What Does it Mean to Be Good?

Good is a very common word and one that people often use to describe something as being worthy of attention. This could be anything from a product that has been developed to help with a specific health issue, to an article on an interesting topic or even an attractive person. When an object, experience or idea is described as being good, it usually means that the individual has been pleased with it and finds it to be fulfilling. The word good has a very broad meaning and can mean different things to different individuals, depending on their personal values and beliefs.

In the Bible, good is a frequently used adjective. It is translated from the Greek word eudokia, meaning “pleasure” or “favor,” as in “here is a good gift for you” (Luke 2:14) and the admonition to give thanks unto Yahweh “for he is good” (Psalms 145:9). It is also translated from the Hebrew word hesed, which means “loving kindness” as in “Yahweh is good to Israel” (2 Chronicles 13:18) and the phrase “it seemed good to me” (Genesis 2:4; Song of Solomon 1:10,12 etc.). The Bible also references the goodness of God as in “God is good” (1 Chronicles 16:34).

For an article to be considered good, it must have a high level of Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (E-A-T), a satisfying amount of high-quality main content, a descriptive and helpful title, and be published on a reputable website. This will help to boost the article’s SEO, or search engine optimization, which is a way to help it reach a larger audience.

A good article should be written in a way that appeals to the interests and pain points of the intended audience. This can be done by writing in the tone that the reader will understand, using simple and easy-to-read language. When writing, the writer should try to visualize their audience and think about what they enjoy doing, what problems they might have, and how the article can help them solve those issues.

A good story is told through a series of events that build up to a climax, or resolution. It reveals the cause and effect of a character’s actions and reactions to a sequence of relevant events, and illuminates how and why these things happen. A good story also has a hook that grabs the reader’s attention, so they want to continue reading. A good hook could be a question, an interesting statistic, a quote from a well-known source or an image that makes the reader want to learn more.