What Is an IT Director Or Manager?

A goes is a person who manages the technology tools and processes of an organization. This person is also referred to as an IT director or manager. The job requires a deep understanding of the systems, software and hardware that support business objectives. A goes role may be focused on one particular aspect of IT, such as network administration, virtualization or application development. Another aspect of the job involves overseeing an entire enterprise-wide IT environment. A goes position is often a senior-level management role.

The GOES system is a series of geosynchronous equatorial weather satellites that, since the launch of SMS-1 in 1974, have been a fundamental element of U.S. weather monitoring and forecasting. The procurement, design and manufacture of GOES satellites is overseen by NASA, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is the official provider of both terrestrial and space weather data from the GOES system.

GOES is the primary source of weather imagery and real-time data for NOAA meteorologists, including those at local NWS offices and national centers. These data help emergency response crews keep people safe and prevent injuries, property damage and loss of life. The GOES system is augmented by other instruments, such as the Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI) and Space Environment Monitoring (SEM) instruments, which detect solar radiation that could potentially harm Earth-based and space-based systems, such as radio wave communication systems, electrical power lines, international communications satellites, the missions of astronauts on the Space Station or high-altitude airplanes.

In addition, the GOES-R series satellites feature the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which provides improved spatial and radiometric resolution and enhanced imagery, especially in observationally limited areas such as over oceans and mountains. A GOES-R education document explains that the ABI has 16 different “spectral bands,” allowing it to view the Earth in wavelengths from visible light to infrared. That’s an order-of-magnitude improvement over the current GOES satellites, which have just five bands.

The new GOES-T satellite will provide enhanced capabilities for tracking hazardous weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions. The satellite’s real-time capabilities will enable meteorologists to issue accurate warnings and predictions, saving lives and reducing property damage. It will also allow aviators to navigate safely through volcanic ash plumes that can affect aircraft engines. It will also monitor space weather phenomena such as solar flares and the occurrence of geomagnetic storms. The satellite will be operated from the Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station on Virginia’s Wallops Island.