What Are Good Sources of Vitamins and Minerals?


What Are Good Sources of Vitamins and Minerals?

Vegetables and fruit contain lots of essential nutrients and minerals which are good for the human body. These consist of vitamins A, C and E as well as several other minerals and nutrients. Some of these nutrients are fat soluble, so they can get absorbed into the bloodstream. Others are water soluble, so they can be excreted from the body. A few important minerals found in fruits and vegetable juice that have been studied include calcium, magnesium and potassium, together with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

For instance, when juice is extracted from cucumbers it is rich in potassium. This mineral is needed for the proper function of the bones and muscles of the body, and it helps to control blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are also high in vitamin A, which is essential for healthy vision and for maintaining healthy skin and mucosal membranes of the intestines.

Some foods containing vitamin C include lemons, oranges and tomatoes. Foods containing B vitamins include turnips, peppers, strawberries, pears and spinach. Foods containing Folic Acid include carrots, dried beans, cabbage and low-fat milk. Foods containing Magnesium include nuts, whole grains, kidney beans, sesame seeds, spinach and whole grain rice. Foods containing Phosphorus include egg yolks and spinach.

Fish is a good source of several nutrients including good fats, protein and essential amino acids. Fish oils, including oily fish such as salmon, are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are vital to health. Oily fish is particularly good for replacing unhealthy saturated fats in the diet. Other good sources of fish include flounder and trout, as long as they are not frozen. Cod liver oil can be used in place of cod liver oil, as long as it is not preserved with bleach.

Fish can also be a good source of healthy fats, such as those found in nuts and olives. Eating these fats can help to lower the overall blood cholesterol level, which is beneficial for heart health. It is beneficial for reducing bad cholesterol, which is known to contribute to the formation of blood clots that can cause heart attack.

Healthy dietary fats are found in nuts, avocados, sunflower seeds and nuts and seeds’ oil. Plant-based foods are also rich in dietary fibers, such as whole grains, legumes and fruits and vegetables. These nutrients can help to keep the body well nourished and free from many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. They can also help to increase one’s energy level, as well as to reduce the risk of developing a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome.