All posts by adminku

The Basics of a Bicycle


A bicycle is a two-wheeled machine for transporting a person over long distances. Millions of people worldwide use bicycles for transportation, recreation, sport (called cycling), and exercise. The basic design is simple: a frame with a seat, handlebars for steering, and two pedals that connect to the rear wheel by a chain. The rider sits on the seat and pushes down on the pedals, which causes the bicycle to move forward. The rider steers by turning the handlebars or by leaning. A modern bicycle may have a variety of sophisticated components, but the basic design has remained unchanged since the early 1900s.

The bicycle originated in Europe, but no one individual can be credited with its invention. Leonardo da Vinci is credited with sketching a bicycle in his Codex Atlanticus in 1492, although this drawing was later found to be a forgery. Da Vinci was most likely not a cyclist, but rather a painter who used the bicycle as an aid in moving around his studio.

Bicycles are relatively easy to operate and can be used by almost anyone who is in reasonably good physical condition. The bicycle is a fun and effective way to get exercise, and it can be made as fast or as slow as desired. The bicycle provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, and it also helps build strength and endurance. The bicycle can be used at a low intensity to recover from injury or illness, or it can be used as a demanding aerobic exercise.

Riding a bicycle is much safer than driving a motor vehicle, but there are still some dangers associated with biking. The most common risk is collision with pedestrians. To reduce the chance of collision, a bicycle should be operated at a safe speed and ridden in the proper lane of traffic. It is also important to wear a helmet and bright clothing when riding a bicycle. It is a good idea to carry a spare tire and a pump in case of a flat.

It is recommended that a bicycle be equipped with reflectors on the front and back of the bicycle. This makes it easier for other people to see the bike and will help to avoid accidents. In addition, it is a good idea to wear light-colored clothes when riding at night.

Cycling is a great form of exercise and is a great alternative to cars, which pollute the air. It is also a healthy and inexpensive form of transportation. Bicycles can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as traveling to work and school, shopping, and sightseeing. Moreover, it is a good way to relieve stress and enjoy nature. It also provides a sense of accomplishment and self-reliance. It is also a social activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is also a good way to stay in shape, and it provides a great opportunity for family bonding. Many people have fond memories of biking as children, and they are reluctant to try it again as adults because they think that they will not be able to master the skill.

GOES Satellites


GOES stands for Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. It is a series of satellites that monitor the United States and adjoining oceans. GOES satellites are positioned above the equator, so they remain in a fixed position in the sky, essentially stationary with respect to a point on Earth. There are two GOES satellites that monitor the continental United States: GOES East and GOES West. GOES East provides a reasonable view of the continental United States, while GOES West has a much better view of Alaska and Hawaii as well as a wide area of the Pacific Ocean.

The GOES satellites have flexible scanning imagers that allow scientists to quickly collect information about cloud cover, wind speed, air temperature, surface moisture and ozone levels. Some GOES satellites also carry instruments such as solar X-ray imagers that provide information about potentially dangerous solar activity and space environment monitoring (SEM) systems to detect the impact of space weather on the Earth’s atmosphere, enabling meteorologists to be more prepared for the effects of sudden, violent solar events.

In addition, GOES satellites are capable of broadcasting Level 1b products to local meteorological field offices through the High Rate Information Transmission service (HRIT) and the Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN). These services transmit imagery and selected data to terminals at the local level for display.

Before a satellite is launched, it’s given a letter designation, such as GOES-A. Once a satellite reaches its orbit, it’s then designated with a number, from GOES-1 through GOES-16 (skipping GOES-G, which was a launch failure).

During daylight hours, GOES satellites capture visible light images of the Earth and its clouds. These images help meteorologists identify cloud type and movement, track developing severe weather and provide warnings to the public about impending dangerous conditions.

Visible light images are available only during daylight hours because the Sun emits radiation that is reflected off of cloud tops and the Earth’s surface. The longer wavelengths of thermal infrared radiation that the GOES satellites detect can’t pass through the atmosphere to reach the ground and clouds because oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone absorb them. However, short-wave infrared radiation can reach the ground and clouds, so the GOES satellites can sense these.

The GOES-R satellites have new Advanced Baseline Imagers (ABI) that provide enhanced, more-detailed images of the Earth. GOES-R ABI images will show the entire disk of the Western Hemisphere every 15 minutes, and a scan of a specific storm region can be generated every 30 seconds. Additionally, GOES-16 and -17 will utilize a ten-minute flex mode, which will provide full images of the contiguous United States every 10 minutes, and a scan of two mesoscale domains each minute. The GOES-R system also includes the Data Collection System (DCS) that receives and relays weather observations from 20,000 other platforms around the globe.

8 Habits of a Nice Person

A truly nice person is considerate of others but also demonstrates self-respect. They know they deserve to be treated well and want to help others in their time of need.

Being a true nice person means that you make people feel special, and this includes your own family members. You show your love for them in many different ways, from giving them thoughtful gifts to making their days a little better by being there for them when they need you.

The word “nice” comes from the Old French phrase, niçoise, which means “pleasant” or “nice.” In its original meaning, nice was a positive term that meant cultured and respectable. However, the phrase eventually went a different direction and became a negative one, according to University of Pennsylvania linguistics professor Robert Curzan.

Despite its negative connotations, being nice can be an important part of being an authentic, happy person. Being a kind person will boost your confidence, improve your relationships, and increase your overall happiness level.

You can learn how to be a nice person by practicing these eight habits. These are the things that really make someone a good person, and they will help you become a better version of yourself in the future.

1. They listen carefully to what others have to say, even if they disagree with them or think differently from them.

In a world where we are often told that we must be tough to get what we want, it is easy to overlook the importance of being empathetic. A great way to strengthen your empathetic side is through loving-kindness meditation. This will help you understand how other people feel, and it will help you to be more compassionate in your everyday life.

2. They are honest about their own feelings and about the things that bother them in their relationships with others.

Being honest about how you feel is an essential component of being a good person. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary. It will allow you to understand why others behave the way they do, and it will enable you to end a bad relationship when the time is right.

3. They take responsibility for their mistakes.

A great way to be a good person is by learning how to accept your own mistakes and learn from them. This will enable you to be more patient with others, and it will help you to avoid a lot of unnecessary conflict in your life.

4. They are honest with themselves about their goals and expectations for the future.

It can be hard to be an honest person in a world where everyone is so focused on themselves, but you should try to be as honest with yourself as possible. This will help you to make better decisions and achieve your dreams more easily in the future.

5. They are willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good.

A good person is willing to do whatever it takes for the greater benefit of their friends and family. This can include volunteering their time to a cause that they care about, or helping to resolve an issue between family members.

How to Write a Good Article


The word good refers to something that is considered to be right or beneficial, often in a moral or religious sense. It can also be a term used in social contexts to describe people who are well-behaved or have good attitudes.

The meaning of the word can vary, depending on what you are trying to convey and the audience you are writing for. You will want to match your tone and style with the audience’s expectations and reading level. You will also need to consider your grammar and spelling as you write your article. You can use a tool such as Grammarly to check your spelling and ensure that it is accurate.

Some good ideas for articles are:

To make your article more effective, try to write in a way that is easy for the reader to understand and follow. This can be done by using an outline and breaking your paragraphs down based on the different concepts or perspectives you are trying to explain. It can also be a good idea to include relevant facts or statistics in your article where possible, but make sure to not overdo it as this can confuse the reader.

One of the best ways to start is by brainstorming about what you would like to talk about and researching what other people have written about the topic. This can help you get a better idea of what other people think about the subject and will allow you to focus your efforts on what is important.

Another great idea is to create a simple outline before you begin writing your article. This can save you time when writing the body of your article as it will help to breakdown the sequence in which you are going to talk about different topics.

It is a good idea to use a professional editor or a friend that is an expert in the field of your topic to review your article before it is published. This can be a helpful way to get the most out of your work and it can also help you avoid any mistakes or omissions that may have been made by yourself while you were writing it.

This will help you to keep your grammar and spelling correct, so that your article is easy for the reader to read and understand. It will also save you from having to proofread your work and can help you to write more efficiently.

A good article can be an informative, interesting, thought-provoking or persuasive piece of writing that can be useful to many readers. It should also be well-written, contain factually accurate information, be broad in coverage, and have a neutral point of view.

This is a very important part of any article, as it can be used to draw attention to your point of view and show that you have an understanding of the topic at hand. It is also an excellent way to communicate your research findings and opinions in a concise and clear manner.

What Is a Bicycle?

A bicycle is a vehicle that has two wheels and is pedaled by a rider. The word “bike” is derived from the Greek words bi (meaning two) and kuklos (meaning circles).

A bike may be powered by a pedal or a chain. The most popular form of bicycle power transmission is a chain drive, using a sprocket or derailleur to transmit the power from the pedals to the rear wheel. This allows a rider to match the speed of his or her pedaling to changing terrain.

Bicycles come in many different types and sizes, depending on the rider’s height and weight. If you are new to cycling, you should start out with a bike that is comfortable for you and easy to handle. Then, as you become more familiar with the bike, you can upgrade it to suit your needs.

Most bicycles have a frame that is made from steel or aluminum, and a set of bicycle wheels. Some bikes also have a front fork, which is a metal rod that holds the front wheel in place. The fork is designed to keep the front wheel stable when turning.

The fork and the bicycle frame can be made from a variety of materials. Some are made of wood, while others are manufactured from metal or plastic. Some of the most common components of a bicycle include a chainwheel, cranks, pedals and a saddle.

Some bicycles also have brakes. Brakes stop the bicycle by squeezing pads against the wheels. Other brakes are called hand brakes and use levers on the handlebars to control them.

In addition to braking, some bicycles have gears, which allow the rider to adjust the speed of his or her pedaling. Lower gears make pedaling easier but slow the bicycle down, while higher gears make pedaling harder but allow it to go faster.

These changes in pedaling speed are a way for cyclists to conserve energy and avoid overuse injuries. Riding a bicycle can be an excellent low-impact exercise that helps improve strength, balance and coordination. It can also help reduce your risk of falls, fractures and osteoarthritis.

It is important to remember that you should always take breaks when you are riding a bicycle, especially if you are using it for fitness purposes or if you ride for long periods of time. It is best to give yourself at least one full day off each week to allow your body to recover and to prevent injury.

You should also be sure to wear proper safety equipment while cycling, such as a helmet and lights that are visible at all times. It is also important to know your rights when it comes to traffic and pedestrian laws.

The operation of bicycles on public streets, sidewalks and other traffic-controlled areas in Iowa City is governed by the same rules as motor vehicles. Bicyclists must obey traffic signals and stop at red light and stop signs. They must not ride in a lane or across the center line of a roadway. They also must be able to safely stop for cars and trucks that are stopped at intersections or on the roadway.

What Are Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)?


Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) are orbiting over the equator and monitor Earth from a single position. This makes them much more effective than polar satellites, which constantly have to change positions to avoid collisions with other objects. GOES images show the entire earth in a full-disc picture, and they can detect the atmospheric “triggers” that trigger severe weather conditions such as tornadoes and hurricanes.

GOES is a NASA-NOAA joint program. The first two operational GOES satellites were launched in 1974, and the program has grown ever since. GOES is now the world’s leading environmental satellite fleet, and it provides continuous weather imagery and monitoring of meteorological and space environment data across North America.


Currently, there are two GOES satellites in operation: GOES-East at 75 degrees west longitude and GOES-West at 135 degrees west longitude. The GOES-R series will expand this number to four and provide operational coverage through 2036.

One of the most important things to know about GOES is that they are geosynchronous, meaning that they circle the Earth in a fixed position and observe the Earth at the same time every day. This is a huge advantage because it allows for very detailed observation of Earth’s surface and the ability to track severe weather events.

Another important feature of GOES is that they orbit at a very high altitude, around 35,000 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. This is very important because it allows them to constantly watch the same area of the Earth’s surface, and they can detect the atmospheric “triggers” for severe weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes.

This type of weather monitoring is vital to help the public stay safe and informed. It also helps emergency managers and meteorologists prepare for the most devastating weather situations.

The GOES-R series has a large suite of advanced instruments aboard each satellite. This includes the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which offers a range of multispectral imaging capabilities to provide detailed pictures of Earth’s environment.

Other instruments on the GOES-R series include Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors, which are used to detect solar flares that can disrupt communications and reduce navigational accuracy. The GOES-R series also includes the Magnetometer, which measures magnetic fields and can be used to identify and locate storm systems.

GOES-R series also has a Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), which can measure when lightning strikes the ground or builds up in the cloud layer. GLM is a very useful tool for forecasting thunderstorms, as well as severe weather events such as tornadoes and hailstorms.

The GOES-R series is the most advanced generation of geostationary environmental satellites to date. Its greatly improved capability provides orders of magnitude improvements in spatial, temporal and spectral resolution. This is a revolution in meteorological imaging that will allow the world to view and understand the Earth like never before.

The Qualities of a Nice Person

The word “nice” can be used to describe a person who is very lovable and caring. A person who is nice will never judge others and will be willing to help them out in any way possible.

A nice person is also very kind to themselves. They are honest with themselves and they are not afraid to make mistakes. They are always striving to be their best self and they want to help others do the same.

They have a strong sense of integrity and they are proud of their character. They will not compromise their values or beliefs in order to please someone else. They will always be truthful and they will treat everyone with respect.

During conversations, a person who is nice will try to understand the other people’s perspective and will take the time to listen to them. They will also speak positively even if they feel like it might hurt the other person’s feelings.

This is a very good quality to have as it will help you be able to communicate with others in a better way. This is because it will allow you to express yourself and your emotions without being censored.

It is important to know when to be nice and when to be mean as it can be hard sometimes to balance these two aspects of your personality. But it is essential to be kind and nice to yourself because it will help you grow in the right direction as you become a better person.

There are many benefits to being a nice person such as making friends, learning how to be more confident and feeling more at ease with yourself. You will find that people love you and will be more likely to do things for you because they know you will take care of them.

Being a nice person can also be beneficial in business as it can help you build relationships with other people. It will also give you a better chance of finding a job and making money.

You will have to be a bit more patient and understanding as it can be difficult to do these things for other people, but it is very important for you to do them. This will make you a much more successful person and it will make you feel better about yourself.

When you are nice, people will notice that you are doing these things for them and they will be grateful for it. They will also remember what you did for them in the future. This can be a great benefit as it will encourage them to do the same for you in return.

Lastly, it will be a lot easier for you to be nice and kind to people in general because you will not be afraid of being harsh or judging others. This can be very important in the workplace as it can help you build a great career and have an amazing life.

The Definition of Good

Good is a complex concept that encompasses a variety of meanings. It can be used to describe the good of a person, an object, or a social group; or it can refer to the general state of affairs.

The definition of good is a key element in the analysis of ethical theories and practices. It provides a basis for the development of morality, which in turn determines how we live our lives and what choices we make.

A good act is one that conforms to a norm of morality, such as the golden mean of virtue or a community’s general rules of conduct. It is also a good practice in an ethical system to avoid harming others and to strive to promote the welfare of the whole society.

Historically, various systems have held different norms of goodness. The hedonist pronounced an act good by its ability to give pleasure; the utilitarian judged it good on the basis of its utility to serve the greatest number of people.

For many philosophers, a good act is a good choice or action that follows a right reason and is befitting to the individual’s nature. This idea is based on the concept of man’s natural motive for action, as set forth by Aristotle and St. Thomas.

Some philosophical approaches to the notion of good, especially contemporary ones such as Bergson and Sartre, emphasize the creative and evolutionary character of human action. These theories see reality from a dynamic, evolving perspective and stress the importance of the “elan vital,” or the spontaneous impulse within the self.

Another approach, often referred to as Plotinian philosophy, is based on a distinction between the ontological good and the moral good. For Plotinus, the ontological good consists in the full perfection of being; all other things are emanations of that good. The moral good, however, is not a mere emanation but is itself an embodied and transcendent good; namely, it is the product of God’s goodness, in which all other beings are only part.

Other metaphysical and moral good explanations abound; the most important are those of Spinoza and Kant. For Spinoza, the moral good is the progressive effort to realize Spirit, and for Kant it is the result of the synthesis of a rational understanding and a spiritual life that seeks to comprehend the Ultimate Good or Reason.

Saint Augustine synthesizes these ideas in the teaching of his church. Unlike the ontological good, the moral good is a personal good, a good that can be sought by man’s understanding and free choice. It is not a purely mechanical or deterministic good, but rather is a spiritual synthesis of the person’s personality and its love of God and His creation.

Aristotle, for his part, argues that a good end is something that is desired for its own sake and that cannot be grasped by a mere mechanical relationship of the end to the thing being done. The good end is the goal of a specific act, inquiry, or pursuit; it is a product of the activity, and it may be either a higher or lower good that man wishes for itself.

The Benefits of Owning a Bicycle


Bicycles are a great way to get exercise and have fun. They are also a safe form of transportation, especially when used in combination with other forms of transport such as buses and trams.

Bikes are often considered to be an inexpensive form of transportation that can offer many benefits. Some of the benefits include:

Cycling is a healthy way to exercise and can help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

It is also a great way to spend time with friends and family. You can go for a ride together and talk about your day, or you can simply enjoy the scenery and fresh air.

The average adult can do a bike ride at about 16 to 24 kilometers per hour–about four times faster than walking, and about six times faster than sitting in a car. This is a good way to get your heart rate up and increase your overall fitness level, says Paul Warloski, a USA Cycling certified cycling coach and ACE-certified personal trainer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

If you’re thinking of starting to cycle, be sure to consult your doctor. He or she can advise you on whether this is a healthy activity for you, and also give you suggestions for modifications that might be necessary for certain conditions such as cardiovascular issues or joint problems.

Choosing the right bike for you

There are a lot of different types of bikes out there, so it’s important to choose one that suits your riding style and your budget. Depending on your goals, you can start off with a basic recreational bike and then work your way up to more sophisticated road or track bikes.

Buying your first bike

You can save some money by purchasing a used bike, or you can look into the prices of newer bikes from the same manufacturer. There are also some websites that offer discounts on used bicycles, such as eBay or Craigslist.

What to look for in a bike

A bike’s frame should be made from strong but lightweight materials such as steel, aluminum or carbon fibre. Lightweight frame materials can help you avoid fatigue, which can lead to sore muscles and aches during long rides.

Having a frame that is well designed and constructed can make all the difference in your experience of cycling. You want to make sure that you have a frame that is comfortable, fits properly and is stable at all times, regardless of what terrain you’re riding on.

Your handlebars should be adjustable for your height and position, but they should also be wide enough to support your weight as you move up or down the saddle. This can help you to ride in an upright or crouching position, and can also reduce strain on your neck.

The best bikes will be comfortable and stable at all times, even during fast or intense riding. You should also have a good set of lights and a helmet to keep you safe while out on your bike.

GOES Satellites Monitor Earth’s Atmosphere


GOES satellites (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) are high-altitude weather monitoring and forecasting instruments. They orbit exactly once each day at 35,800 kilometers above Earth’s surface, or 22,300 miles, and provide constant vigil for the atmospheric “triggers” for severe weather conditions such as tornadoes, flash floods, hailstorms and hurricanes.

Unlike the International Space Station, which circles the planet about 15 times each day, geostationary satellites orbit at an altitude that allows them to remain positioned over one geographic area so they can provide continuous coverage over time. This allows them to monitor large sectors of the Earth’s surface and maintain a high-fidelity image of it.

The GOES satellites have a number of different instruments on board, which are used to monitor Earth’s atmosphere. They collect data from the atmosphere by detecting two types of radiation: electromagnetic and thermal infrared. Electromagnetic radiation is detected by instruments that are sensitive to certain wavelengths of the radio waves that are produced when a satellite passes in front of the Sun.

Solar radiation is reflected off of cloud tops and Earth’s surface, which gives meteorologists information that can help them predict thunderstorms and other weather events. The GOES satellites also gather solar irradiance information, which is useful in monitoring the upper atmosphere to see whether there are any flares or other potential hazards that could disrupt communications and reduce navigational accuracy.

Temperature of the Earth’s surface

The temperature of the Earth is measured using a thermometer that is mounted on a GOES satellite and sends readings to the GOES control center. The GOES satellites send this data to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) where it is processed and distributed for use by meteorologists worldwide.

Temperature of the atmosphere is a very important factor in making accurate weather forecasts. GOES satellites send a high-resolution, real-time thermometer to the NOAA National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) in Silver Spring, Maryland. The thermometer data is used to calculate wind speed and direction and temperature for the local area.

Infrared Observations

The GOES satellites are also equipped with sensors that detect thermal infrared radiation from the Sun. This type of radiation is absorbed by oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. During cloudy weather, this radiation is absorbed more easily than during sunny days. This means that GOES satellites can view cloud tops and water vapor more closely than they can during clear weather.

Visible Light Imaging

GOES satellites also collect data on the amount of sunlight that is reflected off of the cloud tops and Earth’s surface. This is the same radiation that you need to take regular photographs, so it is easy to recognize clouds and other weather features in the GOES images. Snow, ice and light-colored sand reflect the most sunlight, so they show up brightest in visible light images.

Satellite Imagery

GOES satellites send their imagery to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) through the Satellite Operations Control Center in Suitland, Maryland. The satellites are controlled by NOAA meteorologists who use the information to develop daily weather forecasts for the United States and other countries. GOES satellites are also used to provide real-time mapping of lightning activity.