All posts by adminku

A Brief History of the Bicycle

A bicycle is a human powered, two wheeled vehicle that’s propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars. Bicycles are often called bikes or push-bikes. They are very useful, fun to ride, and good for your health! They are also very convenient and make it easy to get around. They help to reduce air pollution, congestion, and parking problems. Bicycles also are very good for the environment. They do not pollute and do much less damage to the roads than cars.

The bicycle’s many uses – including for recreation, transportation, and work – have influenced human society in profound ways. Its impact has been reflected in cultural, economic, and technological development.

The first recognizable bicycle was invented by Baron Karl von Drais in 1817. This machine had wooden wheels and a crank with two pedals connected to a chain that ran through cogs on the front and rear wheels. It was the first device that allowed a person to lift his or her feet completely off the ground, and thus travel more quickly than walking.

After the introduction of a safer and more comfortable model in the 1890s, cycling became increasingly popular among men and women, especially those in urban areas. Among other things, it reduced crowding in inner-city tenements and increased the efficiency of commuter travel by eliminating the need for trains and coaches. It also opened up new opportunities for recreational travel, making it easier to explore the countryside and enjoy nature. Its popularity also stimulated rural modernization through infrastructural improvements along popular routes and the spread of facilities such as inns, cafes, information points and bicycle repair shops.

In addition, cycling has encouraged the growth of sports and recreational organizations that promote health, fitness, and sociability, and it has helped to establish new modes of transport, such as rail and road transport. It has also encouraged the development of advanced metalworking techniques and the manufacture of components for other machines such as automobiles and aircraft.

Getting back into the groove of riding can be a little difficult after a long break, but it’s important to remember that you can do it! It is best to take it slowly and gradually increase your intensity as you build up. It is also important to drink water while cycling, especially on hot days. During your rides, you should listen to your body and take breaks if you feel pain, fatigue, or muscle soreness.

Some people have prejudices against bicycle users, but these can be overcome with the right attitude and the proper equipment. It is also helpful to learn a few basic bicycle maintenance skills so that you can keep your bike in tip-top shape. If you do this, you can avoid a lot of costly repairs! Also, make sure that you wear a helmet when cycling. This will protect you from serious injuries in case of a crash or accident. Lastly, always stay safe and have fun! Remember, riding a bicycle is a great form of exercise that can be enjoyed by the entire family.

GOES Satellites and Their Payloads

The GOES (GEOstationary Operational Environmental Satellite) system provides vital real-time weather data to NOAA’s National Weather Service and Meteorological Services of Canada as well as atmospheric science research and environmental sensor design.

The data is a lifeline that supports severe storm tracking, meteorology research, and weather forecasting and monitoring of the Earth’s land, atmosphere, and oceans. The data also support aviation safety by monitoring volcanic activity and associated ash plumes.

GOES is comprised of a fleet of geostationary satellites and ground-based elements that work together to provide a continuous stream of data. The satellites are in a geostationary orbit that keeps them over the same geographic area over time.

They are equipped with instruments that measure Earth-emitted and reflected radiation from which weather information like temperature, wind speed, moisture, and cloud cover can be determined. The data is transmitted to a network of meteorology radars and weather centers where it can be interpreted and used for forecasting.

A typical GOES satellite has two primary payload instruments: the Imager and the Sounder. The Imager is a multichannel instrument that senses visible and infrared radiant energy, primarily from the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. The Sounder, on the other hand, measures vertical atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles, and provides a variety of environmental parameters, including ozone distribution.

Both of these instruments operate with a servo-driven, two-axis gimballed mirror system (whiskbroom type) in conjunction with a 31 cm Cassegrain telescope. This combination allows a GOES satellite to scan the entire disk of the Earth, day and night, in as little as 30 seconds.

The satellites are also equipped with the Space Environment Monitor (SEM) instrument package of NOAA’s Space Environment Center (SEC). This instrument measures the solar wind particle flux, its variations, and resulting effects on the near-Earth solar-terrestrial electromagnetic environment.

GOES satellites are constantly scanning the atmosphere, looking for the atmospheric “triggers” that can lead to the formation of severe storms such as tornadoes, hail storms and hurricanes. They can also track wildfires to detect their growth, estimate rainfall during thunderstorms for flash flood warnings, and help meteorologists issue snow storm warnings.

In the spring of 2020 GOES-16 and 17 helped meteorologists track the movement of wildfires, while during the busy hurricane season they provided live images that were used to help forecast the progression and strength of those storms. During this record-setting Atlantic storm season they also tracked 30 named storms, six of which were major hurricanes.

How to Be a Nice Person

Nice is a word with a surprisingly diverse history. Etymologists have identified multiple senses of the word, and each one has its own etymology and a different meaning. The word may be used to describe a person, place, or thing, and it often is associated with a positive quality. For example, you might describe someone as nice if they are thoughtful and considerate of others. However, being nice isn’t always easy. People who try to be nice often end up compromising their values in the process. However, there are many ways to be a nice person that don’t require you to compromise your integrity or lose sight of your own values.

Among the most common traits of a nice person are patience and kindness. People who are kind are usually patient with others, and they treat everyone with the same respect. For instance, they might allow someone else to go ahead of them in line at a store, or they might help an elderly person cross the street safely. Nice people are also kind to themselves. They don’t criticize themselves, and they avoid complaining about other people.

People who are nice are considerate of other people’s feelings and beliefs. They show interest in other people and listen attentively to them. They may ask questions to learn more about their lives or opinions, and they try to avoid interrupting other people.

Being nice can be hard, especially if you’re being pulled in multiple directions. You might feel pressure to please other people, or you might get frustrated when a person doesn’t live up to your expectations. However, a nice person knows their limits and isn’t afraid to speak up when they need to.

Nice people are honest with themselves and other people. They don’t lie or manipulate, and they don’t gossip about other people. They’re also fair in their dealings with other people, and they don’t put on an act when it’s convenient for them.

Being a nice person is often based on logic and rational thinking. It makes sense that people who are nice would want to help other people because it feels good to do so. In fact, research shows that doing random acts of kindness does make you feel good. The reason is that it triggers a release of serotonin, which helps maintain your mood, and oxytocin, which makes you feel connected to other people.

However, being a nice person can also be based on compassion and emotional instincts. Compassion isn’t logical, but it does come from the right brain. This is why people who are empathetic tend to be nicer than those who aren’t. They have an inner drive to help other people, which isn’t a conscious choice, but a natural response. Being a nice person isn’t easy, but it can be rewarding when you do it for the right reasons. People who are genuinely nice are often rewarded with the satisfaction of making other people happy.

What is Good?

Good is a central pillar of our vision. We have a growing body of research to show that people want to support good and are drawn to stories of success, especially when they are related by the personal experiences of others like themselves. That’s why we create long-form content that reaches more than just the eyeballs.

Good is about building a positive world through innovation and collaboration. It’s about connecting people with each other and the natural environment, creating better ways to live, work and play. It’s about improving the human condition through technology, for example allowing people in different locations around the world to connect with each other during times of disaster and tragedy by using simple signaling technologies like VoIP.

It’s about inspiring people to make a difference and creating a culture of kindness in society. It’s about sharing stories of the many acts of kindness and heroism that happen during a crisis, as well as the efforts of people to make our world safer and happier.

Generally speaking, an article is considered good when it has passed through the good article nomination process successfully and meets the core set of editorial standards. This includes being well-written, factually accurate and verifiable, broad in coverage, neutral in point of view, stable, illustrated, and supported by relevant images with suitable copyright licenses. See Wikipedia:Good articles for further details.

GOES Satellites Improve Weather Forecasting and Improve Aviation Safety

The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) program provides National Weather Service forecasters with critical data to better monitor hazardous conditions and improve aviation safety. The system uses instruments that measure Earth-emitted and reflected radiation from which atmospheric temperature, winds, moisture, and cloud cover can be determined. The procurement, design and manufacture of the spacecraft, as well as the satellite operations and distribution of data, is overseen by NOAA.

The first GOES satellite, launched in 1975, was a spin-stabilized instrument with a fixed viewing angle that provided two-dimensional images of the surface. Using an infrared scanning radiometer, the satellite could detect and report surface temperatures, cloud heights and motions, and other meteorological information. Eventually the satellite was upgraded to include a space environment monitor with a solar X-ray imager, which could identify flares and coronal mass ejections, and provide advance warning of disturbances in the upper atmosphere that can trigger spectacular aurora displays, or lead to power outages.

NOAA’s GOES-R series of geostationary satellites, which began launching in 2016, is the third generation of GOES instruments. The new satellites are able to produce 10-minute full disk imagery, which will provide a significant improvement in operational data availability. Ten-minute imagery will also allow the NOAA Satellite Operations Center to more rapidly respond to hazardous conditions, such as volcanic activity generating an ash plume.

An onboard data collection system (DCS) relays environmental data transmissions from remote, automatic Data Collection Platforms (DCPs). DCS is designed to detect and communicate with DCPs within its radio view of a GOES satellite, sending them a signal that indicates when its event condition has reached a pre-set value. When the DCP receives a DCS interrogate signal, it can transmit its own environmental data transmission in response.

GOES-16 and -17 can also detect fires on the ground by looking for the characteristic thermal infrared signature of burning vegetation. This information can be used to help forecast when the fire will begin to spread, as well as to provide fire managers with real-time fire boundaries displayed on Google Maps.

Other GOES satellites carry instruments that can detect solar X-rays and other indicators of solar activity, which can impact weather patterns and cause power outages on the ground and in aircraft. These satellites can also track volcanic activity, detect ash plumes from erupting volcanoes and provide other vital meteorological information to aviation and coastal weather forecasters.

NOAA’s GOES data is available for free, as are many tools to manipulate and display it. For example, the NASA GOES-16 Satellite Imagery page has several sectors and animations, as does the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s GOES-R Satellite page with a number of Sectors and Full Disks and their GLM and SUVI Animations. GOES imagery is also available in Google Earth, the GEONETCast Americas page, and the CIMSS Tropical page with multiple bands and overlays.

How Do You Define Nice?

Whether nice comes naturally to you or you have to work at it, there’s no denying the positive impact being kind can have on our lives. It’s not only a feeling that makes others feel good but it has been shown to lower our stress levels and even help us live longer. Being nice can also help with social anxiety and boost our self-esteem. But how exactly do you define nice? What is it that makes some people so genuinely kind to everyone they come across?

Unlike narcissists who are only out for themselves, nice people want to put in the extra effort to help those around them. Whether it is opening the door for someone, helping a colleague with their work or just simply listening to friends, they are always thinking about how they can be helpful to others. They also take time to learn about other cultures and viewpoints in order to understand them and not judge.

Being a nice person involves a lot of empathy, which is a sense of understanding and sharing another person’s feelings. Whether it is for a close friend or a stranger, they are always thinking of the needs of others before themselves and putting in the extra work to show that they care.

In addition to putting in the effort to be helpful, being nice often includes being polite and respectful. These are both traits that are easily learned but can be difficult to maintain especially in the face of adversity or rudeness. Politeness is all about setting the tone of a conversation or interaction and it can make a big difference in how the outcome turns out.

If you have ever been a victim of an overly nice person who can’t seem to stop saying how great they are, it may be because they are trying to cover up their true nature for fear of being rejected. Being overly nice can lead to manipulation and actually decrease your self-esteem as it is a form of inauthenticity. This can lead to a “bunny boiler” syndrome where you constantly sacrifice your own needs for those of others, which is dangerously unhealthy.

There is a fine line between being nice and being kind as the two have been linked to a number of different personality traits. Pleasing other people can be considered nice but only if it is done from a place of benevolence, which is why the two are often confused.

Being nice and being kind are both important aspects of living a fulfilling life but they do have their differences. Being nice is about being helpful to others and showing that you are empathetic towards them while kindness is more about displaying compassion. While it might be challenging to stay nice in the face of adversity and rudeness, remember that your actions speak louder than words and by being kind to others you are improving the world, one interaction at a time.

How to Write a Good Article

When writing an article, it is important to research thoroughly and find accurate information about your topic. This ensures that your content is accurate and up to date, and it can also help to build credibility with your audience. You should also consider using different types of sources, including interviews with experts, to create a diverse perspective on your topic. Lastly, taking thorough notes while researching can help you keep track of all the information you collect and will make it easier to write your article when you’re finished.

The word good is an adjective that means “pleasing, favorable, nice” or “fitting well.” In a moral context, it can also mean “agreeable or acceptable,” or “conforming to ethical principles.”

However, the meaning of good is often subjective. For example, a long walk through a busy city might be good for someone who enjoys people-watching, but it would not be good for someone who is claustrophobic or has a fear of crowds. Similarly, a particular kind of food might be good for you, but not good for someone else.

Throughout history, philosophers have debated what is good and how we should understand it. Some have argued that the good consists of prudential or moral qualities, while others have suggested that the good is something more fundamental to being human.

One of the most popular conceptions of good is utilitarianism, which says that we should try to maximize the overall happiness of those around us. Other philosophers have criticized utilitarianism for neglecting other values, such as beauty or truth. Moreover, utilitarianism has been accused of advocating hedonism and materialism.

More recently, philosophers have discussed whether or not the concept of good can be explained by naturalism, which holds that all goods have their value in nature. Some have even proposed that different goods can be distinguished through kinds of pro-attitudes. Aristotle, however, believed that the good can only be defined as what lifts humans above animals.

While there are many ways to write an article, some formats are more effective than others at keeping readers engaged and delivering key takeaways. The best articles are concise and informative, while also being visually appealing. They often use visuals like charts and graphs to make complex ideas more accessible to readers, and they include real-life examples that can be related to everyday life.

Finally, the best articles include an open-ended conclusion paragraph that encourages readers to think about the topic further and provides a call to action. This will make your article more valuable to readers, and it will also improve its search engine optimization.

The Basics of Buying a Bicycle

A bicycle is a two-wheeled vehicle with pedals for propulsion. It is usually designed for riding on paved roads and paths. It is also used in racing and other competitive sports. Bicycles are relatively simple machines compared to motor vehicles and have many moving parts that can wear out. Regular maintenance and replacement of worn components is required to keep a bicycle in good working order. Some cyclists choose to do some of the work themselves, especially when they have a basic understanding of how their bike works.

There are many different types of bicycles. The type you choose should be based on your intended use, the terrain where you will ride, whether you will carry cargo or children, and your fitness level. Bicycles come in a wide range of prices, from low-cost utilitarian models to high-end racers.

The first practical bicycles were developed in the late 1860s. These were based on German inventor Karl Drais’s velocipede, which had a platform for the rider that was raised above the ground by cranks attached to the wheel. Drais’s design had one major flaw: it was difficult to maintain balance with the platform lowered below the seat.

To solve this problem, Englishman John Kemp Starley designed a bicycle with equal-sized wheels and a shorter platform in 1885. This design, which he called the safety bicycle, was a great success and led to the bicycle boom of the 1890s. During this time, cycling moved from being a sport and hobby to a form of basic transportation for people of all classes, races, and sexes.

Modern bicycles are designed to carry the rider comfortably while converting most of the energy from the rider’s movement into kinetic energy that moves the bicycle forward. To achieve this, the frame of a modern bicycle is constructed from lightweight materials, such as aluminum or steel. These materials are shaped to provide the frame with its strength, rigidity, and responsiveness. In addition, the seat is designed to allow the rider to sit in a comfortable upright position. Some seats even have longitudinal slots to avoid perineal pressure and saddle sores.

There are many things to consider when selecting a new bicycle, including your height, weight, and fitness level. To ensure a safe ride, it is important that your bicycle fit you properly. To check this, look for a frame size label on the bottom bracket and a measurement chart in the owner’s manual. These charts give you the reach and stack measurements of the frame, which should be close to your body measurements. You can also find other useful information in the owner’s manual, such as tips for riding safely and a list of recommended accessories. To reduce the risk of injury, it is essential that you use a helmet whenever you are riding your bicycle. You should also be familiar with local road rules and traffic laws.

GOES Satellites Monitor Earth’s Weather Conditions

Go is a programming language developed at Google. It is a general purpose imperative computer programming language with a syntax that is similar to C and the ability to run on all major operating systems. Go is designed to be easy to learn, with a minimal set of features intended to keep code concise and readable. Its features include a standard library, code package management, static typing, support for testing, and platform independence.

A satellite devoted to monitoring the Earth’s weather conditions is called a GOES (Geosynchronous Orbiting Environmental Satellite) satellite. The first GOES satellite was launched in 1974, and since then the system of geosynchronous equatorial orbiting weather satellites has become an essential element of U.S. meteorological operations. GOES satellites provide essential information for forecasting, tracking and monitoring hazardous weather conditions, such as thunderstorms, lightning, snowstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes and wildfires.

Each GOES satellite is equipped with two payload instruments, the GOES Imager and GOES Sounder. The Imager is a multichannel imaging instrument that provides real-time imagery of the Earth, while the Sounder is a 19-channel radiometer that senses emitted thermal energy and reflected solar energy to calculate vertical atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles. In addition, the GOES Sounder also monitors ozone and nitrous oxide.

The GOES 2nd generation series, GOES-R and GOES-T, are equipped with an Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), which provides three times more spectral channels and five times faster scanning than the previous Imager. ABI is augmented by the Space Environment Monitor (SEM), which senses the near-Earth solar-terrestrial electromagnetic environment and transmits real-time data to NOAA National Weather Service offices and Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers. SEM is equipped with an Energy Particle Sensor (EPS), High Energy Proton and Alpha Particle Detector (HEPAD) and magnetometer.

Besides monitoring storms and fires, the satellites track temperature fronts, estimate precipitation during thunderstorms and hurricanes for flash flood warnings and snowfall accumulation for winter storm and snow melt advisories. The satellites’ sensors also map ice fields and observe the movement of sea and lake ice.

Because a GOES satellite stays above a fixed point on the Earth, it can continually watch for atmospheric “triggers” that can lead to severe weather conditions, such as the formation of thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, tornadoes and fires. The satellites also provide images of the Earth at night and in inclement weather, and monitor conditions such as ocean surface winds and arctic air mass patterns.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) oversees the development and operation of the GOES satellite system, while the National Aeronautics and Space Administration manages the procurement, design and manufacture of the spacecraft and its instruments, and launches the satellites into orbit. After completing an on-orbit checkout, NOAA assumes responsibility for the satellites. The GOES satellites are monitored and controlled by NOAA’s Satellite Operations Control Center in Suitland, Maryland. The GOES-3 and -4 satellites have an expected lifespan of three years, while the -5, -6 and -7 satellites are designed to operate for five years and will carry enough fuel to continue operating beyond that time, should the need arise.

What Does It Mean to Be Nice?

Nice is a word that gets used a lot, but it’s not always clear what people mean when they say it. Some think of it as being polite or courteous, while others use it to describe someone who behaves well. The word has many other definitions, though, including being pleasant and good-natured.

A person who is nice is often praised for their ability to keep the peace and be cooperative. This type of behavior is lauded in the workplace as a positive trait because it can help to build trust and camaraderie in teams. However, being nice can also have its downsides. A person who is too nice can end up sacrificing their own beliefs and values in order to please those around them. They may end up putting themselves second and end up feeling resentful because they feel like they’ve let down their true selves.

If you are a nice person, it is important to set healthy boundaries and learn how to be assertive without being aggressive. Being assertive means standing up for your own beliefs and values, and speaking out when something is wrong. It doesn’t have to be confrontational, but it does involve speaking out against unfair treatment and reclaiming your personal power.

Those who are nice are often afraid of conflict and so they try to avoid it at all costs. This can lead to them being taken advantage of because they aren’t willing to stand up for themselves. Eventually, this nice behavior can become toxic and affect all areas of their lives.

Being nice means helping those in need. This can include lending a hand, offering words of encouragement, or sending a text to say you’re thinking of them. It also includes letting others know that you care about them by giving compliments. This type of behavior can make you feel good because it releases the hormone oxytocin. This hormone can help to reduce stress levels and boost self-esteem.

People who are nice don’t judge others. They are open to learning about different cultures and lifestyles. This is because they want to understand them so that they can be accepting of other people’s opinions and viewpoints. Typically, a nice person has an open mind and is willing to listen to opposing points of view.

A person who is nice is willing to do things that aren’t necessarily their “duty.” For example, if their coworker wants to take time off during the holidays, a nice person might offer to cover their shift. This shows that they are thoughtful and care about their friends and colleagues. Ultimately, being nice is about showing people that you care about them and are willing to sacrifice your own needs for theirs. It is a trait that can help to build relationships and bolster your own self-esteem, but it’s essential to know when to set healthy boundaries so you don’t become too nice and end up compromising your values.