The Benefits of Being Nice

Nice means kind, compassionate and supportive. It’s also an adjective people use to describe someone who shows a genuine interest in others. Whether it’s opening the door for a stranger or buying coffee for a colleague, being nice is all about showing concern for those around you. These kinds of acts of kindness not only make you a more pleasant person to be around, but they also trigger the release of serotonin and oxytocin, reducing stress levels and making you feel happy. And it’s not just a feel-good emotion — studies have shown that being nice can actually help you live longer.

Being nice may come naturally to some people, but for others it requires conscious effort. And that’s OK, too. Everyone can learn to be more generous, thoughtful and empathetic. It’s just important to balance your niceness with other traits that will keep you healthy and balanced.

Putting others before yourself is one of the hallmarks of being a nice person, but it’s important to know your limits. If you’re constantly repressing your emotions in order to be nice, that pressure will eventually build up and result in an outburst of anger or irritability. If you’re too nice, you may also be taken advantage of by people who are looking to push you around or manipulate you.

People who are genuinely nice have an open mind and are curious about other cultures and lifestyles. They want to understand the perspectives of different people so they can see things from more than one angle.

Nice people also have a good sense of humor and enjoy a joke or positive attitude. They find happiness in the small things, like a sunny day or a compliment. In addition, they take care of themselves by eating well, getting exercise and sleeping enough. Being nice also includes being honest, but it’s important to be tactful when doing so.

If you’re nice to others, they’ll be more likely to treat you the same way. However, it’s important to set boundaries and not be a doormat for anyone. It’s also important to remember that just because someone is nice doesn’t mean they’re a good friend or coworker. Be selective with whom you choose to be nice.