What Is a Good?


Good is a noun that is generally understood as a quality or attribute of a person, thing, or idea. The term can be used to refer to both subjective and objective meanings. A good may be pleasurable, useful, or a combination of the two. The concept of good has evolved over time, with one tradition extending from Aristotle to John Dewey. The teleological and consequentialist traditions construe good as an object in itself, whereas the perfectionist and pragmatic naturalist traditions conceive of good as a result of human action.

The simplest definition of good is “whatever it is that makes life worth living”. The existence of good is a common misconception, but there are some nuances to the concept. The first and most obvious difference is between the subjective and objective views of the good. The subjective view is a human judgment of what is best for a particular person. It is based on noncognitive attitudes such as a person’s feelings and preferences. On the other hand, the objective view is based on knowledge of what exists.

The distinction between the subjective and the objective is important to understanding the meaning of the term. The subjective view has been criticized for its lack of logical coherence. Logic can show that whatever is good is more desirable than what is bad, but this is not a good way to establish the true nature of the good. In addition, the notion that good is the only thing that matters is not as convincing as it might sound.

Aside from the subjective and objective interpretations of the good, there are also other related concepts that deserve consideration. For example, a “good” may be described as a specific kind of activity, such as doing something you enjoy, obtaining good health, or having a productive job. Alternatively, a good may be considered to be the act of choosing a specific norm, such as having a 20/20 vision.

In general, a good is defined as something that is desired or desired to be obtained. It is a property that satisfies the intellectual appetite of a person. It can be used in a practical sense, for instance, when a person wants to make a sale. However, a good can be pleasurable, even if it is not the object of desire.

In the ethical realm, a good is a norm that an individual should conform to. Ideally, every good an agent chooses adds to his or her human luster. But, some actions defeat the human end. Therefore, there is a need for a deeper conception of the good. The ultimate good, which is defined as a condition of being, is a good that is independent of the actions an agent performs.

The perfectionism, or perfectionist, approach to good focuses on value in terms of an individual’s accomplishment of their greatest talents. This conception of good has a distinctly anti-communitarian orientation. It stands in opposition to contemporary political philosophy, which seeks to build a social order that is based on the principles of justice.