Fitness Benefits of Bicycles


Fitness Benefits of Bicycles

A bicycle, also known as a touring bicycle or road bicycle, is a single-wheeled or pedal- powered, lightweight motor-driven machine, with two wheels connected to a rigid frame, one beneath the other. A bicycle rider is commonly known as a cyclist, or biker. Bicyclists can enjoy great scenic tours, sightseeing expeditions, and many other recreational opportunities by simply riding their bicycles from place to place. Some bicycles are priced to afford full use, while others are priced for specific purposes such as transportation on short trips, occasional outings, and commuting to work.

The benefits of bicycling are not limited to those who ride bicycles for recreational reasons. Many people are beginning to take notice that bicycling is an excellent method for working out and losing weight, while also improving posture and improving overall health. Cycling allows many people to achieve a healthier lifestyle, as well as reduce their risk for injury due to common health problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. The following tips will help you improve your pedaling efficiency, as well as help you get a better workout with a lower body fat percentage: Bike Properly – pedaling efficiency is related to how fast you pedal and how efficiently you propel yourself through the air. Always complete your workout sessions on a bicycle that is in proper touring condition.

– The perfect setup for any cyclist is a bicycle that is at least 50% equipped with pedals. A typical road bike setup allows for pedals up to two feet in front of the bicycle’s rear wheel. Many cyclists who like to ride on trails prefer to go with a bicycle that features a higher front wheel turn radius and larger front wheel dropout, especially if they tend to corner a lot. Other road cyclists prefer to have a bicycle with larger dropouts, so they can easily get off the bicycle when it is not being used.

– When it comes to getting the most out of your workout, remember that you should not only focus on leg strength, but also endurance. One of the best examples of this is with two-wheeled bicycles. A pair of velocipedes will give you a great cardio workout because the greater area of your body you are working with, the more likely you are to derive an aerobic output. A two-wheeled bike with two wheels is a great way to work your arms as well, and to improve on your overall endurance.

– Cycling does not require the use of a huge amount of power, which makes them a good choice for people who may not be able to use up a lot of physical energy when riding. Velocipedes and others will provide a good level of rolling resistance, allowing the rider to derive plenty of exercise from a low level of exertion. In terms of power output, these bikes do not utilize a great deal of horsepower, but instead rely on the individual’s own force to move the pedals. The greatest thing about these bikes, however, is how easily they can be custom tailored to the rider. You can add or remove various components to increase the power you are able to generate.

– The size and shape of the bicycle’s tires may seem almost trivial, but the strength of these parts actually depend upon the diameter of the bicycle’s wheel. On a two-wheel bike, the diameter of the wheels will affect how much force is generated when the rider makes an turn. Remember that a larger diameter means a greater amount of cross-spin, which will affect the way the wheel turns. Another factor to consider is the profile of the spokes. Rounder and lighter spokes will have a correspondingly smaller diameter, while deeper, rounder spokes will provide more support.

How Does A Global Positioning System (GPS) Work?


How Does A Global Positioning System (GPS) Work?

GOL goes by a acronym that may have you scratching your head. Why is this? What does it stand for and what does it do? These are just some of the questions that may be asking in your head, while you read this article to learn about the GOL.

Global Positioning System (GPS) – The GPS, or Global Positioning System was created by the US Department of Defense. It was developed to improve the military’s ability to track down and determine where on the planet they are, as well as help them to pinpoint an enemy’s location. In essence, it determines where your GPS is currently located. The GPS has been around for years but it was not until recently that the technology was refined to the point where it could be used by civilians. Now, the GPS is operated by the US’ National Oceanic and atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service’s National Weather Service division.

Global Positioning Service (GPS) Itself – A GPS is a device that keeps track of where you are on the planet using a series of signals. Among these signals is the Global Positioning System which is a set of satellites that go around the globe three times a day sending out signals that are bounced back to earth. You may have heard the term geostationary operational already and if so, you are referring to the signals the GPS uses to determine its location. The GPS is operated with the assistance of the US Air Force, NASA and other collaborating agencies.

Lightning Mapper – A lightning mapper is a tool that takes readings of lightning strikes around the world. It then analyzes these signals and computes how often there are strikes within a given time period. After it calculates the frequency, you can use it to determine where in the world is the likely storm to strike. While using this tool, you will be able to find locations with higher probability of lightning strikes.

Global Positioning System – This is a set of satellites that goes around the earth two times a day sending out signals back to earth. This signals are then analyzed by the Global Positioning System and compared to known locations. The signals it sends are then translated into data that can be used by the various science departments. Today, the GPS has become a vital tool to guide rescue workers after natural calamities and military aircraft during combat. For this reason, the military and other organizations make use of the geostationary orbit satellites rather than the geostationary satellites that circle the earth.

Geostationary satellites are placed in a fixed position above the equator and they move east and west constantly. When the satellites move above a certain point on the equator, it will show as a black dot on the map while if it moves below this point, a yellow dot will appear. The position of the white dot is where the satellite is at its farthest point from earth. Therefore, a geo-synchronous orbit goes around the earth twice as often as a geostationary orbit.

The Myth Concerning Being Nice


The Myth Concerning Being Nice

Many people believe that being nice means that you have to pretend to be nice. It sounds nice to me. I am sure if I tried to explain it in those words people would agree with me, but the truth is it isn’t nice to pretend to be nice. Those who try to act nice are just pretending to be nice.

The definition of nice can be found in the dictionary. Nice is described as something that is in very good or fair condition and is pleasant to those who see it. An obvious example of nice would be a description of a beautiful person that everyone likes and that’s also in very good condition. An example of nice would be a beautiful sofa in very good condition at a very reasonable price. We would all be glad to have such a thing.

To describe someone as being nice would require a bit more creativity than that. The first evidence we have for someone being nice would be if they offered us a cup of coffee. That coffee would be very nice of course, but what else did they offer? A magazine subscription, a discount on their products, or even a free small snack would be considered to be very nice. So if someone offered you that and it wasn’t too obvious that they were trying to be nice, then it would be considered to be first evidence that a person is nice.

So what does this have to do with being nice? Well it would seem that being nice has very little to do with actually being nice. A person can be very nice to you and still be rude and hurtful. This is because the word “nice” doesn’t actually mean anything. You have seen movies where the nicest people are always berated by the mean people and it is very clear that those are the people who are nice.

It is suggested that the latin word for nice actually meant something completely different. In the original language, the word might have been “sapa”. This word has nothing to do with being nice. However, it could mean respectful or compassionate. The meaning of the word might be closer to kindness than anything else.

The problem with the word might be that it has become attached to being polite. You might have been raised in a household where being nice was looked upon as being polite. If that is the case, then it is likely that the word might be considered as acceptable. However, the original meaning means to be humble or respectful. It isn’t something that should be used as a way to pretend to be nicer than others.

Good News About Eggs

In economics, products are objects that meet basic human needs and give utility, such as, a product to a consumer who makes a sale of a satisfying object. An object is either good or bad, in the broadest sense of the term. A good is usually an object that satisfies human needs, making them valuable, and valuable to the producer of the object. A bad object is usually one that degrades the person using it and its owner, and thus, becomes a zero-sum game where one person loses and another gains.


So, it is hard to find goods that are not goods for money. But money, as noted above, is not the only criterion for identifying goods or services as such. Money may be part of the criteria, but not the entire criteria. Goods may also be negotiable instruments. Negotiable instruments, by definition, are those that can be altered, changed or disposed of without causing a reduction in their original value, and, in which alteration, change or disposal does not involve exchange of anything else, except perhaps in the form of cash.

The list of things that are goods for your own good, or, at least, things that have some economic utility attached to them, runs the gamut from raw land to automobiles to art to financial wealth. And it’s not just the goods themselves that are important but also the people who make them. It’s hard to think of an actual good, and people are constantly redefining what is a good, what is valuable to others, and what is not. So we end up with endless categories, each defining and restricting different kinds of goods and services, each based on assumptions about what human beings would actually want or need.

Take, for example, something concrete like a vehicle. An automobile is a good if it gets you from one place to another, whether that is across town to another city, or across country. It’s good for your physical health. It’s good for your mental health. It is used as an intensive a good long time ago, by ancient peoples, as shelter, food, weapons, furniture, clothing, utensils, fuel, etc., as means of transportation, as means of having something with you, of having something that makes it possible to carry out your day-to-day tasks, and of having something that gives you the freedom to live your life normally.

Now consider the list of unhealthy foods. These are foods that are full of added sugars, empty calories, and/or poor nutritional value. They have been found to increase your risk of heart disease, develop Type 2 diabetes, encourage obesity, promote tooth decay (decayed teeth), encourage weight gain, increase your chances of developing cancer, etc. If you count the number of people diagnosed with these diseases every year, it becomes clear that these are in many ways, actually very serious problems.

The good news is that these problems can be solved. You do not have to continue to eat the unhealthy diet that you currently find yourself eating. There are many excellent foods that have very low fat content, very high nutritional value, and yet are also very low in fat. These foods include fruits (fresh, dried, frozen, canned, or even sardines), vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables like spinach), nuts (just a few of the major varieties), and whole grain foods. These foods will help you get the most out of your limited range of eggs, although I would not completely eliminate eggs from your diet, provided that they are not processed foods, and aspartame is bad for you.

Bicycle Modifications

A bicycle, also known as a cycle or pedal cycle, is either a human Powered or motor-driven, pedal-operated, two-wheel bicycle, with two wheels connected to a fixed frame on one side. A bicycle rider is commonly known as a biker, or bicycle rider. Bicyclists typically use their bicycles to make trips around town, across country, or just for leisure and fitness purposes.

Early bicycles, or saddles, were simple two-wheeled affairs that evolved into much more complex and comfortable devices after people began riding them in earnest. When English Commoners (and others) first began riding these simple two-wheeled machines, they found that, while traveling, they could not keep up and would eventually give up the use of their bicycles. They switched over to more comfortable two-wheeled wicker chairs instead. The French were also famous for having great success with their two-wheeled, fixed wheel bicycles. It was Louis Levis who is credited with the first bicycle model, the velocipede, in 1847.

The bicycle model that we have today is much closer to its original design than you might think. The major advancement came about with the development of the bicycle seat. Early bicycle models were made with the rider sitting directly on a wooden frame with one wheel attached. This meant that the person riding the bicycle was actually’Riding’directly’to the pump. It was very uncomfortable and restricted the cyclist’s movement.

In the late 19th century, however, bicycle manufacturers began to experiment with a new bicycle model known as the velocipede. This bicycle model was equipped with a handlebar that mounted on the handlebar hub. This allowed the rider to have a more ergonomic position while still riding. Because of this innovative seat-mounted handlebar stem, the cyclist was able to rest his or her feet firmly on the ground while riding and without having to remove the pedals.

After the seating mechanism was refined, bicycle models began to be fitted with fixed bicycle wheels that rolled directly over a series of large wheels that had been welded to the bicycle frame. These large wheels gave the cyclists better stability and less chance of falling. The front wheel was also attached to a chain that was attached to the pedal crank. This type of bicycle was much heavier than any other style. However, many bicycle enthusiasts were always looking for ways to improve the bicycle and make it more user-friendly.

A new type of bicycle was introduced called the sleigh bicycle. Sleigh bicycles featured a single fixed wheel at the front with two fixed wheels at the back. This bicycle model was much lighter than the velocipede model, making it easier for riders to keep up with their traveling speed. The sleigh bicycle became very popular among bikers because it provided them with an easy to handle, stable bicycle with a lower profile.

Global Positioning System (GPS) Or Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Does It Go West?

Global Positioning System or GPS has made our lives easier by enabling us to go where we want to go. The global positioning system was first introduced in the year 1970 by the U.S Department of Defense. Now it is used everywhere by military personnel as well as everyday people.


The US National Oceanic and atmospheric office, operates the National Oceanic and Climatic Remote Experiment (NOCRX) under the Department of Energy. The NOCRX is a three part facility comprising seven earth orbit satellites. It goes by names such as Covesat, Stratospheric Aeropollution Measurement (CAM). It has succeeded in measuring the pressure and temperature of the atmosphere at different altitudes.

In 2021, another geostationary orbit satellite is scheduled to be launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The facility is named GOES-17. The facility itself is the first of its kind. Its primary mission is to test the quality of data collected by balloon and sounding aircraft during flights over the Earth. It also aims to collect data on the upper atmosphere of the Earth.

In addition to that, in the upcoming years the NOCRX will be preparing the final version of the GLASER satellite for a future flight. The new GLASER-GRAIL will perform the identical function as the previous one. Once the final version is ready, it goes to be launched aboard an Air Force One plane, which is scheduled to be replaced by the new space plane, the Venture reusable orbital aircraft concept. This will be the first-time that a spy plane will be launched into orbit. In this case, it will be used in monitoring the Middle East and Asia Pacific areas.

The United States’ military is the primary user of geostationary satellites. Its primary role is the monitoring of the continental United States. There are two main intelligence and surveillance radars that are used: The Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Defense Signals Intelligence Satellite (DMS). Both are designed to function together with the operational weather prediction satellites.

Some of the operational goes west satellite missions are supposed to be launched on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UUAV). These UAVs will land on different locations to collect different types of data. It appears that this is part of the military intelligence and surveillance program. So far, there has been no confirmation that it goes beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. So far, there has been no confirmation that it goes west. Although it may be possible that sometime in the future, it will go west but it hasn’t happened yet.

Why Would A Clinical Nurse Be Asked To Recommend “Nice” Treatment?

Why do we have nice people? Do we really need nice people or are they just a myth? Have you ever wondered why there is always someone nice at every party, and why they are always invited to be the first person to say “Cheese!” at a cookout? Or why the waitress always smiles when you order extra deli mustard and a second bottle of wine?


The National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence is an independent executive body of the UK government, which publishes guidelines on five aspects of health: quality of care, health, social impact, practice and patient satisfaction. In 2021 the NHS commissioned a public consultation on whether it was necessary to introduce a new policy on “Nice” and if so, how best to communicate the policy. The consultation received responses from stakeholders who were concerned about the quality and effectiveness of healthcare provision, as well as how to best communicate the policy to the public. The views of the stakeholders were broadly consistent with the key priorities of ensuring high quality patient care and maintaining good relationships between health care professionals and patients and carers.

One of the key recommendations of the consultation was that a clinical guideline on “Nice” should be introduced alongside a statement outlining the different types of behaviours that constitute a nice behaviour. The draft of the guideline included wording such as “Smiling is a recognised means of expressing good health” and “behaving nicely in a caring way can reduce stress”. It also recommended that healthcare organisations develop a website which contained information on treating patients with kindness, as well as resources and examples of nice behaviour. The draft also included a link to the national coordinating centre for healthcare services (NICE), which was recommended to be incorporated into the website and to provide information on implementing a nice culture in the workplace.

Another recommendation of the consultation was for healthcare organisations to conduct a series of case studies to determine the impact of introducing “nice” into their workplace and whether it was cost effective. The case studies identified four key elements for judging whether introducing “nice” policies would have positive benefits for staff, patients and employers. Firstly, clinical guidelines should encourage people to report instances of social care being poorly experienced by the service user. Secondly, there should be a requirement for providers of pharmaceuticals and surgical supplies to offer a range of nice behaviour towards their customers, in order to create a “friendly” environment. Thirdly, guidelines should point out that there is evidence that nice behaviour has the effect of reducing staff workload, lowering costs and raising productivity.

The fifth element of the recommended clinical guidelines was that a provider should ask if a drug or surgical supply would be more expensive if offered to a person who is wearing a nice uniform or if the purchase of the drug or equipment would be higher if a patient wearing a nice uniform were treated with kindness. The element considered was not addressed in the report because it did not make sense from a cost-effectiveness perspective. The sixth element of the recommended guideline was that healthcare organisations should provide training to personnel to show them how to use evaluation forms properly. Again, the six elements did not make sense from a cost-effectiveness perspective, as training would take time and money and would not likely be cost-effective for most organisations. The seventh and final element was that staff should be provided with a “listening tour” when they are called on to attend to an emergency. This is hardly necessary if the purpose of an appraisal is to determine whether a provider is being “nice” in its attitude.

I was asked to review the report by external independent parties, which led me to conclude that the above recommendations represented a very weak set of guidelines. Very few health services are providing training in how to give genuine nice, warm and friendly treatment to patients, so this guidance would be extremely limited. Most internal companies and hospitals would be expected to follow best practice within their organisation, rather than the directions of these highly unhelpful guidelines. An appraisal of this report should not be based on cost-effectiveness alone, as the effects of some of the recommendations could have severe consequences for staff morale, and for the general reputation of the NHS. Providers must strive to operate in an atmosphere of constant communication with their patients and with one another to build trust, not simply rely on cost-effectiveness as their only guide.

An Introduction to Ethics by Martin L. Konner

In most contexts, the word good means the course which should be preferred whenever confronted with a decision between equally available alternatives. Good is usually understood to be the polar opposite of bad, and is often of central interest in the field of ethics, religion, philosophy and morality. The philosophy of value, used as an analytical tool by social scientists, makes good and bad refer to the degree to which alternative course of action would tend to promote human flourishing. The notion of value is closely linked to utilitarianism, the view that acts must be selected that will promote the greatest good of humanity.


According to some classical philosophers, virtue consists in the ability to act in a morally appropriate way. Descartes claims that it is man’s sense of right and wrong that directs him to choose what is right and to avoid what is wrong. According to others, virtue is an abstract quality of the soul or a supernatural, non-personal entity that is independent of will and emotion. According to both philosophers, virtue is the fundamental principle on which universal morals is founded. The leading moral theories of the day, including utilitarianism, entail utilitarian ethics, which denies that one can base moral evaluations on anything other than an appraisal of the good.

Aristotle’s ideas concerning virtue shed light on morality. According to Aristotle, virtue is the standard of the common good and the aim of virtue is to lead a life that is compatible with others. Aristotle claims that a life well lived consists of three elements: a norm of right action, a sense of honor and a respect for the life of others. A person may flourish individually, but his life as a social animal will fail if he does not have a social heart and considerate manners. In order to flourish as a community and contribute to its common good, it is necessary to cultivate virtues such as justice, generosity, temperance, and fortitude.

There are various theories concerning the relation of ethics and morality. Some theists insist that ethics and morality are independent of religion and any belief in God. Others, such as some modern Continental theologists, see good and evil not as things created by God, but as personal attributes that we acquire through motivation and willpower. According to such thinkers, goodness and evil are subjective aspects of human psychology that can be changed through personal change and improvement. It is a belief, according to some, that man can be forced to act badly, but he cannot be forced to see good and evil in any context. This latter view, however, is not a minority view but rather a mainstream opinion.

According to a variation of the consequentialist view, a society is said to have a “correct” ethical code if and only if it conforms to the natural moral truths. According to this view, we have a “natural” or “right” ethical code, which is superior to all others because it is morally right, and that those who do not adhere to this code will suffer by means of punishment meted out by a society that is bound by its moral code. In this way, ethics are understood not as something imposed from above by a religious cult, but as something that one develops through individual effort. Those who hold to the traditional moral theories believe that a moral code is superior to anything else because it is what was discovered through history, and that the moral codes we observe today are based on these original ideas.

According to Rawls, a morality is not something that can be imposed from above, but is something that can be developed by a person himself through his own efforts, through knowledge and his personal values and tastes. He says that the most important moral truth is that “good” and ” Evil exist as choices dependent on the choices people make.” This view of ethics contrasts sharply with the traditional atheistic approach that treats ethics as something “deeply mysterious” beyond understanding. According to Rawls, a good morality is nothing more than a standard that a person adopt for himself. A person who believes that killing is morally wrong may adopt a standard of non-killing, though he may not refrain from harming others, just as he may refrain from stealing, lying, or abusing other people.

Early Designs of Bicycles

A bicycle, also known as a bicycle or pedal cycle, is an adult-designed, human powered, single-wheel vehicle, with two pedals attached to a fixed frame, one beneath the other. A bicycle rider is commonly known as a cyclist, or bicycle rider. A person who makes frequent bicycle trips on smooth paved trails usually falls into this category.


The bicycle is a light weight machine that was first created in China and ridden by Chinese emperors centuries ago. In Europe, the bicycle reached popularity during the middle ages and Renaissance, when wealthy people and royalty were the biggest fans of these two-wheeled machines. The bicycle is often referred to as a bicycle for no reason other than its simple design. The seat and back wheel are situated in the same place as the pedals.

Louis Lallement and Bertrand de Lalsendorf were the first true bicycle designers. Lallement was working as a surveyor when he took a trip to England in the 16th century and fell in love with the country’s countryside. He set out on a personal bicycle journey across Europe, visiting Milan, Spain, and then traveling on to Paris. While there, he developed the humble frame that we know of today as a bicycle.

The first bicycles that Lallement designed were made for his friends, and not for profit. He found that most bicycles in Europe were fitted with spoked tires, rather than the more popular pneumatic tires that were used elsewhere. Although pneumatic tires are quite durable, they wear out much more quickly, and this was a factor that prevented the mass production of bicycles that we know today. Lallement also tried designing a bicycle that had three wheels, but this was also unsuccessful.

Lallement also developed a concept for a two-wheeled bicycle that was very similar to the modern day bicycle. The legs on this type of bicycle were much longer than those on most bicycles, and were curved in the middle. These bicycles called these “looped bicycles” and are still popular in certain areas of Europe. The basic design concept of the two-wheeled bicycle is the same as the one that we know today. Bicycle enthusiasts prefer this design for its stability and handling. This type of bicycle can be seen being ridden by some famous bicycle riders of the past, such as Samuel Taylor Clark and Thomas Edison.

Louis Lallement was also responsible for developing the nomegras bicycle, which was essentially a new design for bicycle enthusiasts. The nomegras bicycle was designed in the shape of a traditional family bicycle, but it was equipped with a front wheel that was propelled independently. This allowed the rider to climb hills at a normal speed, rather than pedal frantically as he might do with a normal bicycle. Although this type of bicycle has not been around as long as the original nomegras bicycles, it remains a favorite among younger bicycle enthusiasts. According to theists, the nomegras bicycle was meant to complement and improve upon the already available two-wheel bicycles.

Global Positioning Systems Launch Successful From U.S.


Global Positioning Systems Launch Successful From U.S.

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has dramatically changed the way weather is predicted and tracked. It has been a key tool in the control of severe weather and the performance of emergency responders. A Global Positioning System or GPS is a system that is used to determine a geographical location. It works by using a network of satellites that circle the earth once every day, transmitting data to be read by a receiver at the receiver location. This information gives forecasters a clear picture of where a storm or other weather anomalies might be.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NADIS) supports severe weather tracking, and forecasts. The agency’s mission is “to improve our nation’s safety for the people we serve by providing timely and accurate consumer and scientific information concerning the atmosphere, earth, and space.” They also provide support for operational environmental monitoring and reporting requirements for public agencies, farmers, land managers, utility companies, scientific researchers, land surveyors, engineers, meteorologists, and educators. All of this goes towards providing a service that improves weather and climate conditions that can save lives and reduce the risk of severe weather and natural disasters.

Naspers operates 12 geostationary weather satellites which are placed in a fixed orbit above the Earth. The primary function of these satellites is to track the rain, clouds, snow, ice crystals, etc, in order to better predict the precipitation. The latest addition to the system is the improved Baseline Imager which is able to provide the users with precipitation amounts. Through this innovative technology, the precipitation can be seen on a clear day. The improved baseline imager uses a laser to scan the clouds and rain gauges. Once the scan is complete, a picture of the precipitation level is generated and emailed to the base station.

The first application for the new GPS launched last month was the release of the GIS-VAAC – a weather and Earth imaging satellite which is in geostationary orbit above the equator. It will be primarily used for remote sensing of surface topography, precipitation patterns, ice melting, ice floes, snowfall, etc. It is to be deployed from the US Defense Satellite constellation which operates from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It is scheduled to launch around the end of 2021. It will replace the earlier Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites which were switched off.

The second GPS launch which comes on line after the first goes-15 failure was the deployment of the High Integrity Weather Satellite (HIPS) – a geostationary weather satellite which is also in geostationary orbit above the west coast of the United States. This time, the deployment is planned to cover the continental United States. The first operational GPS launched in 1998 was the U.S. Department of Defense’s first GPS global navigation system which was lost during a military exercise. It was supposed to provide Air Force personnel with a better means of navigating from one point to the next. Its demise was due to the inability to detect a new polar orbiting satellite which was supposed to solve this problem.

The third geosynchronous orbit GPS launched last month was supposed to test the new technology to be deployed using Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) satellites. These satellites will be used for mapping and surveying of the Earth, the atmosphere and even the moon and beyond. It will be the first GPS application to be put into space and operate free of an Earth. One way to think about it is if we were to put a camera on top of a volcano which is dormant because there is no sunlight to take pictures and then cover it up with a tent to protect it from the elements that will pass by. This is what a GPS system will do. It will be mounted on the top of a volcano and it will provide data to engineers and scientists as they map and survey the top using ground based equipment and from there it will feed data to the space station.