Understanding Global Positioning Systems – The GOES Satellite

When you launch your small satellite television system, the go-to point is the local TV station. But if you live in a rural area or in a small town, you know that doesn’t cut it. You need to find out what is going on in your community and pick up the telephone. The good news is that many rural areas have access to free-to-air channels; you can tune into your local channels and enjoy your programming without incurring extra expenses.


If you’re able to view your programming through a basic SBS or UHF broadcast antenna, then congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward programming solution for your satellite-based system. But there are times when the signals receive from these antennas are weak or have poor audio quality due to atmospheric conditions. If this is the case, then you will want to consider using the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) as one of your tools for weather monitoring.

The ABI is an enhanced version of the already-advanced Baseline Imager (BIA), which is used in the Global Positioning System (GPS). The ABI is a device that looks like a flat screen monitor that is affixed to a rack mounted instrumented with a high-gain antenna that sends out a laser image of the Earth’s surface which is captured by the receiver at a fixed distance. A GPS based on the altitude and azimuth readings of the Earth’s equator is sent to the device which displays it on a computer screen. The data is displayed in real time via a digital voice transmission (C ATU) at the frequency of 7 feet above ground level.

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of weather monitoring equipment that you might choose from. Some of these are Operational Environmental Satellite (OES) and Historical Environmental Satellite (HEAS). These two types of weather tracking devices use completely different technologies. For instance, an OES uses the Doppler principle to the Historical Environmental Satellites use an antenna known as a reflector which picks up radio waves of certain frequencies and converts them into an electric signal which is then processed by the GPS receiver. The difference between the two devices is quite vast and although it may seem trivial to some, it actually has a profound impact on the quality of the retrieved data.

There are a lot of benefits of using these space exploration vehicles for scientific research. For instance, the GISS (Global Positioning System) and NASA’s Opportunity, Mars and Venus Program respectively launched the first global positioning system satellites which greatly helped in the understanding of our planet’s movements. Both of these pioneering missions successfully retrieved samples of Mars dirt, which is currently being studied by scientists. Another benefit of using these earth orbit satellites is the ability to perform fly-by landings of selected landing areas. During this process, ground control teams can land remotely and inspect the samples using instruments on the unmanned probe, which is then brought back to the Earth for analysis.

There are other benefits of using this type of satellites besides studying space weather around our planet. Many private and government agencies are also using these satellites to monitor their assets in the skies above. For example, the US National Weather Service and the military have been using the GOES (geostationary weather infrared) satellite to monitor the upper atmosphere of our planet as a means of tracking severe weather conditions which are known to affect infrastructure and even people living in remote areas. Furthermore, private and government agencies such as the CIA, the FBI, the CIA, the US Navy, Air Force, the Marines and the NNSA rely on the signals gathered by these orbiting weather satellites to detect illegal activities or intrusions into their territories

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What Are Nice Things to Be?

Why is it nice to be nice? You ask. A lot of people have asked me that question over the years and I have always found the answer very strange. The real answer is a little strange too – although it makes sense to a degree. The answer is that it makes sense because human beings are naturally nice to each other and there are lots of social rules that we all understand. Those rules do not allow you to be mean to other people; rather they tell you that being nice is socially acceptable.


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is an independent executive body of the United Kingdom government, which produces guidelines in four disciplines: public health, medical practice, clinical practice and community health. It also publishes a report on treating patients with integrated care. In its 2007 report, “pects of Efficient Social Care”, the independent organization recommended that health service users were encouraged to adopt certain practices that would contribute to their cost-effectiveness. The four areas that NICE recommended to be covered in that report were:

Appraisal – this is a process by which people’s value and worth are judged against different scenarios. This may be done on a case by case basis or on a permanent scale through a formal appraisal. The importance of appraisal is that it provides the client with information about his or her clinical trials, surgeries, diagnostics, treatments and so on. It enables the provider to make changes to the services and improve the quality of life of the client in the best possible manner. If the health care provider is nice, he or she will be perceived as good and valuable.

Assessment – this involves asking questions, observing or being given information on the condition of a person, doing a physical examination or doing a work profile. Assessment also involves gathering information from the client, the family and others. There is a big difference between giving decision making and giving assessments. Decision making requires research, whereas assessments only require gathering information.

Monitoring and Interventions – this refers to either interventions at the beginning of the care period (monitoring) or at the end of it (interventions). These could be done formally by the attending physician or formally by the client or care giving team. These involve different types of interventions. In cases of medical interventions, they are usually done in the operating room or in the recovery area. In case of clinical guidelines, they are done once all the documentation has been collected.

Support – any kind of support from the service provider can be called for either in-services or out-sides. Care giving teams in clinical guidelines often ask the patient, family, relatives or care givers to provide informal support in the form of notes, support letters, emails or calls. Even the hospital personnel get such support. Patients find such forms of informal support refreshing and give them hope that they are doing something right. Tim Riley calls these informal supports nice.

Why Nutritious Foods Make For Good Babies And Moms

Good things are always in abundance and we are constantly reminded that anything is possible. With this, I also like to point out that there are times when good things come in small packages, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t good by any means! Take for instance the good old baby. The baby is always surrounded by good things, such as mom, dad, baby clothes, and of course the baby’s milk. While these are all great, what the baby needs in order to grow up healthy and well are a set of boots that come in white. White is the color that stands for goodness, purity, and virtue.


While it is a given that the baby has a healthy diet, he or she will not grow up with the personality traits that come from having a strong, healthy diet, and it is important to remember that each of these components without a proper balance is only going to lead to health problems. For example, Mommy’s diet is always the first priority, but she will be followed by Dad, and then baby. This is why it is so important to get healthy food into your baby’s diet, because the rest will fall into place. The baby will have to eat healthy food like vegetables, fruits, and even dairy products, but he or she won’t be getting all the extra fat and sugar that come along with these unhealthy products. It is important that all of these components are met by the right combination of foods from Mommy’s Kitchen and Dad’s Kitchen.

One of the most important ingredients for a baby to grow and thrive is good carbohydrates. These carbohydrates can come in the form of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, but they are better served raw and unprocessed. Whole grains are excellent sources of fiber and iron, and even Vitamin E. This is why fruits and vegetables are always a part of a healthy eating plan. By avoiding processed meats and heavily sugared sweets, you will be giving your baby a head start on getting used to a healthy diet. While you are at it, you should also avoid sweets such as fattening candy bars, which are just as bad for babies as cigarettes.

The second step towards raising healthy children is supplementing their diets with probiotics. Probiotics contain a wide range of beneficial bacteria, which are critical to the body’s digestion system. In fact, many of them are even classified as vitamins. If you buy natural live yogurt in the store, look for one that contains live cultures.

Healthy brain health is essential to growing babies well into adulthood. You should look for products that contain a lot of antioxidants as well, including grape seed extract, flax seed, alfalfa, kelp, and others. These are all good ingredients for boosting brain health, and you will find that they will have similar effects as introducing healthy bacteria into the diet. These are all good things to include in your diet, and they are all good for improving brain health. As a bonus, most of them are very cheap and easy to get.

Finally, nuts and seeds are an excellent source of nutrients, which is why you should incorporate them into your diet when possible. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc, which has been shown to improve brain health. Another great nutrient from nuts and seeds is phosphorus, which is used in a variety of ways in the body and is also beneficial for boosting brain health. So, consider taking pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, and other kinds of nuts and seeds as part of a healthy diet and you will be putting yourself on the road to better health for life!

A Look at Velocipedes – Types and Design History

A bicycle, sometimes called a wheeled bike, is a wheeled vehicle, usually powered by pedals, having at least two wheels connected to a rigid frame, with one wheel in front of the other. A bicycle rider is often called a bicycle racer, or bicycle racer. Bicyclists are frequently seen riding on paved paths, freeways, and other places that have high traffic, as well as on unpaved surfaces.


A bicycle has one wheel in front of the other, either with two wheels or with four wheels. In a single wheel bicycle, the front wheel acts as a brake, preventing the bicycle from going faster; it also acts as a source of power when pedaling. The bicycle’s other two wheels are used for moving the pedals, as well as to absorb the shock of pedaling. This design is different from a double wheel bicycle, in which the front wheel is the brake and the back wheel is the source of power. In a triathlon, the athlete will use both wheels for propulsion.

When people envision a bicycle, they usually imagine a traditional bicycle with a rigid frame and a pedals attached at the front and back. The distinguishing characteristic of a bicycle is the pedals, which are usually separated into a pair by a gearbox. Typically, the gearbox provides the power for the pedals. People can distinguish between a bicycle with a geared design and one that is not by looking at the gearbox. The former bicycle has a chain that runs from the pedal to the pedal arm, whereas the latter does not.

The word “velocipede” refers to both a two-wheeled bike and a three-wheeled bike. A velocipede is often compared to a bicycle with two wheels. These bicycles have front and rear wheels, but do not have a center wheel. People can differentiate between a two-wheeled velocipede and a three-wheeled velocipede by looking at the crank. A two-wheeled bicycle has its crank directly below the seat, while a three-wheeled bicycle has its crank beneath the seat. In most cases, a velocipede bicycle has pedals with larger contact areas than those found on a two-wheeled bicycle.

The word “drape” refers to a two-wheeled bicycle with a single-sided frame that curves around the middle of the seat. In many cases, these bicycles have small drop down covers that cover the entire seat and back to give them a more streamlined shape. These bikes have the smallest turn radius of all velocipedes.

Many modern day bicycle designers have taken the windsurfing concept of the velocipede and adapted it for use with a two-wheeled design. In the 1970’s, these bicycles first made their appearance on the beaches of France. The French people were avid collectors of windsurfing equipment, and they incorporated this collection into their bicycle designs. Today, these bicycles are still popular among collectors of windsurfing equipment.

A Brief Review Of The GSA

Global Positioning System or better known as GPS is a tool that uses satellites to pinpoint your exact position at any time of the day or night. This makes it possible for you to know where you are regardless of where you may be. A lot of individuals rely on this service to find their loved ones who have gone missing. There are a lot of other individuals who rely on this technology to know how to get to somewhere they have never been before without having to use a map or a guide. If you happen to be in the industry of aerial photography and would like to know more about how this system works, then read on.


The NGS works along with the geostationary operational modules. These are small earth-orbiting satellites that operate in a fixed orbit above the earth. Once an area is selected, the geostationary weather satellites will automatically align themselves to that particular area. From here, the information that is being collected on the ground will determine the areas that a plane must fly over to get to another location.

In order for the NGS to determine these areas, it uses a number of different data sources including Global Positioning System, radio emissions, Terrain Maps, and Global Viewing Infrared Imagery. Global Viewing Infrared Imagery (GUI) consists of the maps and data that are collected by the operational environmental satellites as well as the operational geostationary satellites. This imagery is important when it comes to monitoring space weather conditions because it can determine the intensity and duration of the solar activity. A lot of the imagery also has information on cloud coverage, cloud type, snow cover, rainfall, ice cap, ice melt and much more. This information is crucial when it comes to monitoring weather patterns, pollution levels and even weather related accidents on the ground.

When it comes to the operational environment of the GSA, there is a need for both data and software that can be accessed rapidly. For this reason, the operational environmental satellites are split up into two distinct groups. There is the full disk imaging group which targets regions that are experiencing geostationary storms, while the low-resolution imaging group is targeted at observing the Earth as a whole. The GSA has several budget constraints so all the operational groups are required to comply with a specified budget.

The first operational group is made up of the GSA goes-n series and the GSA orbit series. The GSA goes-n series is specifically designed for low-resolution imaging while the GSA orbit series are designed for higher resolution imaging purposes. Both the go-a series and orbit series are designed to operate in geostationary orbit. The GSA fully operational satellites are designed to operate in the lower atmosphere of Earth, while the low-resolution satellites are designed to operate in the geostationary orbit. Although the operational status of the geostationary satellites was discussed at length, I will not discuss the status of the low-resolution or full sized satellites.

If you wish to be in the know about the operational conditions of the different satellites of the GSA, there is a great deal of information on the internet that will be quite helpful. For example, all the operational status reports that the agency issues have a great deal of detail about the status of each of the orbiting satellites. The GSA has identified eight specific satellites that they use to operate the Earth-orbit transit system. Four of the eight satellites are in operation presently while another four are either retrofitted or still under construction. Of course, it is possible for an operator to modify one or more of the equatorial plane satellites but modifying one of the secondary satellites is not as easy as it is for retrofitted satellites.

REVIEW: Skinceuticals Metacell Renewal B3

REVIEW: The Skinceuticals Metacell B3 was launched in February 2015 as a daily emulsion to help with skin ageing concerns.


The first thing I noticed when looking at the Skinceuticals Metacell Renewal B3 is how flawless and heavy-duty the frosted glass bottle is. Unlike some other skincare brands those products have great ingredients but cheap plastic packaging, Skinceuticals ensures the packaging protects the product’s ingredients from light and air exposure. No details are spared as the brand puts in every effort to ensure its product reflects the brand’s ethos of science-based skincare.

The second thing I noticed with the Metacell Renewal B3 is the price – at A$149 (US$100) – this is not a product you pick up off the shelf. Assuming you use the product daily and go through a bottle of it every 45 days, after a year you’d be able to afford return flights from Sydney to Hong Kong. But then again, it’s sometimes about the results and not the cost. Luckily, on this note things look bright for the Metacell Renewal B3. For example, it contains 5% niacinamide, which has proven to help improve skin elasticity; and it features 2.5% tri-peptide which assists with binding moisture to the skin. Additionally, after using it for a good month I can attest that it has improved my skin’s texture and evidently even skin tone.

However, there are some claims Skinceuticals make which don’t live up to the hype. For example, the Metacell Renewall B3 packaging states it contains “a high-potency fresh emulsion with 15% non-occlusive glycerin to attract and retain intense, bright hydration in skin”. This certainly makes glycerin sound like some impressive magical ingredient. Except it’s not. Glycerin is present in practically any moisturizer, as it acts as a barrier to prevent dry or itchy skin. That’s not to say that glycerin is not effective, but that is not nearly as impressive as the packaging claims.

While there were worries that after L’Oreal purchased Skinceuticals, L’Oreal would turn tarnish the Skinceuticals and turn it a second-rate “science-based skincare brand”, this does not seem to be the case. The formulation of Skinceuticals products haven’t changed and the Metacell Renewal B3 is definitely a great product given its proven ingredients and advanced packaging which helps keep the ingredients fresh and effective.


Persol Reflex Edition Sunglasses

It’s fascinating to see how inspiration comes from different places. For example, in the latest runway collections we saw how arctic and icebergs were a major influence at Lacoste, and at Vivienne Westwood it was the financial crisis. So when Persol‘s new collection is inspired by the world of photography and analogue cameras, you shouldn’t be surprised.

Entitled Persol Reflex Edition, the Italian brand’s sunglasses pay homage to the “cameras [which] have made it possible to save endless images of the world which surrounds us, and fix them in time and as the memories of generations”. The result is that the designs in this collection look vintage and yet have a classic design. The campaign, shot by Swedish photographer Julia Hetta perfectly capture how the sunglasses’ frames were directly influenced by camera lenses.

What’s also worth noting is that Persol Reflex Edition also marks the first time two sunglasses models (PO 3046S and PO 3047S – both below) feature Polar and Photo-Polar lenses which blocks glare and darkens to suit the environment you’re in.

Whilst we do love this collection, before you pull out your credit card, read up on our tips on how to choose sunglasses for your face shape.

Rekorderlig Presents Sounds in the Snow

Set to bring the party vibe to the Alps, Panama is one of Australia’s finest indie music groups to earn global success with their distinguishing synth pop sound. Reigning from Sydney, the boys will arrive on the slopes following an international tour throughout Europe and the USA.

Highlighting an exhilarating snow season filled with beautifully Swedish festivities, Sounds in the Snow will be a free gig presented by Rekorderlig Cider for all ski and snowboard enthusiasts to enjoy, before kicking back and relaxing at the Rekorderlig hot pools for a European Après experience.

Nikki Langford, Marketing Manager for Rekorderlig said the event was the perfect way to end the winter and ski season.

“We are thrilled to announce Panama at Sounds of The Snow. With their electro pop sound, the group are sure to shake up the mountains for an afternoon of great tunes with warm winter cider. Having created the ultimate après-ski environment in Thredbo for the Australian snow season, what better way to close out the winter months than with such a unique experience at Sounds in the Snow” said Ms Langford.

Held during the annual Toyota One Hit Wonder weekend, the music gig will take place by the Rekorderlig Hot Pools at the Thredbo Alpine Hotel.

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