How to Write an Article About the Good


The good is a complex concept with a wide variety of meanings and uses. In the field of economics, it refers to a commodity that can be rationed by prices so that each consumer gets a fair share (see price theory). The good is also a metaphysical concept referring to something a person wants and tries to achieve. Consequently, it is a topic of debate in philosophical ethics and a subject of study and research.

It is important to define the term good in a given context in order to understand its meanings and uses. Various philosophers have attempted to do this. Some have emphasized the use of the word in a utilitarian sense and its relationship to happiness. Others have analyzed the idea of goodness from a more metaphysical standpoint and its relation to human nature. Still others have developed the notion of the good in connection with particular ethical theories.

Plato argued that the highest good is a state of perfect harmony between the mind, body, and soul. In this view, virtue is the path to this good and vice is the obstacle that must be overcome. This approach is called hedonism. Other philosophers, such as Aristotle, have analyzed the idea of the good in terms of human nature. He argued that some actions of themselves defeat human ends and must be forbidden; other actions are so necessary to human existence that they must be commanded. Thus the good is relative to one’s corporeal-spiritual being and consists of those existent perfections and activities that are intrinsic to his human nature.

Bergson and Sartre have viewed the good in terms of the creative, life-enhancing character of action. They have criticized the over-rationalized Hegelian good as an artificial construct. Some contemporary philosophers, such as hobbes and kant have emphasized the function of the good as a norm, a principle or standard that must guide man in his choices.

The best way to develop the ideas of an article about good is to start with a short and engaging introduction. This will grab reader attention and convince them to expend the effort needed to read the rest of the article. It is important to remember that readers have short attention spans and will not stick with an article that requires a lot of reading and concentration. In general, shorter paragraphs are better for articles because they make it easier to skim and absorb information. In addition, using the word “you” in your introduction is a powerful rhetorical device that tells readers you, the writer, have them in mind. It is a good way to capture their interest and make sure your piece of writing stays on target.