GOES-M and GOES-R Satellites

The GOES satellite is a NASA satellite that is operated in geostationary orbit. It continuously observes the continents of the United States and Southern Canada. The primary payload instruments are the Sounder and the Imager. These instruments are capable of providing data on ozone distribution and vertical atmospheric temperature profiles. The Imager also detects cloud motion. The SEM provides real-time data to the SESC. The images taken by GOES allow meteorologists to learn about approaching weather conditions.


The SXI instrument provides near-real-time imaging of the sun’s explosive atmosphere. It shares data with the US Air Force and NASA. GOES images often feature the Z symbol in the upper left corner, indicating the time in Coordinated Universal Time, also known as UTC. Users can use the information from this image to calculate the time in their local area. The SXI instrument also provides Level 1 data, which are not available on Earth’s surface.

GOES-R satellites are operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The GOES-R satellites are used for cloud observations and for generating derived GOES imagery. Bands 1 and 3 are used for meteorology research. GOES-R data is provided in a graphical format and is not usually used for visual interpretation of weather events. However, a more detailed look at a storm will give meteorologists a better understanding of the storm’s movement.

GOES-M is the second generation of GOES-M. It is also the first satellite to launch a solar X-ray sensor. The SXI is another instrument that was added to the SEM package starting with the GOES-M launch on July 23, 2001. The SXI is used to track the Earth’s surface. It is oriented at the longitude of the station and uses the coordinates of stars to calculate weather.

The GOES instruments are very similar. The GOES East instrument scans the entire visible hemisphere while GOES West scans the partial Southern Hemisphere. The GOES East and GOES West satellites each have a set schedule for scanning the Earth. The GOES instruments can be switched from one side to another, and both have similar maps. You can choose the best GOES instrument for your weather needs by researching its capabilities and how it fits in the NASA mission.

The GOES-R satellites are operated by the NOAA. It is controlled by the SOCC at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility. The GOES-R satellite is also operational, and both of these satellites have the same mission. The GOES-R mission is responsible for collecting weather data. The GOES-R has a different purpose. The AMS is responsible for detecting the weather, while the EPS is responsible for measuring the temperature and humidity.

GOES satellites are in operation around the world. GOES has two segments: the ground segment and the space segment. The ground segment carries the spacecraft and the GOES-Satellite carries instruments that monitor the Earth’s magnetosphere. The GOES satellites are in an orbital storage orbit at about 135o W longitude. This is the normal orbit of the GOES-10 spacecraft.