Leadership And Management Training For Nice People – Is There A Market For Good Managerial And Public Health Practice?


Leadership And Management Training For Nice People – Is There A Market For Good Managerial And Public Health Practice?

Nice Guys Finish Last? No! Being nice is a good quality in and of itself; however, it is not an overriding requirement for success. Unfortunately, when you are a woman seeking a career in healthcare, being nice can become an excuse not to ask for the promotion or raise that you deserve. Being nice is important but not sufficient to achieve your goals.

There are two types of women in healthcare: those who are nice and those who are not. Nice people do help to create a positive workplace culture and experience more genuine interaction with patients and colleagues. They are also better able to establish collaborative relationships that support quality standards. On the other hand, the flip side of the coin is that those who are not nice employees find it increasingly difficult to work in a team environment that requires and promotes healthy, open dialogue.

In this context, the NICE provides useful and necessary information to healthcare professionals about what is not acceptable in terms of behaviour and standard practices in the workplace. Although the document does not explicitly cite the need to be nice in the workplace, its reference to the need for “open and honest” communication is clear. Importantly, the guidance encourages managers to share information services throughout the organisation so that there is a consistent message of quality and care associated with all services provided. However, many managers are reluctant to implement the recommendations contained in the document, citing a lack of resources or the difficulty of obtaining independent regulatory guidance on the topic.

Some argue that the focus on “social care” encompasses both “quality and safety” within the workplace. This is true, although some aspects overlap in both directions. Importantly, healthcare organisations require effective communication and governance in order to set high standards and outcomes, while also providing the necessary guidance to staff to build and maintain those standards and outcomes. According to clinical guidelines and NICE guidance, this requires a strategic approach that takes into account the actions of the employer and the role of the staff member, as well as the implications of those actions for the wider organisation.

It is important to remember that staff must have an adequate level of skills, competencies and abilities in order to meet the regulatory requirements laid down by the UK government and other regulatory bodies. Having said that, it is also important for those employed in positions of responsibility to demonstrate that they are able and willing to uphold high quality standards. A manager who takes a position of responsibility by ensuring that all employees have a high level of quality and understand the requirements of the regulatory bodies to which they work is likely to build up good working relationships. Further, such an individual will be able to use their position of power to ensure that the right processes and actions are taken to achieve high standards.

According to the NICE guidance for dealing with disciplinary problems involving the use of social care in the workplace, “a member of staff may not be able to use their position of responsibility to effectively carry out their roles and responsibilities if they are not happy with the activities of others in their department or organisation”. This is another example of good management training being more than just rhetoric. When it comes to dealing with disciplinary issues in the health and safety field, managers must know how to delegate and communicate well with all stakeholders. This can only be achieved if good leadership and management skills are instilled at an early stage of development within organisations. This means that a manager must think through and implement good leadership and management skills before taking on any new managerial and administrative tasks, and this should be done in conjunction with decent and reliable public health and safety programmes.