All posts by adminku

The Basics of a Bicycle

A bicycle is a human-powered, two-wheeled vehicle that can be used for transportation, recreation, or sport. More than 2 billion bicycles are currently in use worldwide, outselling automobiles by a factor of three to one. Bicycles are the most efficient means of human-powered travel, converting about 99% of the energy applied to the pedals into forward motion.

The bicycle is also an excellent fitness machine, providing a low-impact and full-body workout. A 30 minute bike ride burns over 100 calories and builds leg strength, while increasing cardiovascular endurance and aerobic capacity. Unlike some other sports, cycling can be easily adapted to any age or physical condition and can be performed at as low or as high intensity as desired.

Bicycles are generally made of steel or aluminum alloy for strength and light weight, with carbon fiber being used in higher-end models. Frames are often painted or powder coated to protect the finish. There are many accessories available for bicycles, including racks, fenders, lights, mirrors, reflectors, bottle cages, baskets, and bags. In some places, laws require bicycles to be equipped with certain safety devices.

A wide range of tires are available for bicycles, enabling them to be used on many different types of roads and terrain. Some bicycles have disk brakes, which provide more stopping power than rim brakes. Some bicycles have front and rear derailleurs, which allow the rider to shift gears without removing their hands from the handlebars. In addition to standard tires, there are specialized tires for off-road and racing use.

Many cities have bike lanes or paths that separate cyclists from motor vehicles. Increasingly, people are using bicycles for transport to work or school. In urban areas, bikes outnumber cars by more than two to one. Bicycles are also widely used for recreation, as they can be enjoyed in many types of weather and at any time of the day or night.

The invention of the bicycle revolutionized human mobility. It changed the way that people live, work and play, especially in developing countries. Today, the bicycle is the primary mode of transport for millions of people around the world. Its efficiency and convenience make it a popular form of transportation. The bicycle also has a significant environmental impact, reducing air pollution and traffic congestion in cities.

Cycling is a fun and healthy activity for people of all ages and abilities. In the United States, more than 60 million people ride a bicycle regularly. Most are primarily recreational riders, although there are also significant numbers of commuters and athletes.

When riding a bike on the road, be aware of your surroundings and follow all the rules of the road. Yield to other vehicles and pedestrians, and always check behind you before turning. Always wear a helmet, brightly colored clothing or reflective gear, and a reflector on your bicycle at night or in poor visibility. Also, make sure your bicycle fits you and is in good working order before riding it.

The Next Generation of GOES Satellites

The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) system of geosynchronous equatorial weather satellites has been a basic element of U.S. weather monitoring and forecasting since 1974. It is jointly funded and operated by NASA and NOAA. The GOES satellites are used by the National Weather Service to monitor atmospheric conditions throughout the United States and to provide severe storm tracking and meteorology research data.

A NOAA press release explains that the next generation GOES satellites, called the GOES-R series, will have sensors that will increase imagery resolution and allow for the detection of more detail in the atmosphere. In addition, it will have a new solar-pointing instrument and the first Geostationary Lightning Mapper to detect and monitor total lightning activity with a spatial resolution of 8 km across most of the Western Hemisphere.

This satellite will also include the first GOES Sounder to monitor vertical atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles and ozone distribution. All of the GOES-R series satellites will be the first to broadcast all of their data via direct broadcast, and it is expected that this will lead to more accurate and timely weather forecasts and more detailed information about long-term climate changes.

GOES-R will use the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) to provide improved Earth-viewing images. The ABI uses silicon (Si) for the visible and near-infrared spectral bands and mercury cadmium telluride for the infrared spectral band. The ABI images will have a spatial resolution of 1 km for the visible and 4 km for the infrared. The ABI coverage rate will be enhanced by a factor of five from the current GOES satellites, allowing a doubling of imaging capabilities.

In a recent paper, University of Washington researchers led by Professor Michael Hashimoto, analyzed GOES-R ABI imagery from a year-long study of Amazon seasonality to learn more about how the rainforest cycles water and carbon. He and his colleagues found that the GOES-R ABI observations show how seasonality varies throughout the Amazon basin due to a variety of factors, including weather. Previously, studies of Amazon seasonality have relied on polar-orbiting satellites that fly over the region just once or twice per day. GOES-R, with its persistent observations from geostationary orbit, will help improve global models that include Amazon seasonality.

The GOES-R series of satellites is a collaboration between NOAA and NASA. NOAA will fund the development and launch of the satellites, and NASA will design and build the sensor suite. The GOES-R series is scheduled to be launched through 2036, with one operational satellite in each of the eastern and western polar observing positions and an on-orbit spare. Prior to launch, each satellite is designated by a letter that will be changed to a number upon reaching its geostationary orbit. For example, GOES-U was renamed GOES-16 after launch. The process of testing a GOES satellite can take nearly a year. One test involves thermal vacuum testing, which involves placing the satellite in a chamber that has temperatures that range from 188 degrees Fahrenheit to minus 67 Fahrenheit to simulate the extremes encountered during launch and in the space environment.

The Importance of Being Nice

Nice is an adjective that means “pleasant,” “fun,” or “agreeable.” It is often used to describe people, places, and things. The word is also commonly used to refer to someone who is kind, polite, or respectful of the feelings of others. Being nice is considered a positive trait, and it is important for people to be kind to one another.

Being nice is a form of empathy, the ability to understand and share another person’s emotions. This ability is vital in interpersonal relationships, as it allows us to connect with other people and build strong bonds. It is also an important aspect of being a good citizen, as being nice helps to maintain the peace and promotes civility.

To be nice, we must recognize that we are all connected and that everyone has a unique set of circumstances and challenges. When we make the decision to be nice, it should always be done out of a genuine desire to help others. If it is a false show of niceness, it will be evident to those around you.

A genuinely nice person is not afraid to stand up for their values and beliefs. This may mean that they will be willing to sacrifice a relationship or friendship for their principles. Similarly, a genuinely nice person will not let other people push them around or use them for their own gain. They are also able to hold their own against adversity and will not allow others to bring them down.

Nice people are helpful, and they love to do things for other people. This can be as simple as smiling at other people in the grocery store or helping a co-worker with a project. In addition, they will go out of their way to be kind and supportive to their friends and family members.

If you tell a genuinely nice person that you are going away for a weekend, they will ask about how your trip is going. They will be genuinely interested in hearing about your experience trekking in America or solo traveling in Spain. They will also be a great listener, and they will always remember what you told them.

While niceness is generally regarded as an ethical virtue, it can be difficult to distinguish between niceness and kindness. Both are pleasing to other people, but niceness can be tinged with selfishness, while kindness is pure benevolence.

It is important to practice loving-kindness meditation in order to develop a more empathetic mindset and become a more nice person. It can also help to focus more on physical reality rather than thought-reality in daily life, as this will strengthen the empathetic part of the brain. In time, these practices will help you to be a more nice person and will create strong connections with other people. This will help you to achieve the peace and happiness that you deserve in life. Nice is a city in the Alpes-Maritimes department of France, located on the Mediterranean coast. The city is famous for its clear air and soft light, which have attracted many notable painters to the region such as Marc Chagall and Henri Matisse.

What is a Good Thing?

A good thing is something desirable or satisfying: a good meal, a good time, or a good movie. It may also refer to a person or thing that is virtuous, admirable, or praiseworthy: a good man, a good mother, a good friend, or a good teacher. The word good also carries the connotation of being fit or suitable for a purpose: a good knife, a good coat, or a good book. Finally, it can be used as an adjective to indicate approval or satisfaction: “That’s a really good idea”; “I think that’s a very good article.”

Philosophical studies of goodness are extensive and date back to antiquity. In particular, two types of the good have been at the center of many discussions: the prudentially good (e.g., what makes an action ethical or moral) and the morally good (e.g., what constitutes a good life).

Good can also be understood as the object of a person’s deliberations: “whether it is good to do p.” The nature of good is thus a fundamental issue in ethics. Several philosophers have attempted to define what it means for a thing or person to be good, but their attempts have met with mixed results.

One reason for the controversy over a definition of good is that the concept seems to be incoherent. It is impossible to make a uncontroversial statement about what it is for something to be good, because the definition of good will always depend on the perspective from which the claim is made. For example, a person might think that it is a good thing for his friend to return a wallet, but another might consider the matter from the standpoint of whether doing so is in accordance with his principles and values.

The study of goodness was important to Immanuel Kant and other Enlightenment philosophers, who attempted to develop a system of philosophical inquiry based on the concepts of the good, the true, and the beautiful. However, since the emergence of naturalistic epistemology in the mid-19th century, there has been a trend toward reducing the importance of considerations of the good.

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The Basics of Riding a Bicycle

Bicycles are used by millions of people around the world, whether to get to work or school, enjoy recreational riding, compete in bicycle races or just travel from one place to another. They might seem simple, but they’re a fascinating combination of physics, mechanics and human skills.

A bicycle has two wheels and is propelled by foot pedals, while steered with handlebars. It’s easy to learn to ride, but it takes practice and a safe environment to become proficient at it. Once you’ve mastered the basic skill, it’s an excellent form of exercise that can be enjoyed for a lifetime.

There are many types of bicycles, each designed for different purposes. The most popular are road bikes, which are lightweight and designed to go fast over paved surfaces. They may also have suspension, which makes them more comfortable to ride over rough roads. Mountain bikes are designed for off-road riding, and they usually have more durable frames and components than road bikes.

The most common bicycle accessory is a bell or horn, which can help you let others know that you’re coming. Many bikers also prefer front and rear lights, which can increase your visibility to other road users. Some bikes are designed with child carrying seats, while others can be fitted with racks for carrying cargo. Some cyclists like to use cycling computers with GPS, which can track your speed and distance traveled.

Most bicycles have a chain that connects the pedals to the rear wheel, but some have belt drives instead of chains. Belt drives are quieter and more durable than chain drive systems, but they require periodic lubrication to keep them working properly.

Road bikes can be made from aluminum or, for higher performance, carbon fiber. When choosing a road bike, consider your needs and budget. If you want to go very fast over paved surfaces, you should choose a carbon-fiber frame, while someone who wants to ride for fitness and fun can be just as happy with an aluminum frame.

Some cities have extensive infrastructure to promote cycling, such as bike paths and velodromes. These facilities tend to be safer for cyclists than conventional roads, since they separate them from motorized traffic. However, such dedicated pathways often have to share their space with in-line skaters, scooters and pedestrians, which can cause conflicts and even collisions. Bicyclists can also develop overuse injuries if they increase the length and frequency of their rides too quickly. Common symptoms include muscle pain and numbness. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to speak with your doctor. He or she can suggest strategies for safe, effective recovery.

GOES Satellites Launched With New Upgrades

GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) is a series of geostationary weather satellites that provide continuous imagery and data on atmospheric conditions, solar activity, space weather, ocean and land environments. They’ve been in operation since 1975. NASA builds and launches them, while NOAA maintains them. The National Weather Service (NWS) and other agencies use them to improve weather forecasts, protect lives and property, support search and rescue operations, monitor natural disasters and long-term climate changes, and even help in space exploration.

Earlier this year, NOAA launched the first of the new generation of GOES satellites — GOES-16 and GOES-17. The new GOES satellites have several advantages over the older satellites, including improved imaging capabilities, more mesoscale domains and faster scanning. One of the most significant upgrades is the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). The ABI has three times more spectral channels, four times more resolution and five times the scanning speed of previous GOES satellites. It can detect small clouds as well as large hurricanes. The other key upgrade is the Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensor (EXIS). This instrument can detect solar flares that could disrupt communications, reduce navigational accuracy on high altitude airplanes and power grids on Earth.

Another exciting feature on the GOES-R satellites is the Lightning Mapper. This sensor can measure total lightning activity in the Americas and adjacent ocean regions. It will benefit airlines and shipping companies by providing more precise weather hazard information. It will also allow for more accurate and timely alerts for lightning hazards to flight crews.

A spokesman for NOAA says the agency is still evaluating the best way to get this data to the aviation industry, and the agency is seeking comments from companies that might be interested in receiving the lightning data. The agency is also considering whether to provide this data on an online portal that would be accessible to commercial users, according to the spokesman.

Shipping a satellite is no easy task. GOES-T, for example, is the size of a bus and weighs more than 6,000 pounds. Its team at Lockheed Martin in Littleton, Colorado, carefully packed it inside a container that protected its instruments and acted as a miniature clean room during transit to Buckley Space Force Base near Aurora. From there, it hitched a ride on a C-5 Galaxy cargo plane to Kennedy Space Center.

The new GOES-T satellite will be renamed GOES-18 once it reaches its geostationary orbit and is put into operational service. When it is ready, it will be positioned to cover the West Coast of the United States, Alaska, Hawaii and parts of Mexico, Central America and South America. Currently, GOES-13 serves this role.

GOES-18 is also scheduled to be used as backup for GOES-16. It will be the first third-generation GOES to go into backup mode, although it will have plenty of fuel on board for an extended stay in that role if necessary. The STAR website hosts examples of ongoing experimental products developed by the GOES-R Science and Operations Teams at NOAA’s Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC). The STAR website provides access to real data and images for scientists, researchers, educators, students and anyone else who wants to experiment with this amazing resource.

The Dangers of Being Nice


Nice means being polite, showing regard for others, and being pleasant and good-natured. It also means being willing to help or be supportive in a helpful way. Being nice is often seen as a virtue, a way to make friends and build up people in your life. Niceness can have positive effects on your mental and physical health. It’s no wonder that parents and teachers encourage children to be nice to their siblings, classmates, and strangers on the street.

While being nice has many benefits, it can be dangerous if it isn’t grounded in a deeper level of kindness and benevolence. Nice people can become sycophantic, always giving in to the demands of those around them. They feel like they have a half-empty cup that they’re constantly trying to fill up, so they won’t say no to anyone in order to do this.

In this way, nice can become a mask that hides an unhealthy desire for power and control over others. It can create a culture of faux civility that is nothing more than a façade of politeness covering a deeper fear of rejection and humiliation. When you’re a nice person, it can be easy to get sucked into this culture of civility and conformity where everything is nice, but no one is truly happy.

Being nice means showing respect to everyone, including people you don’t know very well. It’s a way to show the world that you’re a decent human being. Being nice can be good for your mood, as it can help you stay optimistic and have a more positive outlook on life. It can also make other people feel good about you, as they’re likely to respond positively to your actions.

A person who is a nice person will go out of their way to be kind and helpful. They may be the first person to offer assistance to someone who is struggling, or they may go out of their way to make sure everyone is comfortable at a party. They’ll even help the homeless person who is begging on the street for spare change.

The problem is that being a nice person can become an end in itself. If your only goal is to please everyone else, then you will never stand up for yourself or say no to something that goes against your values. For example, if your friends are urging you to have a cigarette, but you’re not a smoker, you will probably join them just so you can fit in with the group. A good person will speak up and let the group know that this behavior is unacceptable.

The key to being a good and healthy person is knowing your values and sticking to them. If you’re not sure what your values are, check out this video from The School of Life. It explains 10 characteristics that define a good and healthy person. Are you a nice person? What do you think of these traits?

The Good – What Is It?


The good is a general term that can be used to describe anything that is morally correct or desirable. The good is often used as a standard by which people judge whether something is right or wrong, and the word is closely associated with ethics and morality.

Philosophers have studied the good in various ways since antiquity. Some have tried to analyze what makes a thing good, while others have focused on which things are in fact good. Interest in the first question became especially prominent after the publication of G. E. Moore’s Principia Ethica in 1903, and with it moral philosophy took a turn toward conceptual analysis.

Moore claimed that a definition of good would be “indefinable.” It seems that for any proposed analysis of what makes something good, one can always ask, “But is it good?” In this way, philosophical analyses of goodness tend to fall short.

Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that some philosophers have successfully analyzed what makes certain things good. For example, Franz Brentano developed an explanation of good that seemed to bridge the gap between Moore’s indefinableness and the naturalistic fallacy. This theory, which is now somewhat out of favor, maintains that something is good if it satisfies some kind of natural need.

In everyday use, good is used to mean satisfactory or desirable in quality, amount, or degree: The car was a good buy for the money. The test results were good. The steak was a good cut and flavorful.

The adjective good also means healthy, fit, or well: She is in very good health. It is sometimes used adverbially to suggest that someone feels cheerful or optimistic: He felt good about the outcome of the meeting. It is also used to indicate that a person has reason to feel happy or proud: She was feeling good about her work.

People can use the adverb well to suggest that something is suitable for a particular purpose or condition: He did well on his exam. She was seeing well with her new glasses. In the Bible, the word is used to indicate blessing and prosperity: “The Lord blessed the works of his hands” (Psalms 133:4).

The adverb good is not as common as the adverb well, but it still appears occasionally in formal speech and edited writing: It looked good on paper. In the past, some writers advised that good should be reserved to describe virtue and that well should be used instead when describing health or feelings: He was in a bad mood but felt good about his work. However, these recommendations are no longer considered authoritative. Today, nearly everyone agrees that both good and well can be used as adjectives after forms of do: He did well on the exam; She was feeling good. For more information, see the entry for do. The good is a concept that is important in many areas, including philosophy, psychology, and religion. Understanding the nature of the good is essential in determining how we should live our lives and what it takes to be a good person.

Choosing a Bicycle


A bicycle is a human-powered, two-wheeled, steerable machine that converts human power into mobility and speed. It is the most efficient means yet devised for converting human energy into transport. Bicycles are used for transportation, recreation, and sport (see cycling). Globally there are twice as many bicycles as automobiles, and in cities like Copenhagen, they outnumber cars three to one. Many people use bicycles as their primary mode of transport, saving money, time, and reducing pollution and traffic congestion.

There are many different types of bicycles, but the first step in choosing a bike is understanding your needs. This may involve speaking with your doctor, who can recommend a bicycle that is most appropriate for you and your health concerns. For example, comfort bikes are designed for slow, leisurely rides such as Sunday trips to the local market or beach boardwalk journeys to take in the scenery. They are also great for riders with back problems.

Hybrid bicycles are a great choice for those who commute to work or school. They are great for getting around the city and can handle most road surfaces without needing to have a suspension system. Some hybrids come with disc brakes, which are more effective for higher speeds, but rim brakes still work well and are the standard for most urban bicycles.

For longer trips, a bike that is specially built for this purpose is called a touring bicycle. These are built for more comfort, and have spaces for carrying gear such as camping equipment or extra clothing. Some touring bikes have racks on their frames, while others have baskets or panniers attached to the front.

Cycling is also a great form of exercise, providing cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and endurance. It can also help with weight loss, reduces stress, and improves mental health. It is also a fun way to explore new places.

A bicycle has been a major part of warfare, serving as a scout vehicle and a means of transporting soldiers to combat areas. It was a main method of transportation during the Second Boer War, and in World War I, both sides employed bicycle troops for reconnaissance and transporting supplies. During the 1937 invasion of China, Japan employed 50,000 bicycle troops. In modern times, the military has used bicycles to train its soldiers, and many countries now have extensive bicycle paths for civilians and their armed forces.

While not required in all jurisdictions, it is recommended that cyclists wear helmets, carry a picture ID, and make a list of important phone numbers and radio stations to consult for weather or other road conditions while on a bike ride. Other items commonly carried by cyclists include a bike computer, a map or GPS device, spare inner tubes, bike lights, and high visibility clothing.

GOES-R Satellites Support Weather Forecasting and Severe Storm Tracking

Go is a strategy game played between two players with black and white stones. The aim of the game is to capture the opponent’s stones, either by surrounding them or by blocking them in some way. The game was invented in China some 2500 years ago, and was introduced to Japan in the 6th century by Chinese immigrants. Since then it has become an integral part of the Japanese culture, and is one of the most widely played board games in the world.

The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) series of satellites, operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service division, support weather forecasting and severe storm tracking in the United States. Scientific researchers and other agencies worldwide use GOES data to better understand land, atmosphere, ocean and climate dynamics.

Launched in 2016, GOES-R (or GOES-16 as it’s commonly referred to) is the first of four in the Lockheed Martin-built GOES-R series of geostationary satellites. The GOES-R satellites feature an Advanced Baseline Imager, which views Earth with three times more spectral channels than the current GOES imager, as well as a Solar Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensor that monitors solar flares and other space phenomena that can interfere with communications systems, high altitude aircraft and power grids on Earth.

GOES-R satellites also feature a Geostationary Lightning Mapper, which monitors lightning activity in the United States and Canada, and a Wind Vector Inverse Spacecraft and Atmospheric Radiation Sounder, which measure winds in the upper atmosphere and provide important information about the movement of air masses. GOES-R satellites also carry the Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking System, which has helped to locate thousands of people in need since its inception in 1974.

The GOES-R satellites are controlled from NOAA’s Satellite Operations Control Center in Suitland, Maryland. When significant events occur, the normal satellite schedule can be altered to provide specialized coverage requested by the National Weather Service. The GOES-R spacecrafts also enhance NOAA’s atmospheric science research and numerical weather prediction models.

The GOES-R satellites are designed, built and operated by NOAA’s Space Environment Monitoring program. The satellites are maintained by NASA’s Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station in Virginia. The satellites communicate with Earth via the NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) Ground System, which transmits the data to the GOES-R satellites. Those satellites then relay that information to the National Weather Service and other agencies in the United States and abroad, including the Meteorological Service of Canada. The GOES-R system is a key element of NOAA’s Weather Service, and helps to protect lives and property from the hazards of severe weather and wildfires.