All posts by adminku

Early Designs of Bicycles

A bicycle, also known as a bicycle or pedal cycle, is an adult-designed, human powered, single-wheel vehicle, with two pedals attached to a fixed frame, one beneath the other. A bicycle rider is commonly known as a cyclist, or bicycle rider. A person who makes frequent bicycle trips on smooth paved trails usually falls into this category.


The bicycle is a light weight machine that was first created in China and ridden by Chinese emperors centuries ago. In Europe, the bicycle reached popularity during the middle ages and Renaissance, when wealthy people and royalty were the biggest fans of these two-wheeled machines. The bicycle is often referred to as a bicycle for no reason other than its simple design. The seat and back wheel are situated in the same place as the pedals.

Louis Lallement and Bertrand de Lalsendorf were the first true bicycle designers. Lallement was working as a surveyor when he took a trip to England in the 16th century and fell in love with the country’s countryside. He set out on a personal bicycle journey across Europe, visiting Milan, Spain, and then traveling on to Paris. While there, he developed the humble frame that we know of today as a bicycle.

The first bicycles that Lallement designed were made for his friends, and not for profit. He found that most bicycles in Europe were fitted with spoked tires, rather than the more popular pneumatic tires that were used elsewhere. Although pneumatic tires are quite durable, they wear out much more quickly, and this was a factor that prevented the mass production of bicycles that we know today. Lallement also tried designing a bicycle that had three wheels, but this was also unsuccessful.

Lallement also developed a concept for a two-wheeled bicycle that was very similar to the modern day bicycle. The legs on this type of bicycle were much longer than those on most bicycles, and were curved in the middle. These bicycles called these “looped bicycles” and are still popular in certain areas of Europe. The basic design concept of the two-wheeled bicycle is the same as the one that we know today. Bicycle enthusiasts prefer this design for its stability and handling. This type of bicycle can be seen being ridden by some famous bicycle riders of the past, such as Samuel Taylor Clark and Thomas Edison.

Louis Lallement was also responsible for developing the nomegras bicycle, which was essentially a new design for bicycle enthusiasts. The nomegras bicycle was designed in the shape of a traditional family bicycle, but it was equipped with a front wheel that was propelled independently. This allowed the rider to climb hills at a normal speed, rather than pedal frantically as he might do with a normal bicycle. Although this type of bicycle has not been around as long as the original nomegras bicycles, it remains a favorite among younger bicycle enthusiasts. According to theists, the nomegras bicycle was meant to complement and improve upon the already available two-wheel bicycles.

Global Positioning Systems Launch Successful From U.S.


Global Positioning Systems Launch Successful From U.S.

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has dramatically changed the way weather is predicted and tracked. It has been a key tool in the control of severe weather and the performance of emergency responders. A Global Positioning System or GPS is a system that is used to determine a geographical location. It works by using a network of satellites that circle the earth once every day, transmitting data to be read by a receiver at the receiver location. This information gives forecasters a clear picture of where a storm or other weather anomalies might be.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NADIS) supports severe weather tracking, and forecasts. The agency’s mission is “to improve our nation’s safety for the people we serve by providing timely and accurate consumer and scientific information concerning the atmosphere, earth, and space.” They also provide support for operational environmental monitoring and reporting requirements for public agencies, farmers, land managers, utility companies, scientific researchers, land surveyors, engineers, meteorologists, and educators. All of this goes towards providing a service that improves weather and climate conditions that can save lives and reduce the risk of severe weather and natural disasters.

Naspers operates 12 geostationary weather satellites which are placed in a fixed orbit above the Earth. The primary function of these satellites is to track the rain, clouds, snow, ice crystals, etc, in order to better predict the precipitation. The latest addition to the system is the improved Baseline Imager which is able to provide the users with precipitation amounts. Through this innovative technology, the precipitation can be seen on a clear day. The improved baseline imager uses a laser to scan the clouds and rain gauges. Once the scan is complete, a picture of the precipitation level is generated and emailed to the base station.

The first application for the new GPS launched last month was the release of the GIS-VAAC – a weather and Earth imaging satellite which is in geostationary orbit above the equator. It will be primarily used for remote sensing of surface topography, precipitation patterns, ice melting, ice floes, snowfall, etc. It is to be deployed from the US Defense Satellite constellation which operates from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It is scheduled to launch around the end of 2021. It will replace the earlier Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites which were switched off.

The second GPS launch which comes on line after the first goes-15 failure was the deployment of the High Integrity Weather Satellite (HIPS) – a geostationary weather satellite which is also in geostationary orbit above the west coast of the United States. This time, the deployment is planned to cover the continental United States. The first operational GPS launched in 1998 was the U.S. Department of Defense’s first GPS global navigation system which was lost during a military exercise. It was supposed to provide Air Force personnel with a better means of navigating from one point to the next. Its demise was due to the inability to detect a new polar orbiting satellite which was supposed to solve this problem.

The third geosynchronous orbit GPS launched last month was supposed to test the new technology to be deployed using Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) satellites. These satellites will be used for mapping and surveying of the Earth, the atmosphere and even the moon and beyond. It will be the first GPS application to be put into space and operate free of an Earth. One way to think about it is if we were to put a camera on top of a volcano which is dormant because there is no sunlight to take pictures and then cover it up with a tent to protect it from the elements that will pass by. This is what a GPS system will do. It will be mounted on the top of a volcano and it will provide data to engineers and scientists as they map and survey the top using ground based equipment and from there it will feed data to the space station.

How Good Must Nice Be?


How Good Must Nice Be?

What does nice mean to you? Do you want to be nice to others? Are you nice to yourself? Read this article to get some ideas about what being nice means, what it is not and how to develop a nice personality.

We hear the word “nice” all the time in public places like restaurants, movie theaters, etc., but do we really know what it means? The definition of nice used to be a description of someone who was very polite and pleasant and who was in good standing with the rest of society. An example of nice would be a description of an elderly person who is elderly and who everybody loves. Another example would be a nice elderly person at your church who gladly answers all of the altar calls and gives an earful of prayers every week. Nowadays, however, the definition of nice has evolved to include some of the negative qualities that people are trying to describe in order to be nicer.

In the first recorded use of the term, the verb “to be” was used in order to indicate something that was done. Meaning, the first recorded use of the verb “to be” was to indicate something nice. “To be nice” is a synonym for “begging” or “pleading.” This suggests that “being nice” was something that people did in order to get things done.

In our second example, the verb “to be” now implies that the person is doing something in order to gain something, most likely money or status. “Being nice” is now a way to describe someone who seems to be doing nothing to gain status or money. “Being nice” is not actually a verb; it comes from the past tense of “to be.” For example, it would translate as “respected.” From the first evidence, the word “being” did not refer to something nice, but was an action that was done in order to gain something.

In our third example, the verb “to be” now implies that the act of being nice was a result of being appreciated. When you say, “I am so nice today,” what do you mean by “is?” Is the result that the person did something nice? Or does “I am nice because I was appreciated?” This would seem to imply that the person (the nice guy or gal) was appreciated simply because they said “you are nice.”

So just where did nice become a negative thing? Well, with the growth of the verb “to be.” From the first evidence, it appears that the use of the word “being” was only associated with something nice. As the verb “to be” became associated with doing something nice, it became a way to describe the negative behavior and traits of the “being” involved. Therefore, instead of saying, “You are being a nice person,” we now say, “You are a nice person because I was nice to you.”

A Healthy Diet Requires Good Nutrition


A Healthy Diet Requires Good Nutrition

In many contexts, the word good means the course which should be wisely preferred whenever presented with a decision between good and bad. Good is typically thought to be the opposite of bad, and is therefore of primary interest in the study of theology, ethics, philosophy and religion. Unfortunately, though the term good has a number of valuable meanings and applications, it does not necessarily follow that all persons are capable of being good. To illustrate, though the world would be a better place if all people were angelic, it does not follow that all humans are angelic. A person may be considered good by some, but not by others.

What then are good dietary elements? The traditional food sources for humans in many parts of the globe are grains and legumes, especially rice and corn. These foods have been found to have health benefits, particularly polyunsaturated fats, which can prevent heart disease. By contrast, canola, safflower, corn, peanut, soybean and peanut butter have been found to contain moderate to high levels of saturated fat, calories and other contaminants. Safflower oils, peanuts, soybean and walnuts are rich in mono unsaturated fats that are beneficial for cardiovascular health and heart function.

Good dietary fat includes essential fats from fish and animal meats and dairy products such as cheese and butter. However, the key to good health is to choose fat in moderation. Omega-3s are fats found in oily fish and may help prevent cardiovascular disease. Other fat types are beneficial, too, including EPA fat, which may prevent stroke and provide relief from arthritis and other conditions; HDL, which helps lower cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease; and LDL, which circulates through the blood carrying cholesterol that causes artery blockage and other heart problems.

A good diet is also rich in unsaturated fats monounsaturated. These include nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, canola, sesame and peanut oils, soybeans and other soy-based foods. They are beneficial, not only in dietary terms but also because they are fat-soluble, meaning that they go into your bloodstream and provide nutrients that your body needs. Unsaturated fats are found in fatty fish, tropical oils, nuts, seeds, olives, canola and peanut butter.

One of the biggest dietary problems today has been bad fats. Bad fats come from meat, dairy products and other food sources, but the largest source of trans fat is industrial food processing, which comes from meat, milk, ice cream and poultry. Trans fats in foods have been linked with the development of serious health conditions, such as type II diabetes, heart disease and stroke. There are many sources to get good fats, including fish, nuts, olives, olive oil, soybeans and other soy-based foods.

Good fats are essential, and good fats come from plant sources. So, if you’re trying to lose weight and want to eat healthy, you’ll want to avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fat, non-hydrogenated vegetable oils and other unhealthy fats. Instead, choose cold-pressed vegetable oils, tropical oils, raw nuts, seeds, olives and fresh fish. Make sure that you also choose healthy fats from other good sources, such as olives, canola, soybean and walnuts. Look for products that are certified “organic,” if you want to count organic food as one of your dietary choices.

Bicycles – A Primer

A bicycle, also known as a bicycle or pedal cycle, is a motor-driven or pedal-controlled, single wheeled, two-wheeled vehicle, with two pedals attached to a rigid frame, on which the rider rides. A bicycle rider is often known as a bicycle rider, or bicycle racer. Bicyclists can be children, teenagers, adults, and even professionals. In the United States, bicycle riding is a popular recreational activity, particularly on busy highways and urban streets.

The first bicycles were invented about five hundred years ago in Italy. At that time, the two-wheeled design was developed to provide more efficient transportation than the one-wheeled design. By around the late nineteenth century, most bicycles had a freewheel on the front wheel and the back wheel was linked to a single chain. Many cyclists used bicycles with between twelve and fifteen gears. Other bicycle designs have different gears, but some bicycles still use a freewheel.

Bicycle designers Thomas Keller and Rudiger Aldrich developed the first velocipedes in 1890. These early velocipeds did not have a front wheel. They were referred to as “velocipedes,” which in the German language translates to “winged ones.” Velocipedes are similar to modern day tricycles, in that they have a saddle on the rear wheel and a back wheel that works together. However, there are major differences in the way a bicycle is powered.

Unlike modern bicycles, velocipedes had no pedals. The rider would “drive” the bicycle by pushing against the back tire with his feet. There are several different designs for this type of bicycle, such as a three-step pedal, a step-by-step pedal or a single-step pedal. A single step pedal allows the cyclist to go up a hill without putting pressure on the back tire. Two-wheel-drive velocipedes are similar to the tricycles and can be ridden up steep climbs.

There are two-wheeled bicycles that closely resemble tricycles, including the double-sided bicycle and the chaise du velomeur. A double-sided bicycle has a back wheel that can be moved left or right to change direction. A chaise du velomeur is similar to the bicycle described above except that it has a seat attached to the back. Some bicycles that closely resemble velocipeds are the steel-framed steel bike and the steel monorail.

The nineteenth century witnessed a resurgence of bicycle design. This movement, which resulted in the development of the bicycle with its many variations, led to the development of new technology and new styles. During this period, the first mass production of bicycles began. The most popular of these bicycles were windlasses. Windlasses are now among the most commonly used bicycles in the world.

A Brief Introduction to Global Positioning Systems

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has made global positioning simple and affordable for everyone. The global positioning system is a constellation of satellites which circle the earth two times daily in order to pinpoint a fixed point on the earth that will enable the user to pinpoint any geographical location on earth. This system was initially used to track weather patterns and aid navigation. Today, it can also be used to monitor time. This article is talking about the benefits of GPS technology, how it works, and how you can use it to your advantage.


Global Positioning Systems work on the premise of triangulation, the principle of which is that a satellite in a stable orbit above the earth will always return to the same spot every day at exactly the same time. The GPS device uses signals from the satellites and earth-based sensors to precisely determine the location of the user. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GPS), operated by the United States of America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, supports full-time weather forecasting, tracking, as well as tracking of severe storm activity.

A GPS device can sense changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, the Global Positioning System location, or the ionosphere pressure. It can also sense ground deformation, terrain obstacles, ice floes, rain, snow, and fog. A GPS system is designed so that the user can enter a specific spot on the map, which then determines the exact latitude and longitude where that spot is located. Once that data is entered, the system will highlight relevant points on the map and give users the ability to view a wide range of grid colors and overlays.

Users can find out a great deal about a certain place by analyzing its latitude and longitude. For instance, if you want to know the altitude that a certain place is at, you only need to know its geostationary orbit. By consulting its latitude and longitude data, you get to know the altitude, which can help determine the surface air temperature, the soil moisture, the dew point, or any other surface conditions. It helps you determine where to land based on where the land lies on the gogores of a geographical area, according to its latitude and longitude readings. The US has the most accurate and up-to-date highest altitude geostationary orbit maps of the entire world.

This GPS launched under the GOES program is made up of two different parts. The first part is the lower receiver portion, which is positioned around the equator and is tasked to search for polar motion, while the upper satellite in the GOES 16 system is positioned about eightautical miles above the equator and is tasked to scan the Earth for polar motion. When it senses a potential for polar motion, it will move to a more precise orbit around the Earth to continue the search.

Because these two components are needed to function, this GOES satellite imagery product is critical for weather and climate studies, remote sensing and hazard assessment, emergency management, and weather and climate research. In addition to weather and climate research, theseatics studies use this technology to study the Earth’s atmosphere and precipitation patterns. These two technologies along with data from space and from satellites have led to the development of a global network of weather stations that allows us to predict severe weather patterns and to monitor the atmosphere in great detail. From our current understanding of atmospheric dynamics, we can better forecast the occurrence of rainstorms, snow storms, tropical storms, blizzards, tsunamis, etc. And with GOES weather monitoring, we can monitor the rainfall, snowfall, and temperature at various places all over the world.

Leadership And Management Training For Nice People – Is There A Market For Good Managerial And Public Health Practice?


Leadership And Management Training For Nice People – Is There A Market For Good Managerial And Public Health Practice?

Nice Guys Finish Last? No! Being nice is a good quality in and of itself; however, it is not an overriding requirement for success. Unfortunately, when you are a woman seeking a career in healthcare, being nice can become an excuse not to ask for the promotion or raise that you deserve. Being nice is important but not sufficient to achieve your goals.

There are two types of women in healthcare: those who are nice and those who are not. Nice people do help to create a positive workplace culture and experience more genuine interaction with patients and colleagues. They are also better able to establish collaborative relationships that support quality standards. On the other hand, the flip side of the coin is that those who are not nice employees find it increasingly difficult to work in a team environment that requires and promotes healthy, open dialogue.

In this context, the NICE provides useful and necessary information to healthcare professionals about what is not acceptable in terms of behaviour and standard practices in the workplace. Although the document does not explicitly cite the need to be nice in the workplace, its reference to the need for “open and honest” communication is clear. Importantly, the guidance encourages managers to share information services throughout the organisation so that there is a consistent message of quality and care associated with all services provided. However, many managers are reluctant to implement the recommendations contained in the document, citing a lack of resources or the difficulty of obtaining independent regulatory guidance on the topic.

Some argue that the focus on “social care” encompasses both “quality and safety” within the workplace. This is true, although some aspects overlap in both directions. Importantly, healthcare organisations require effective communication and governance in order to set high standards and outcomes, while also providing the necessary guidance to staff to build and maintain those standards and outcomes. According to clinical guidelines and NICE guidance, this requires a strategic approach that takes into account the actions of the employer and the role of the staff member, as well as the implications of those actions for the wider organisation.

It is important to remember that staff must have an adequate level of skills, competencies and abilities in order to meet the regulatory requirements laid down by the UK government and other regulatory bodies. Having said that, it is also important for those employed in positions of responsibility to demonstrate that they are able and willing to uphold high quality standards. A manager who takes a position of responsibility by ensuring that all employees have a high level of quality and understand the requirements of the regulatory bodies to which they work is likely to build up good working relationships. Further, such an individual will be able to use their position of power to ensure that the right processes and actions are taken to achieve high standards.

According to the NICE guidance for dealing with disciplinary problems involving the use of social care in the workplace, “a member of staff may not be able to use their position of responsibility to effectively carry out their roles and responsibilities if they are not happy with the activities of others in their department or organisation”. This is another example of good management training being more than just rhetoric. When it comes to dealing with disciplinary issues in the health and safety field, managers must know how to delegate and communicate well with all stakeholders. This can only be achieved if good leadership and management skills are instilled at an early stage of development within organisations. This means that a manager must think through and implement good leadership and management skills before taking on any new managerial and administrative tasks, and this should be done in conjunction with decent and reliable public health and safety programmes.

Healthy Foods and Choosing Good Sources of Carbohydrates

A word of caution: there are many good men out there who will try to take advantage of a woman by pretending to be her boyfriend or husband, and using compliments as a weapon. Do not fall for these traps! It’s wrong! Compliments are never used in hurtful ways, and they never make someone feel inferior. So when someone tries to give you compliments to “improve” your relationship with her, listen. Here are some guidelines:


If the compliment sounds like an attempt to manipulate you into doing something undesirable-like getting a driver’s license after driving without a license for example-then it probably is. Good relationships provide an environment where people feel free to be who they really are. Good people love their careers, good people love their spouses, and good people love helping others do the right thing. In other words: a well-groomed woman will make a good teacher, a good mother will help protect her children, and a good worker will help reduce inflammation.

There are several grains that are good for you, and a few that are not. Rice and whole-grain breads and cereals, oatmeal, and bran cereals are good for reducing inflammation and maintaining healthy colon and intestinal function. In addition, soluble fiber from vegetables and fruits (especially dark leafy ones like kale and bok choy) helps lower cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables also provide essential fiber to help reduce inflammation and strengthen the digestive system.

A long-chain carbohydrate, bran is great for diabetics, indigestion, and heartburn. Brown or whole-grain breads, crackers, and granola bars can be part of a healthy diet, especially if eaten in the evening. Some studies even suggest that drinking a cup of coffee each day reduces the risk of diabetes. However, the best source of carbohydrates is unprocessed brown rice. For those who don’t like to make complicated carbohydrates, try unsweetened teas or smoothies made with fruits or vegetables, or b vitamins, instead. For those who want a sweet treat, baked or oatmeal cookies, muffins, and donuts make great desserts.

One of the least healthy choices, though perhaps one of the most popular, is potato chips. However, as tempting as potato chips can be, they are full of empty calories that can lead to weight gain and nutritional deficiencies. As an alternative to fries, try oven chips, which are made from whole-wheat flour. For a snack, consider nuts, seeds, or granola bars, which are both healthy and tasty. Also, nuts are a good choice for your dinner plate, as they are high in protein and good fats.

Finally, as with anything else, be careful what you buy and eat. Even with the best advertising policy, it would be wise to check the ingredients of any product you purchase. No good sources of fat should be included in a snack mix, for example, nor should any preservatives be found. With a little vigilance, you will be able to keep your diet healthy and stay fit.

How Do Bicycles Work?

A bicycle, also known as a touring bicycle or tour bicycle, is a pedal-operated, single-wheel bicycle, with two wheels attached to a rigid frame, typically at the front and back. A bicycle rider is commonly known as a Tourist, or Tourist. There are many kinds of bicycles. Some are made for touring by people on foot, some for cycling on flat ground, and some for mountain biking. A bicycle is used for many different transportation purposes.

Bicycle touring bicycles have wide, upright frames with the front wheel left of the seat. The handlebars are at the front, and the pedals are below the saddle. These bicycles are often equipped with front and rear shocks and gears. The front wheel is usually mounted on a freewheel, which is a small chain link with one or two gears on each side.

Most bicycles are classified by the kind of drive system they use. Direct-cut brakes are used on one-wheel drive bicycles, which are also referred to as “rammed bicycles.” Fork-laying bicycles are ones in which the sprocket is directly driven off the rear wheels, while the fixed-imspecifically-shaped brake systems are those in which the sprocket is connected to the wheel on the upper side. Many bicycles, regardless of their drive system type, have pedals.

One important difference between a bicycle with one wheel and a bicycle with two wheels is the amount of leverage available. A bicycle with two wheels has less leverage than a bicycle with one wheel. Therefore, it can only be used to climb hills. It cannot be used to negotiate city streets.

A bicycle with pedals, sometimes called a velocipede, is an electric bicycle with pedals and no motor. The rider can, however, be attached to the bicycle with pedals or by means of a foot pump. The pedals of a velocipede are attached to the frame at the front or back, depending on the style of the bicycle. Usually the pedals are made of steel, but materials such as titanium, carbon fiber, or aluminum can also be used.

According to thenmah, bicycles should have at least two wheels. However, most bicycles have three wheels, four wheels, five wheels, six wheels, seven or eight wheels, nine or ten wheels, or even more. Some kinds of bicycles even have rear derailleurs, which allow the rider to change gears without turning the pedals. The number of gears on a bicycle is mostly self-etermined, although most bicycles have a front gear of either 8 teeth, a front chain drive, or a back gear, which is like a small gearbox on a car.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) And Their Uses

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of low-earth orbit satellites. These global positioning system or GPS satellites are in an synchronous orbit above the Earth. The system was initially developed and controlled by the U.S. Department of Defense. Today, the system is used in a number of ways by government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Safety Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency among others. A Global Positioning System also known as a GPS, has become the backbone of modern mobile technologies such as GPS enabled cell phones, laptops, lap top computers and other portable devices. These devices can be equipped with software applications that provide the user with accurate positioning data.


Global Positioning Systems are operated by ground-based receivers called the pointing, tracking and relaying equipment. These equipments are often installed on fixed points either in the sky or on the ground. There is another category of GPS which goes by different names like operational geostationary orbit, geostationary transfer orbit, satellite orbit, relay timing clocks and fixed position tracking satellites. The operational GPS was first used to track and locate troops in the battlefield. This technique has since been adapted for navigation, mapping, rescue operations and aircraft tracking.

In general, operational goes west is the global positioning system that coordinates GPS receivers located in terminals or satellites to the terminals of users in different parts of the world. It can either use the regular GPS techniques such as plotting positions using latitude and longitude or track routes using latitude and longitude plus a series of other parameters such as speed and fuel consumption. The second type of global positioning system, known as the geostationary orbit GPS, does not require users to plot positions using latitude and longitude but it uses GPS techniques to determine latitude and longitude automatically. Geostationary satellites also provide users with accurate time and location data.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have recently become popular among vehicle owners due to its capability to help them with navigation. However, GPS systems have had their fair share of problems in relation to accuracy and reliability of location data. A GPS system used for vehicle navigation may fail to give correct locations if the source of power is lost or goes down while drivers are on the road.

Both the GPS systems, operational goes west and geostationary satellites use the same technology. One major difference between the two lies in the fact that operational goes West cannot command a device located on the ground while geostationary satellites can do so. While operational GPS devices are more expensive than geostationary ones, they are far more reliable. GPS systems today have become a necessity for motorists, pedestrians, criers and others who need precise location information. They also help businesses by improving customer service by providing customers with accurate arrival times.

There are two main types of GPS devices used in automobiles; GPS system that is installed in cars and allows vehicle owners to control it; and GPS system that is installed on receivers which are placed in fixed positions such as tables or desks. Today, GPS manufacturers are making specialized receivers that are suitable for outdoor use such as go-r satellites. For consumers, there is a third type called go-sats which can be installed inside buildings, giving superior accuracy over longitudes. A go-sat is highly effective when fitted inside the building where a vehicle is parked, allowing the location of the vehicle to be determined accurately and quickly.