Is This New Technology a Sound Method for Reducing The Cost of Healthcare?

“Nice guys finish last.” This is a pretty popular saying among pickup artists. I don’t know why it’s become such a popular motto, but it does. And let me tell you why:


I learned this in grade school. I remember one teacher who said so during a discussion about how nice people often finish last. She said that nice people were last and then added “Who doesn’t deserve to be last?” Well, that got my attention because I had always believed and talked about in my personal life that nice people always do deserve to be last, just as everyone else deserved to be first. So when I heard her say that nice people sometimes finish last, I thought to myself, “That’s pretty sneaky of her and pretty indicative of my beliefs too!”

Not long after that, I stumbled across an interesting article by a woman who had been in a similar situation to me. After years of struggling with self-esteem issues, depression and other difficulties, she wrote that she’d finally come to the realization that nice people do finish last. The reason she had reached this conclusion was that nice guidance or nice treatments don’t work very well in improving someone’s quality-adjusted life. The treatments only accentuate the positive, not detract from negative qualities.

I’ve discussed this with other psychologists and health care providers. I’ve also written about it on my own blog. I mentioned that there is a new treatment that can correct all of the problems I described above. It’s called the Qaly Therapy for Quality Control in Healthcare. And it addresses many of the issues related to nice people, such as procrastination, depression, confidence problems, and more.

The key benefit of Qaly Therapy is that it’s an empirical health care treatment option based on research. That means that there is actually something reliable at work here. The authors of the study that uncovered the cure used a powerful data set to examine over 1000 possible alternative health care interventions. They found that the most promising approach to improving quality of life for high-risk individuals included things like using graded exercise programs, attending therapy, receiving health care counseling, implementing quality improvement or Qaly components, and so on. In other words, the best cure for high-risk patients involves identifying their specific needs, addressing those needs through personalized care plans, and then providing the tools necessary to keep that care on track.

But that’s not all. Once the researchers had identified the need, they developed a tool called the Qaly Therapeutic Decision Tool (TBT), which allows the health care practitioner to see all of the possible outcomes (i.e., “which of these 10 outcomes are you willing to treat?” ), and then to select the “right” treatment option from among the group of options presented. Once the treatment plan is implemented, the patient’s healthcare costs will likely be decreased because more time will be devoted to treating the “most critical” issues first, rather than secondary, often less critical conditions. While this is an ideal situation, because it will make medical care more efficient overall, it’s also very promising for patients who don’t yet have a clear idea about the kind of care they need.

What Is Good and Bad Carbohydrates?


What Is Good and Bad Carbohydrates?

A good complexion is the best gift we can give ourselves. It boosts self-confidence, makes us feel good and improves our moods. In order to have a good complexion, we need to take care of our skin. After all, that is what we are actually paying for when we apply skin products on our faces. Here are some of the things we should do to our skin to get a good complexion:

Skin health is an important aspect of our overall health, as well as of our beauty. Keeping it young and fresh requires feeding it with the best nutrients it can get. (Rich in nutrients: vitamin b2, protein, folic acid and so on.) A good source of nutrients for the skin includes protein, vitamin b2, calcium, pantothenic acid and so on.

A good food for skin health is one rich in nutrients. Good examples of good foods for the skin include red meat, fish, poultry, legumes, grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains and so on. However, these choices depend on what your particular needs are because different nutrients work in different ways on different parts of the body. For example, red meat will provide good fat and protein and will be rich in potassium and folate but may lack other essential nutrients.

Probably the most complete food source for most people is real food such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Real food contains all the nutrients we need and plenty of them. The problem is that many people have not got the time, knowledge or interest in cooking vegetables properly so they buy processed foods which are full of artificial additives and chemicals that make it impossible for the vegetables really have any nutritional value.

If you want to eat a healthy diet then you do need to know about carbohydrates and sugar. They are probably the two hardest fat and carbohydrate to get rid of. One of the main reasons why refined carbohydrates lead to weight gain is because they are processed foods and eat away some of the good fat and protein in your diet. This means that a low carb diet may help prevent obesity. Another reason why refined carbohydrates are so bad for you is because they are easily stored as fat and so cause you to gain weight quickly if taken in the form of excess calories. Processed foods, such as cookies, cakes and pasta also contain sugar which is another source of calories that are difficult to burn off.

Some scientists believe that a low carb diet may help to prevent heart disease. This is because eating high levels of saturated fats is linked to an increased risk of heart disease. There are good news and bad news about this issue. The good news is that saturated fats can be reduced dramatically without eating too much protein. The bad news is that eating too much protein will raise the levels of both LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol in your body. LDL cholesterol, or ‘bad’ cholesterol, sits in your arteries waiting to block your arteries while HDL carries it out of your body.




The bicycle, also known as a bicycle, is a two-wheeled or pedal-powered, wheel-operated, bicycle with two wheels attached both to a frame and one behind each other. A bicycle rider is often described as a bicycle racer, or bicycle racer. In the United States, there are many bicycle racing events, most notably the Tour de France bicycle race. There are many different types of bicycles, including hybrid bicycles. One type of bicycle that is gaining popularity in recent years is the recumbent bicycle.

Recumbent bikes were created by the Surgeon Research School of Harvard University. The study was done in the hope of finding a way to improve the health and fitness of those who suffer from back pain, especially when it comes to those who have to ride their bicycle while they are at work or in other places. These bicycles have reclined seating much like a chair, with the pedals out in front. The Surgeon Research School of Harvard University has been conducting studies for over 20 years with the hopes of finding ways to improve the health of those who suffer from back problems.

The study found that when the cyclist was riding the bicycle with their back facing a wall or other obstacle, they did not experience pain in their backs. They did experience sore knees, but this usually occurred after they had been riding for an extended period of time. With the two wheels of the bicycle in front of the rider’s back, however, the knees did become sore. It became apparent to the researchers that in order to reduce the pain experienced by the cyclist, they needed to re-position their pelvis and thighs while riding their bicycle.

When a bicycle is traveling downhill, the bicycle wheels are not impacting the rider’s legs as much as they would if they were traveling uphill. Bicyclists are better able to prevent knee injuries when they are cycling downhill due to their ability to prevent the bike from hitting them while they are traveling downhill. Bicycle enthusiasts also find that they are more comfortable on their bicycles when they are traveling downhill. This is due to the smooth movements of the wheels on their bicycles when they are traveling downhill. A bicycle is also easier to control when traveling downhill because gravity helps to keep the pedals from spinning.

Due to the popularity of bicycle tubing, bicycle manufacturers have attempted to imitate the appearance of these popular road bicycles by attaching handlebars to their bicycles. Some of the bicycles that have handlebars mounted on the bicycle resemble mountain bikes. Bicycle manufacturers took advantage of the handlebar concept by creating a bicycle that had handlebars that resemble mountain bike handlebars.

Bicycle tires are an important part of a bicycle’s design. The most durable bicycle tires have pneumatic tires, which are made from air. Bicycle tires are designed to grip the road during a fall, a hit, or a roll. A bicycle may need different types of tires depending upon whether the rider is going downhill, biking in a tunnel, or cross-country biking. Some people prefer to use pneumatic tires on their bicycles for this reason.

Lightning Sensor

What goes up must come down, but this is true not only of space travel but also of commercial ventures going up as well. This principle is why some people believe that Google’s new Project X is really nothing more than another case of a giant sucking up resources and firing them into the air at high speeds. And just like those things do, the goes-r goes up but then comes down again. Eventually, it might go up a third time. It seems to be an analogy that makes sense of how technology can affect people, and goes a long way toward explaining why many people find it hard to believe that Google will be able to pull off its plan to bring the world closer together with satellite internet.

However, if you look closely at the proposal for the Google satellite service, you’ll see that it doesn’t involve burning anything into the sky. In fact, it involves using already-built, state-of-the-art satellites in low-earth orbit. These satellites have clocks that are well within the reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere, which means that they can stay in the sky indefinitely. The clocks, of course, ensure that the satellites don’t drift off into space, and if there is a problem, the company can simply change the satellite’s orbit, enabling it to be deployed again into space, and allowing it once again to go where it needs to go.

Now, if you want to understand what goes on in the Google satellite project, you need to think about what happens when you take a satellite up in geostationary operational orbit, and try to connect it to a very wide area network. It’s impossible to do this using anything other than a communications satellite in a synchronous orbit around the Earth. If you’ve ever sent a fax from a computer to a fax machine that was in geostationary operational orbit, then you know about the distance involved. A fax going from one point to another is going to be over a hundred miles away.

With the Google Geostationary Operational SATCOM system, it’s possible to send email from one end of the globe to another at a much higher altitude, something that hasn’t been possible for many years. When it comes to lightning, we don’t have a way of predicting exactly where it’s going to strike next, but with a fully implemented advanced baseline imager/sats, lightning could happen anywhere within the next three to five minutes, instead of the hour or more that it does currently. That’s because with these new global positioning systems, lightning strikes will be located with much more accuracy than before.

So how is this technology going to benefit the US? Well, for starters, we need to begin developing our own satellites in geosynchronous orbit, and then we need to apply this knowledge to our other satellites in other parts of the solar system, as well as our own moon. In fact, the US is working on software that will allow us to position all of our assets in geostationary orbit around the Earth, rather than just our own. We also need to learn how to position all of our satellites in a more even fashion, rather than just putting them all on an equatorial plane. This will enable all of our satellites to work more efficiently with each other, as well as helping us to prevent colliding into each other when there is bad weather.

All of this will come to us as the result of the development of lightning detection and strike probability software which go by the name of lightning mapper. The lightning mapper is essentially a program that monitors the lightning storms going on around the world, as well as reporting back the data to be used by researchers. It will allow us to better understand what is going on in those storms, allowing us to better predict the future behavior of lightning storms, and even possibly causing a shift in our Earth’s alignment. If you’d like to learn more about this software, and all the exciting opportunities that are available to anyone who purchases it, you can visit my website today.

Leadership and Nice Behavior

The term ‘nice guy’ has become a common term in society recently. Someone who is described as a ‘nice guy’ may have one or more of the characteristics defined as a risk factor for having an unhealthy lifestyle, including increased waistline, increased blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, and increased risk of stroke. However, not everyone who is perceived to be a ‘nice guy’ does actually fit the bill. Why are there some nice guys, and why are there some not?


The word ‘nice’ originates from the Greek word ‘neokhletos’, which means ‘not very nice.’ The root word, however, also has the related term ‘kerubiontos’, which means ‘not pleasant’. In recent years, the English language has made use of these two root words to describe different characteristics, including the quality of being a ‘nice fellow’, and ‘not being a pushover.’ The prefix ‘nice’ was added to denote the quality of the trait and connotes the notion that a person is pleasant and polite in temperament, unlike the abrasive and rude stereotype of the stereotypical nice guy.

There is nothing inherently wrong with being a nice fellow; it just might not fit into today’s image of a credible person. It is therefore important to consider how you might employ your personality when facing potential conflict or acting in a situation where your credibility is on the line. It is important to consider what kind of a role a nice guy would play in a team, and how that would impact positively or negatively upon your performance. The best leaders and top professionals all have one thing in common: high moral standards, a strong sense of social responsibility, and high levels of personal integrity. A leader must be able to instill these values in others by example. A professional that can be trusted to impartially lead and to fairly deal with all types of people should be considered to possess high personal qualities that qualify them for leadership.

Public health is an area that involves many social policies that are based upon the delivery of quality health services. These services are provided to all citizens regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, class or sexual orientation. In order to effectively deliver quality public health services, a health professional needs to have high personal qualities that make them appealing and endearing to the public. A nice guy might be able to accomplish certain tasks related to public health without creating any problems, but if the public perceives an administration official as overly nice, they will likely be less likely to purchase insurance from that person. High quality standards can be maintained through honesty and integrity, and these traits will generally make an individual more attractive to those in positions of leadership.

The quality standards that a nice individual would possess would most likely be those of leadership. Leaders are often required to be fair and considerate of their subordinates. A leader is also expected to demonstrate good decision-making skills, interpersonal skills, and tact, and these traits also relate to human interaction. A nice guy can be a valuable addition to a team because leadership requires the ability to influence and inspire. If an individual is not pleasant to work with, they will not likely succeed in achieving the highest level of success possible for their position. Human interaction is heavily linked to leadership, and leaders must always maintain a positive attitude even when working with someone who might be less than personally acceptable.

Being nice can be a valuable trait if one so chooses to adopt it in their daily life, but a trait that must be considered to be such should relate to how a member of a leadership team communicates with others on a daily basis. A nice fellow might make others feel comfortable, and they may also create a good atmosphere for those who communicate with the individual. However, leadership must also be done with respect, and when it involves sharing information or creating a learning environment, a nice fellow will no longer be appropriate. Those involved in shared learning need to have acceptable standards for conduct in order for the group to function as effectively as possible.

The Importance Of Having A Sense Of Rightness

In most contexts, the word good means the act which ought to be favored when presented with an option between alternative courses of action. Good is usually associated with virtue, justice and moral goodness, and is typically of central interest in the study of politics, ethics, religion and ethics. A good person, according to modern usage, is someone who acts in accordance with his values or intentions. The concept of good therefore, has two elements, namely virtue and intention. Both these elements have to be distinguished from each other in order to explain the concepts of good and evil.


A virtue is something that is desirable on its own account, whereas an action is something that one does because it is required by a virtue or by a standard of right behavior. A principle of right behavior, for instance, could be defined as something that is desired on its own account, but is not something that could be demanded of others. If we want to determine whether or not an action is right, then we have to determine either its tendency to yield good results (virtue ethics), or its tendency to yield bad results (virtue optimism). A principle of virtue therefore tells us what we should expect from another person, but not what we should do ourselves.

The concept of virtue thus provides the basis for human rights, freedom, and responsibility. In virtue ethics, we recognize that morality means the end compatible with the values we want to achieve. It also tells us what we should do, concerning what we ought to value and how to go about getting it. We may call this virtue ethical realism. The claim of ethical realism is that what makes things right is not only what people can get away with, but what they can do by their own standards – something that goes beyond the mere physical side of things. Rightness thus involves not only getting what we want, but doing what is right by our standards.

By virtue of what I have called moral goodness, people are obligated to do what is morally right; that is to say, they must do what is right for themselves and no one else. This does not mean however that others are obligated to do the same. A standard of rightness therefore does not prevent people from being dishonest, or from harming others. But it does ensure that they do not act in a way that would be wrong when it comes to the standard of rightness itself.

In virtue of a standard of rightness, people are morally required to respect others, to treat them as they deserve and to have compassion on their part. A standard of right behavior also requires people to respect their own bodies, minds, and other properties (natural laws, among others) as they actually are. A standard of right action therefore does not demand that people treat others in ways that are in accord with their own desires. The right behavior thus involves taking actions that are in accord with the demands of the situations at hand, not with the wants of others.

In light of this it should be clear that, as long as there is life to be lived, there will be conflicts and evil. It is the good actions we take to confront these conflicts and evil that make for a better humanity. A good person, as we have seen, is not motivated by the attainment of material gain but by the pursuit of virtue. This may not always seem obvious to the reader, but when you read Good Behavior by Jim Rohn and commit to it, you will understand that what I have described here is in fact the ideal that human beings want.

The Many Types of Bicycles


The Many Types of Bicycles

A bicycle, also known as a bicycle or road bicycle, is typically a motor-driven or pedal-controlled, two-wheeled, fixed-rate machine, with two wheels connected directly to a frame on which pedals are operated. A bicycle rider, commonly called a biker, is also known as a bicycle racer, road cyclist, or mountain biker. Bicyclists can be anyone who rides a bicycle for transportation, recreation or exercise. Bicyclists typically prefer to ride on smooth, level ground and prefer a relaxed riding position.

Two of the most popular types of bicycles in the United States are the standard bicycle (also known as the road bicycle) and thereto. The velocipedes are named this way because they look like tiny v Velcroed vests. These vented vests have a back pocket made of cloth in front of the seat area. The vented pockets have small fans that will cool the passenger while still providing good airflow. The vented pocket is usually open on the back of the seat.

Bicycle design has evolved over time to include more sophisticated technology in bicycle frames to accommodate a growing number of bicycles. Early bicycles were constructed using cast aluminum, which proved to be very stiff. To provide a smoother, more comfortable ride, early bicycles adopted a semi-recumbent design where the handlebar is at the same level as the saddle and the bicycle frame. This arrangement enabled bicycles to be taller without having to lose the wind flow through the back wheel. In the past decade or so, most bicycle makers have adopted a semi-recumbent design where the handlebar is at the same level as the saddle and the bicycle frame. This arrangement enables bicycles to be taller without losing the wind flow through the back wheel.

There are many different types of bicycle design and each has its advantages. One type of bicycle design that is gaining popularity is the single speed. In a single speed bicycle, the pedaling rate can be altered to work with the terrain. Bicycles with this design are often found on mountain bike trails or in cross country racing.

Another important bicycle design is the tandem bicycle. A tandem bicycle allows more than one person to ride it comfortably. It is normally used by parents of younger children who want a bicycle that will allow them to ride with their friends while having someone else to assist them at the same time. Most tandem bicycles are built with a large seat and a narrow seat frame in order to accommodate two people comfortably. There are some models available for children who can also ride a bicycle without a seat belt.

Today, bicycles have advanced tremendously, with more styles and designs being introduced each year. Some bicycles have been designed with a variety of features and capabilities. One of these features is a hand brake, which allows a biker to easily replace a tire without using his hands. Other bicycles have a folding frame, which allows a biker to store the bicycle when not in use. Bicycle touring is becoming more popular all the time, and many people are now choosing to purchase a bicycle and tour around the country or in Europe.

Is Global Positioning System Or Weather Satellite Tracking Effective?

The Global Positioning System, or GPS, is a global network of satellites that enables users to determine their location and determine where they are located. The system was initially developed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense. Today it is used almost everywhere by commercial, governmental, and personal users for a wide variety of purposes. Users can track their location, track other things such as cars, planes, and boats, search for things like public records and other topics, get a clearer picture of the sky, and locate almost anyone at any time. This article will discuss how the Global Positioning System (GPS) works.


The GPS launched into space in 1998 by the U.S. Department of Defense. The GPS was initially developed to track the speed and direction of objects on earth. Over time it has expanded to become a global navigation/autical tool that includes things like weather forecasts, severe weather tracking, global positioning systems, etc. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation are the legal entities that operate and maintain the database of GPS signals. It also receives data from all parts of the globe and transmits this data to the ground control center, where it is used for a variety of purposes.

Basically, the GPS is a tracking device that uses the orbit of the earth to determine the position of a tracking device placed on the earth. If you were wondering how the GPS actually worked, the GPS goes satellites provide precise timing to determine the precise location of a tracking device. Now, if you want to know how the GPS goes satellites provide this service. Basically, the GPS goes satellites provide this service to the earth as they orbit the earth.

The GPS goes satellites can be found on every continent on earth except Antarctica and South America. There is one major problem with the GPS; it cannot determine the precise location of a stationary satellite in geostationary orbit, which is also known as the geostationary operational environmental satellite tracking system or GOS. This system was started by the U.S. Department of Defense, which has since then was transferred to the NWS (National Weather Service). The problem is that the GPS goes satellites can not determine the location of a fixed satellite in geostationary orbit. They only determine the rotational speed of the earth, which is not the same thing that an NWS or weather forecasting center would be able to determine.

With that information, you could say that the GPS is not really effective as a weather forecasting tool. But the NWS still uses the GPS system to provide severe weather reports, giving us an overall weather outlook. Now since the GOS tracking is done by the US military, there are some problems. The US military likes to keep things secret, thus they do not want the general public to know about the GOS. Some people have decried the GOS as well for being ineffective, but others have claimed that since the military has access to the information, they have no need for it and thus it is no big deal.

The question on how effective the GPS is in weather forecasts is something that scientists are trying to resolve. Currently there are some weather forecasts products out there that use the GOS, but none of them have been tested in space. If they were, then they would be used by the military and not by private individuals. If you are interested in getting better weather forecasts, then you should look into getting a technology that is able to measure the soil vapor, clouds, gravity, solar flux, atmosphere pressure, and changes in the atmosphere at various altitudes in geostationary orbit. This is what an image is, a small satellite that would be launched to gather data on the atmosphere of the earth, which would be transmitted back to a ground station by way of radio transmissions.

Do You Practice Nice? How Being Nice Can Harm Your Career’s

If you are a nice guy, then it’s probably not a problem. You might even think you’re just being yourself. But the truth is that being nice can have very negative effects. In fact, if people think you are nice, they will subconsciously repress the aggressive behaviors and emotions that come with aggression.


One reason why being nice can have such an effect on patients and providers alike is that it can leave people with a false sense of security. You see, nice people tend to feel safe. They don’t feel threatened by people and situations, and they typically think that others will treat them with respect. As a result, they don’t push back when people mistreat them, and they don’t voice their opinions out because they know that others will treat them nice. This may be okay if you only want to provide guidance or counsel to people who are in need, but in the clinical setting, people who are being nice to interact with patients all the time.

Another way in which being nice can affect clinical practice is that nice people have high-quality relationships with others. It’s almost impossible to be nice to someone who doesn’t deserve it or isn’t paying your best. If someone is demeaning you in front of your peers, you will likely withdraw from participation in that person’s clinical experience. Not only will your peers treat you differently, but they may even shun you due to your lack of niceness. If you only get to work with individuals who are professional and respectful of you as a client, you will have the best experience of your career.

The third place where being nice can have unprofessional consequences is in the area of sexual harassment. It is well known that sexual harassment in the workplace has become a problem in recent years. There have been several high-profile examples of inappropriate behaviors by care professionals, including coworkers engaged in sexual advances and requests for sexual favors. If a nurse or other healthcare professional engage in such behaviors, he or she should be suspended or terminated because of the impact this behavior will have on the patients that he or she is intended to be serving.

In sum, the best way to practice within a medical/clinical care setting is to avoid being overly nice. Rather, people who want to serve patients professionally should aim to be respectful of patients and others in the clinical setting. Doing so can help lead to a higher level of trust among patients and better outcomes for those they serve. By maintaining a high-level of social care leadership responsibility, professionals can create an atmosphere where trust, respect, and good communication flourish.

Also, it is important to remember that there are many different ways to get high-quality social care leadership training. You can use the guidance of a trusted mentor, attend seminars, read manuals on quality practice, and participate in online discussions. However, these sources of education cannot provide you with the insight and direction you need to improve outcomes for your patients. In order to get the best impact from your leadership and practice skills, you should consider getting formal training in the methods of good leadership.

Do You Practice Ethical Standards?


Do You Practice Ethical Standards?

If you want to find someone who is good at what they do, start by asking if they are a good worker. Of course, everyone is, but not everyone is good at what they do. You will need much better tools for that job, too. The first car was in pretty good shape. There are still some good restaurants in that neighborhood. So, I’m sure that your job isn’t as good as it could be.

Still, if you don’t try to be a better person, then the problem won’t go away. You see, one of the things about being a good person is that if you are good at something, then others will want to be around you and do the same. They don’t have to work hard to want to be around you; they just need to see a standard of goodness and be drawn to you based on that.

In this case, however, the standard you draw to yourself is: the right action. Everyone has an innate, internal virtue or attribute. If you want to be a good person, then you should identify one and practice it. This action, however, must be an appropriate and ultimately correct, action in the given situation.

There is no rule that says, “Do this, and this will be right.” Rather, there’s a principle of ethics: the right action will result in the right consequences. Now, you can easily translate that into a morality: “Do what is moral and never do what is wrong.” The key is to follow the same ethic in all your actions, and to view them as moral, rather than merely mechanical. Of course, this principle does not apply in all situations; it applies only to those where the outcome will be good, and never for those where it will lead to some kind of loss.

But if you look at things from a slightly more abstract point of view, then you might say that the goal is simply to achieve the ultimate end. This is a slightly harder concept to translate into an ethics of any kind, because in most cases, what you’re trying to do is end up with a supreme good, and the term ‘ultimate good’ has a somewhat subjective meaning. However, the ultimate end in most cases is something that has been universally agreed upon; something that we, as humans, can agree is good, and something that we, as imperfect beings, can strive towards to attain as best we can. For instance, it might be that you want to be a perfect lover, and that your ideal partner is someone who makes that impossible, by practicing constantly and pursuing a passion for his sexual acts.

Your understanding of morality thus boils down to your fundamental understanding of concepts like truth, beauty, goodness and beauty. These are universal, non-conceptual, and even physical properties of the universe around us. When you find yourself committed to these concepts, and you accept that there are things that can go wrong and are beyond our control, then you are committed to ethical principles. The rest follows easily, as you choose to live by them. It doesn’t matter whether or not you choose to practice them on a daily basis, as long as you follow them and respect them, you will be doing right.