8 Traits of a Really Nice Person


Whether you’re someone who strives to be nice or you’re trying to figure out what makes that selfless acquaintance of yours tick, understanding what a truly nice person looks like is helpful in navigating relationships and achieving personal growth. The key to niceness is consideration and mindfulness. Here are eight traits of a genuinely nice person:

They treat everyone with respect. Nice people are accepting of others, regardless of their values, beliefs, or feelings. They listen to others attentively and offer a helping hand.

Despite being busy with their own lives, they make an effort to connect with others. They’re friendly and kind to strangers, coworkers, friends, and family alike. They also extend kindness and compassion to those who have wronged them.

These people always want to do right by others. They’re willing to go above and beyond to help those who need it, even if it means they may not get what they want in return. They prioritize fairness and equality in everything they do.

They are selfless and never put themselves above anyone else. People who are genuinely nice never let their own needs and wants get in the way of being there for those who matter most to them. They know that there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re a burden to those closest to you.

When they do something wrong, they own up to it and work to fix it. They’re also not afraid to give constructive feedback when they feel it would be beneficial to the recipient.

Being a good person isn’t just about being nice, it’s also about having strength of character, having a well-developed intellect, and showing courage. Niceness is a valuable trait, but it shouldn’t be seen as full compensation for other qualities.

Nice people have the ability to put themselves in other’s shoes. They’re empathetic and compassionate, and they try to understand where others are coming from when they disagree. They’re able to empathize with their own frustrations and aren’t easily offended.

Practicing small acts of kindness, such as holding the door for a coworker or complimenting a friend, triggers a positive emotional response in us. This is because it boosts our serotonin and oxytocin levels, two neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in mood stability. This one-two punch of happiness and wellbeing is why being nice makes you feel so good. When you’re in a bad mood, doing something kind can instantly lift your spirits. It’s a simple, yet effective, way to manage negative emotions. Plus, it can help reduce stress and improve your mood. So next time you’re feeling a little blue, do something nice for someone and see how it makes you feel. You might be surprised at how rewarding it is! It just might make you want to do it all the time.