GOES, or Global Orbiting Environmental Satellite, is a geostationary satellite operated by NOAA. Its data are essential to short-term forecasting and weather monitoring. GOES data products are made available to a variety of users, including the National Weather Service, commercial weather services, universities, the Department of Defense, and the research community. Here’s a look at some of the applications of GOES data. For instance, GOES satellite images are used to predict hurricane activity.
GOES satellites are located in the plane of the Earth’s equator and scan the surface of the Earth. The GOES East satellite covers North America and the extended Northern Hemisphere, while the GOES West satellite scans the entire visible hemisphere. While both have a similar map, the GOES West satellite scans the Pacific Ocean and a much larger area. GOES satellites are also used for land-based meteorological forecasting.
GOES is a satellite that observes the Earth’s surface and provides continuous monitoring. Its high orbit allows the satellite to observe the entire Earth in real time. GOES satellites are designed to detect atmospheric triggers of severe weather and monitor the development and movement of storms. They also help predict earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters. The data provided by GOES satellites are used to forecast weather, predict extreme weather events, and improve aviation safety.
The data from GOES satellites are collected every ten minutes by more than 20,000 platforms. Each platform is equipped with an array of environmental sensors that are programmed to collect data and transmit it during certain time-slots. They are available to NOAA for analysis and forecasting. They are the official providers of GOES space and terrestrial weather data. GOES satellite data is accessible via SPEDAS software. And because GOES satellites are highly accurate, they can help forecasters make decisions about what to do in the future.
GOES satellites are in geostationary orbit, directly above the equator. This is the “sweet spot” for weather observations. The GOES satellites collect information about the weather every 30 seconds for every hemisphere. GOES satellites consist of 14 satellites, which started with TIROS-1 in 1960 and ended with NOAA-19 in February 2009.
GOES-R satellites have enhanced performance and spectral coverage, which will improve forecasts for local weather conditions. For example, GOES-R satellites are equipped with the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), which can detect lightning buildup in clouds. These tools can help forecast tornadoes and severe weather, as well as identify storm-related aerosols. Further, the new satellites will provide more detailed information on oceanic conditions.
NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) have been providing continuous data and imagery of weather since 1975. GOES has been instrumental in aiding search and rescue operations, and improved understanding of long-term climate conditions. The GOES program is a partnership between NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). GOES satellites monitor local weather for meteorologists. These satellites are based at the Kennedy Space Center and launch from the International Space Station.