, although there were some exceptions.

The concept of the good has also been applied to social arrangements and goods, particularly as a measure of their overall value. John Rawls, for example, analyzed the distribution of social goods in order to show that certain kinds of institutions and lives are inherently better than others. His crucial invention was the original position, a procedure for making objective moral decisions that attempts to exclude personal facts from the decision-making process.

Another important feature of the good is its suitability for a particular purpose. A good is a thing that promotes success, welfare, or happiness. An example is a long walk through crowded streets, which is good for someone who enjoys people-watching. A good is also a tool that is effective or efficient. A good tool is easy to use and produces the desired result.

The word “good” is also used adverbially to express satisfaction, pleasure, agreement, or approval. It is contrasted with the adverb well, which is standard and colorless and generally carries a negative connotation. For this reason, the adverb good is used in most exclamatory sentences and in writing that is meant to be informal or familiar.

The Basic Components of a Bicycle

The bicycle is a two-wheeled machine that uses momentum, force, and friction to allow riders to travel faster than walking while using far less energy. Invented in 1817 by a German named Karl Drais, the first bicycles did not have pedals but were steered by turning the handlebars. Adding pedals and metal to the frame led to the invention of the bicycle as we know it today in the 1860s. The bicycle’s popularity as a form of transportation and recreation has caused significant changes to many parts of the world, and its use is widespread and continues to expand.

Although some people argue over who really invented the bicycle, there is no doubt that it has had a major effect on human society. It has reduced crowding in inner-city tenements and allowed workers to commute to their jobs outside the city, and it has enabled people to enjoy leisure activities such as bicycling without having to go on long walks. Bicycling is a healthy exercise that can help reduce obesity, strengthen muscles and bones, improve cardiovascular health, and keep the heart strong.

There are many different kinds of bicycles, and there are many ways to customize a bicycle for riding, racing, or work. The basic components of a bicycle include the frame, wheel, and seat. Frames are usually made of steel, aluminum, or titanium. Today’s frames are lighter and stronger than ever before, and the shape and material of the frame can influence the riding experience.

The wheel is connected to the frame by the axle, and the frame is attached to the seat by the stem. The seat can be adjusted to fit the rider, and is typically raised or lowered by moving the saddle. This can be done to make the bike more comfortable or to change the angle of attack, which determines how hard or soft the rider must push on the pedals.

A bicycle can be modified with accessories such as baskets, tool racks, and mudguards to carry cargo or protect the rider from rain. Parents often add rear-mounted child seats or a hitch to their bicycles in order to tow children or cargo. A bicycle can also be equipped with a suspension system to absorb shock and make the ride more comfortable.

People who have traumatic injuries from collisions with bicycles or falls while riding may need treatment by emergency medicine physicians, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, oral surgeons, or physical therapists. Overuse injuries such as tendinitis or knee pain can be treated by physical therapists. In addition, there are a number of medications that can be used to treat symptoms such as dizziness or nausea.