Early Designs of Bicycles

A bicycle, also known as a bicycle or pedal cycle, is an adult-designed, human powered, single-wheel vehicle, with two pedals attached to a fixed frame, one beneath the other. A bicycle rider is commonly known as a cyclist, or bicycle rider. A person who makes frequent bicycle trips on smooth paved trails usually falls into this category.


The bicycle is a light weight machine that was first created in China and ridden by Chinese emperors centuries ago. In Europe, the bicycle reached popularity during the middle ages and Renaissance, when wealthy people and royalty were the biggest fans of these two-wheeled machines. The bicycle is often referred to as a bicycle for no reason other than its simple design. The seat and back wheel are situated in the same place as the pedals.

Louis Lallement and Bertrand de Lalsendorf were the first true bicycle designers. Lallement was working as a surveyor when he took a trip to England in the 16th century and fell in love with the country’s countryside. He set out on a personal bicycle journey across Europe, visiting Milan, Spain, and then traveling on to Paris. While there, he developed the humble frame that we know of today as a bicycle.

The first bicycles that Lallement designed were made for his friends, and not for profit. He found that most bicycles in Europe were fitted with spoked tires, rather than the more popular pneumatic tires that were used elsewhere. Although pneumatic tires are quite durable, they wear out much more quickly, and this was a factor that prevented the mass production of bicycles that we know today. Lallement also tried designing a bicycle that had three wheels, but this was also unsuccessful.

Lallement also developed a concept for a two-wheeled bicycle that was very similar to the modern day bicycle. The legs on this type of bicycle were much longer than those on most bicycles, and were curved in the middle. These bicycles called these “looped bicycles” and are still popular in certain areas of Europe. The basic design concept of the two-wheeled bicycle is the same as the one that we know today. Bicycle enthusiasts prefer this design for its stability and handling. This type of bicycle can be seen being ridden by some famous bicycle riders of the past, such as Samuel Taylor Clark and Thomas Edison.

Louis Lallement was also responsible for developing the nomegras bicycle, which was essentially a new design for bicycle enthusiasts. The nomegras bicycle was designed in the shape of a traditional family bicycle, but it was equipped with a front wheel that was propelled independently. This allowed the rider to climb hills at a normal speed, rather than pedal frantically as he might do with a normal bicycle. Although this type of bicycle has not been around as long as the original nomegras bicycles, it remains a favorite among younger bicycle enthusiasts. According to theists, the nomegras bicycle was meant to complement and improve upon the already available two-wheel bicycles.