The Good in Philosophy


The good is any object that fills a need or desire and thus affords satisfaction. Philosophers refine and expand this notion of the good throughout the history of philosophy. They consider a variety of metaphysical and psychological aspects of the good. They often base their discussion on moral phenomena that they experience or perceive in the world around them. They also examine the relationship of the good to human action, and they discuss how it is related to the concepts of pleasure, happiness, morality, and God.

In everyday speech the word good is commonly used as an adverb, especially after forms of do: He did good on the test; She sees good with her new glasses. This usage is different from the meaning of good in philosophical writing. A good article meets a core set of editorial standards and passes the good article nomination process, as described below.

A good article is written in clear language and organized logically. It also contains information that is broad in coverage, neutral in tone and point of view, current, and illustrated, where appropriate, by relevant images with suitable copyright licenses. It also meets a number of other criteria, including that it does not omit any major aspect of its subject.

It is important to do thorough research before writing an article. This includes gathering factual information about your topic as well as reading scholarly and peer-reviewed articles on the same topic. It is also a good idea to take notes while researching so that you have plenty of material to draw on when writing your article. Taking detailed notes helps you remember the most important facts and makes it easier to cite them in your work.

For Plato the good is a perfectibility of the human soul that makes it possible for man to realize his highest end, which is his divine nature as a spiritual being. It is the end toward which all human actions are directed; and it is the object of man’s love and striving.

Moral Evil

In contrast to the ontological good of moral action, there is the moral evil of human choice, which consists in the absence of what ought to be present, namely, the good of the human soul’s perfection. Such evil exists only in the choices made by men, and it is the contrary of what man ought to do as an agent with a rational will.

St. Thomas Aquinas develops the concept of the good by synthesizing the teaching of Aristotle, pseudo-dionysius, and St. Augustine. He argues that the ontological good of man’s freedom is not merely a matter of being, but a kind of synthesis or order that is essentially the same as his soul. He distinguishes the good of moral action from the good of human nature, and he shows that the conscientious judgments that are the good of man are based on complex judgments that must be rooted in personal knowledge.

The Basics of a Bicycle

A bicycle, or bike, is a pedal-powered two-wheeled steerable vehicle. Bikes have been used for both transportation and recreation since the 19th century, and more than a billion of them are now in use around the world—more than twice as many as automobiles. The sport of cycling, or biking, has become popular worldwide as a means of exercise and transportation, and it is also a very efficient form of transport for long distances.

The word “bicycle” derives from the Latin words for two (bi-) and circle (kulos), so the phrase literally means “two-wheeled horse.” In addition to its primary uses, a bicycle is widely used as a recreational tool and for racing. The sport of competitive biking, or road racing, has produced some of the world’s most famous athletes, including Eddy Merckx, who won the Tour de France five times.

A modern bicycle is a complex machine, but the basic design has changed little since the first chain-driven model was developed in 1885. It consists of two wheels of the same size attached to a frame that is supported by a rotatable fork. The rider sits on a saddle and steers by leaning and turning the handlebars, which are connected to the fork via a tangent linkage. The feet power the bicycle by pedaling, which drives a chain that connects the pedals to a sprocket on the rear wheel.

Modern bicycles can be fitted with gears, which allow the rider to climb hills easily or race at nearly the same speed as a car. A typical bicycle has a front chain wheel with 44 teeth and a rear gear with 11 teeth. At a pedaling rate of 60 rpm, the chain moves 326 inches with each stroke, and the top speed for a bicycle with 26-inch wheels is about 37 mph.

Cycling provides a great source of exercise for people of all ages and abilities. It helps to strengthen muscles and bones, improves balance and coordination, burns calories and reduces stress. It also can help prevent osteoporosis, because it is not a weight-bearing activity, and it may even relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety.

There are some risks to cycling, especially for those who ride aggressively or who have a history of injury or illness. These include injuries to the wrist, which are caused by the pressure of the handgrips on the handlebars; muscle cramps in the legs, arms and back, which can occur from riding for prolonged periods of time or as a result of improper training techniques; sores on the buttocks, which are often caused by pressure on the saddle; and hip pain, which can occur because of repetitive motion of the soft tissues against the underlying bone.

Other risks are more serious, such as collisions with motor vehicles or falls while riding on unpaved trails. For this reason, it is important for all cyclists to wear a helmet when riding, obey traffic laws and be vigilant when sharing the road with other vehicles.

New Generation of Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)

For decades, the geostationary operational environmental satellites (GOES) have delivered critical information for weather forecasting and other mission areas. Now, the Lockheed Martin-built GOES-R series offers orders of magnitude greater spatial and temporal resolution than the legacy GOES spacecraft. In April, GOES-16 and GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imagers began operating in a new 10-minute “flex mode,” providing full-disk imagery every 10 minutes instead of 15 or 30 seconds. The faster temporal cadence will allow GOES to monitor conditions that might pose hazards to aviation, such as volcanic ash plumes and rapidly moving clouds.

Geostationary orbit allows GOES to keep a constant watch over the same area of Earth, allowing meteorologists to spot atmospheric “triggers” that lead to severe weather events such as tornadoes, flash floods and hail storms. This vigilance helps National Weather Service forecasters keep track of dangerous conditions, which can impact communities around the world and drive commerce and travel.

The first geostationary weather satellite, GOES-1, was launched from Cape Canaveral in 1975. It quickly became a vital part of the National Weather Service’s operations, ensuring that local communities have the information they need to make decisions to stay safe.

Since that time, GOES has grown into a complex fleet of satellites, specializing in a wide range of weather-related applications. As the fleet continues to expand, a new generation of satellites is poised to provide even better images and data on a more frequent basis.

This new generation of GOES satellites is the GOES-R series, consisting of four spacecraft. Two of these are currently operational: GOES-16 in the East position, and GOES-17 in the West position. The final satellite in the GOES-R series, GOES-18 (formerly known as GOES-T) will undergo on-orbit checkouts before formally replacing GOES-17 as the GOES-West satellite in early 2023.

Each of these new GOES-R spacecraft are designed to operate for seven years, though they were built with excess fuel to allow them to operate beyond this expected lifespan if needed. In addition to the three GOES-R satellites currently in operation, two of their second-generation counterparts, GOES-10 and -11, are still operating at the end of their scheduled lifespans.

In the future, the GOES-R series will be expanded to include additional instruments to improve the monitoring of other environmental phenomena. For example, a third generation satellite that would be equipped with a VIIRS instrument could provide improved observations of the Arctic.

The GOES-R program is managed by NOAA’s Office of Science and Technology in partnership with NASA. This partnership enables the agency to take advantage of the best scientific and technological achievements from each agency, and to deliver the most valuable weather products possible to the public.

The GOES-R website provides access to data, information and images from the GOES-16 and -17 satellites, as well as their legacy predecessors, GOES-10 and -11. The website is maintained on a volunteer basis by Tim Schmit and should not be used for any operational observation, forecasting, emergency management or other disaster mitigation or response activities.

The Virtue of Being Nice

Nice is a French city, a seaport, and the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department and Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region, southeastern France. It is located on the Baie (bay) des Anges and is the leading resort city of what is known as the French Riviera. It has a long history of being a popular tourist destination. In addition, the city is home to many museums, including the Musee Marc Chagall, Musee Matisse, and the Museum of Asian Art.

Being nice is about treating others with kindness and respect. It also means being generous and putting other people’s needs ahead of your own. Being nice can involve small gestures, such as letting someone else go in front of you in line or helping a friend move. It can also include bigger acts, such as donating to charity or stepping in to help a family member when needed.

Psychologists describe personality in terms of five broad dimensions, and niceness falls under the category of agreeableness. Agreeable people tend to be kind, empathetic, and supportive of other people. These traits can help you develop close relationships and have a positive impact on those around you. However, being nice can have a downside if it impedes genuine communication and authenticity. For example, if you regularly repress your own thoughts and emotions for the sake of being nice, those feelings will eventually rise to the surface, and you may find yourself in the middle of an emotional outburst.

Nice can be a challenging virtue to master, especially in today’s political climate, where many politicians use nice as a cover for unethical behavior. For instance, it’s easy to see how bipartisanship might be a good thing, but that kind of niceness may actually become problematic if the hostility between parties leads to an endless cycle of back-channel discussions and kangaroo courts.

On this week’s episode of That’s What They Said, University of Michigan English Professor Anne Curzan explains how the meaning of nice has changed throughout history. It wasn’t always used as a compliment, for instance, and at one time, it meant foolish or silly.

If you want to be a nice person, try to acknowledge everyone you meet—even if it’s just by saying “hello” and “goodbye.” Be friendly with coworkers and classmates, as well as those you encounter on the street. You can be nice by listening attentively to your friends and colleagues, and by offering constructive feedback and support.

It’s also important to treat people with empathy and respect, even if you disagree with them. Be sure to show up for your appointments on time, and make eye contact when speaking. Avoid making offensive jokes or insulting others. Lastly, be generous with your time and resources. Whether it’s giving up your seat on the bus or offering advice to a colleague, being nice can help you build strong and healthy relationships with those around you. And who knows, maybe that will inspire them to be nice, too!

How to Use Idioms and Colloquialisms in Your Articles

When writing articles for your website, you want them to be engaging, informative, and accurate. This requires a clear understanding of the audience, thorough research, clear language, and logical structure. Vague, muddled writing will confuse readers and may even turn them off to your article completely. Using idioms, colloquialisms, analogies and metaphors adds flavor and personality to your writing and makes it more relatable. However, you need to be careful with these techniques so your article doesn’t become too esoteric.

Good is a very versatile word, with many different meanings. It can be an adjective, as in “pleasing, favorable, nice,” or a noun, as in “goods” (i.e., merchandise). It can also be used as a verb, such as in the phrase “be good” or in the command “be well.” It is an important part of human discourse, appearing in the Bible (“Yahweh is good to Israel”; Psalms 145:9) and other religious texts. It is also a common part of everyday speech, notably in the phrase “that sounds good” and in the question, “Is that a good idea?”

The simplest meaning of good is an adjective: something that is pleasant or agreeable: It’s a good idea to wear a coat in winter. It can also refer to something that is of a high quality or standard: He’s not very good at math, but he’s a pretty good student. It can be used to describe an action: I’m doing a good job, but I could do better.

Another figurative meaning of good is that which is satisfying or worthwhile: He has done a good job, but he hasn’t yet finished. It can also be used as a synonym for excellent: The new car is an exceptionally good buy, even though it costs more than the old one did. The new car is much better than the Yugo, which was one of the worst product introductions in history.

Lastly, it can also refer to a person or thing that is suitable for a purpose: It’s a good idea to take a long walk in the park, but walking through a crowded city wouldn’t be good for someone who hates crowds.

Finally, the term good is sometimes used as a justificatory claim in practical reasoning, especially as employed by Immanuel Kant and other Enlightenment philosophers and religious thinkers. According to Kraut, a claim that P is good for someone has the privileged status of being the ultimate justificatory ground of all practical arguments. However, it is important to note that this justificatory ground must rest on some considerations that are intrinsically valuable for the person. Otherwise, the claim would be merely an empty tautology. In this context, Kraut defends a developmental theory of good.

What is a Bicycle?

A bicycle is a two-wheel human-powered vehicle that you ride by sitting on it and pushing pedals with your feet while turning a bar to steer the front wheel. It also has a saddle seat or seats, gearing, and a frame. The most basic bicycles have a single-track, but some have multiple tracks or even a suspension system. Bicycles are usually called bikes, although some people refer to three-wheeled and unicycles as bikes, too.

The word “bicycle” is derived from the Latin name for the wheel, biel, and the Greek word for motion, kuklos, meaning “smooth” or “even.” This smoothness relates to the way a bicycle rides over rough surfaces, which allows a person to travel long distances in relatively short periods of time.

Many people enjoy the sport of cycling for recreational reasons. It provides an excellent cardiovascular workout and increases leg strength, balance, and flexibility. It is also a great form of low-impact exercise that doesn’t put strain on joints. Bicycling is known to help reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and stroke.

Some people use a bicycle for transportation, avoiding the expense of car insurance and the hassle of finding a parking spot in crowded areas. Bicycling can also reduce a person’s environmental footprint, as it doesn’t produce any emissions.

Thousands of people are injured or killed each year in bicycle accidents, but careful riding can greatly reduce these numbers. Educating oneself on the rules of the road is essential, as is familiarizing oneself with the safety features and riding characteristics of the bike one intends to use. Bicycle riders should also understand that they are considered vehicles from the standpoint of traffic engineering and law enforcement, and they can be ticketed for violating road rules just as drivers can be.

There are a variety of bicycles available, ranging from mountain bikes and racing models to family cruisers and touring bikes. In addition, there are numerous accessories and parts for the bike, such as fenders, lights, racks, and a wide range of tires. Some of these items are optional, but others are essential for safe and comfortable cycling.

Road bikes are designed to be efficient on road, and they tend to have handlebars with a narrow diameter, so a rider can crouch while riding to minimize wind resistance. Triathlon and time trial bicycles are specially designed for speed, with a frame that allows the rider to lean forward as much as possible, and handlebars with special aerodynamic grips. Bicyclists who compete in races often have special clothing, including aerodynamic helmets and suits, to improve their chances of winning.

Learn the Basics of Go

Go is a board game that has been played for more than 2000 years. It combines strategy, tactics, and calculation. The game is played with black and white stones on a 19 x 19 square board, which is called a goban. In addition to the board, a player requires gobukawa (a flat cloth), which is used for playing and displaying the stones. A goban is often decorated with a design, such as dragons and flowers.

The most important concepts in Go are territory, attack, and defense. The main purpose of a player is to expand his or her territory, capture the opponent’s weak groups, and ultimately kill the opposing group. The complexities of Go are found in the rules regarding life and death, capturing races (semeai), and nakadai (area of influence).

A goban is not a perfect rectangle; there is a 15:14 ratio in length to width. The ratio is important because it creates a perspective that makes the board appear larger when viewed from the player’s position. A larger board also allows the player to more easily play a kozugawa, or defensive position.

In the beginning, a beginner must learn how to read the goban. This includes learning the symbols and understanding their meaning. Once these basics are mastered, the student can begin playing the game. Once a player has mastered the basics, the next step is to understand the game’s strategy.

Go has a long history in East Asia. In the 20th century, it became popular in the West as well. A number of famous Western players have attained high ranks in international competitions.

The GOES-R Series

The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the GOES-R satellites will improve imaging capability for severe weather, aviation, natural hazards, and the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. The expected scan mode will allow for CONUS and mesoscale sector imagery every 15 minutes, automatically interleaved with full-disk scanning. In addition, the ABI will have spectral bands that are not available on the current GOES imagers.

The GOES-R satellites are in a geosynchronous orbit, which means they move at the same speed as Earth rotates and are directly above the equator. This unique position makes it possible to monitor Earth’s weather at very fine time and space scales. During the daytime, GOES-R satellites provide images of Earth’s surface and its clouds using visible light imaging. The brightness of the images depends on how much sunlight is reflected off the ground, and snow, ice, and light-colored sand reflect the most sunlight. Meteorologists use these visible light images to identify cloud type and movement, as well as the location of developing severe weather. At night, GOES-R satellites collect thermal infrared radiation (radiation that warms objects). The longer wavelengths of this type of radiation are absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, but the shorter wavelengths can reach the satellites. These observations help meteorologists determine air temperature, water vapor, and other atmospheric constituents. They are especially useful in detecting low-level cloud cover and monitoring storm development.

The Meaning of Being Nice

Being nice can bring a lot of benefits. It can make you feel good, help others to feel good, and even help you achieve success in your endeavors. But it’s important to remember that being nice can also have its downsides if you’re not careful. In this week’s episode of That’s What They Say, University of Michigan English Professor Anne Curzan and host Rina Miller explore the meaning of the word “nice.” 1. pleasing to the senses or emotions: a nice lunch 2. refined in manners and speech; pleasant 3. pleasant in appearance or surroundings: the hotel is really nice

4. having a good reputation; suitable: a nice school

5. having fine distinctions; minute: a nice difference
While many people naturally have a knack for kindness, compassion and empathy, it is possible for others to work on being more nice. Being nice isn’t just about being polite, but it’s about having an overall attitude of caring and thoughtfulness towards everyone you encounter. It is about putting others before yourself, whether that’s holding the door for someone else or offering to help a colleague with an assignment. It’s about sharing your time, resources and wisdom with those around you. It’s about being a positive influence in the world and helping to create a more kind and loving society.

There are some things that are never nice, such as talking about others behind their backs. Talking negatively about a coworker, classmate or friend is not nice because it can cause them to doubt your integrity. It also shows that you are unable to see their perspective and therefore cannot respect them as a person.

Being nice also involves being able to communicate your feelings in an appropriate way. Keeping your feelings bottled up will not serve you or anyone else in the long run. Eventually, those negative feelings will come out in an unexpected and unfavorable way. Rather than being a nice person, you might become an unpleasant, angry or jealous individual.

So, if you want to be a more nice person, start by focusing on the qualities listed above. Keep in mind, however, that being nice is not about being fake or manipulative. Being nice is about being true to yourself, allowing others to be themselves and recognizing the value of every person. So, don’t try to be nice for the sake of getting something in return; do it because it makes you happy and it will make a difference in the lives of those around you.

How to Write a Good Article


A good article is a piece of writing that is well organized and contains clear information. It also uses correct grammar and punctuation and is written in a way that is easy for readers to understand. Writing a good article takes time and effort, but it is important to write quality content in order to achieve the goal of sharing useful information. The use of a good vocabulary is also important to keep the reader engaged and make it easier for them to read.

A person who is a good friend is someone who is kind and thoughtful. They always have a positive attitude and are happy to help others. Good friends are a great source of support during hard times.

When talking about a person, the phrase “good looking” is a compliment. People who are good looking have a pleasant appearance and are usually healthy. This is a result of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. A good diet consists of lots of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and low-fat dairy.

The concept of the good is a fundamental principle in many religions and spiritual traditions. The good is often seen as an expression of God’s love for his creation. This is why some people choose to follow religious beliefs in an attempt to be a good person and to do good things.

In philosophical terms, the idea of the good has been debated for centuries. Philosophers often distinguish between subjective and agent-relative goods, which get their value from the context of the person who values them, and objective or agent-neutral goods, which have a universal value. They also discuss the difference between ends and means, with the latter having value only insofar as they are necessary for an end that is valued.

For Aristotle the highest good is a life of virtue based on a spiritual synthesis that is unique to each individual person. The scholastic doctrine developed by St. Thomas aquinas is an important contribution to the philosophy of the good, building on the earlier contributions of Aristotle and pseudo-dionysius.

For Hegel, the good is an expression of Spirit or Absolute Truth, and all reality is seen as implicitly good. He therefore believes that moral goodness is a progressive effort to realize this Spirit, just as Spinoza sees all of man’s activity as a dynamic striving to understand the Ultimate Principle of Reality. Unlike Kant, Hegel does not distinguish between the ontological good and the good of moral action.

Choosing a Bike


A bicycle is a human-powered, two-wheeled, steerable machine that can be pedaled to travel at speeds up to four or five times the pace of walking. A bicycle consists of a seat, pedals, gearing, and handlebar mounted on a frame. The rider sits on the saddle and steers by leaning and turning the handlebars. The rider’s feet push the pedals, which in turn power a chain connected to a sprocket on the rear wheel. The sprocket on the rear wheel is connected to the front wheel by another chain. When the rider turns the handlebars, it swivels the front wheel to steer the bike.

Bicycles are used for recreation, exercise, commuting, and transportation. They are a popular form of alternative transport that reduces air pollution and traffic congestion. Despite their many benefits, bikes can be dangerous for novice riders. A cyclist who is struck by a vehicle or falls from their bike may require treatment from specialists such as emergency medicine physicians, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, oral surgeons, ophthalmologists, or physical therapists. Injuries to the heart and lungs from cycling may require intervention by cardiovascular or pulmonary specialists.

Choosing a Bike

The choice of a bicycle depends on the purpose for which it will be used and the kind of terrain on which it will be ridden. For example, a commuter bicycle will likely have wide tires intended for paved roads and disc brakes that offer more stopping power than rim brakes. It will also probably be built with a suspension system to reduce the bumps of riding over rough surfaces.

While there is no single best bicycle, the type that a person chooses will largely depend on their budget, the type of riding they do most often, and how much they value safety features. It is important to wear a helmet and obey the rules of the road, including wearing bright clothing, using hand signals when changing directions, and staying visible to other motorists. A bicycle should be fitted with a reflector on each side, and a front and rear light in case the rider is traveling at night.

Many bicycle reviews will begin with the author claiming that their test bike “allows them to rip through singletrack” or to “glide over rocks and blast corners.” While it is nice for an expert to demonstrate their abilities, this language only serves to confuse the reader as to what exactly the reviewer is describing by using this adjective. It is also important to remember that great riders do not necessarily make great reviewers, as it takes an objective eye to separate the impact of one’s abilities from the capabilities of a bike.