What Is Good?

Good is an adjective that means desirable, beneficial, or valuable. People use it to describe things like food, clothes, and cars that are of high quality. It can also be used to describe people who act in a way that is fair and respectful to others.

Good can be a difficult word to define, because it has different meanings depending on context. It can be a positive adjective that describes someone or something that is well-liked or respected, or it can be a negative term that refers to something undesirable, harmful, or wrong.

The dictionary defines good as “sound or valid; conformable to the laws of morality or right reason; virtuous, pious, and religious; wholesome, salubrious, or healthy; acceptable, fit, convenient, seasonable, or expedient.” Good is also a common phrase that is used in the Bible. For example, the Bible says that God created everything “good and very good” (Genesis 1:24).

It can be helpful to think of good as a value judgement. This allows us to see the world through a more positive lens, and it can help us make better decisions about what is important to us. It can also motivate us to do good things and be good examples for other people.

What is it about good people that makes them good? They care about other people, they are open minded (I am straight but would never stone a gay man), and they are courageous enough to defend the weak. They are empathetic and they always remember to say sorry when they have done wrong. They take care of their bodies, they eat well, they exercise regularly, and they do not ignore the elderly or children. They do not steal, they lend a helping hand to their friends, and they are generous with their time and resources. They treat their employees fairly, they pay taxes in a timely manner, and they do not discriminate against anyone. Good people are a joy to be around and they set an incredible example for the rest of us.

A good idea is one that solves a problem, provides a benefit, is understandable to the user, works well and lasts long, and is more than just a fad or trend. These characteristics build upon each other and, if an idea is not good at all of them, it will probably not be successful – no matter how great it might be in one particular area.

It is important to identify what specific characteristics an idea needs to meet in order to be considered good – and to do this BEFORE brainstorming – because it is easy for people to have ideas that are not useful, relevant or valuable, simply because they do not have the right parameters set. For example, a brilliant idea to reduce the amount of food waste could be completely unworkable, because it is not compatible with existing systems. Another example would be a new type of school uniform, which might be a great idea in terms of style and functionality, but is unlikely to sell because it does not suit the majority of school wearers’ tastes.

The Basics of a Bicycle

A bicycle is a two-wheeled steerable vehicle that can be powered by pedaling. It is the most efficient means of human propulsion ever devised, allowing riders to travel three to five times as fast as walking while requiring only about half the energy.

There are many different types of bicycles, designed for a variety of riding purposes and terrain. Some of the most common include road bikes, mountain bikes, BMX, tandems, cruisers, and racing bikes. Each has a slightly different frame design, geometry, and componentry that allows it to excel in its particular type of riding.

In general, most bikes are constructed from steel or aluminum alloys. More expensive bikes may utilize carbon fiber, which is both lighter and more resilient than steel. The frame is the core of a bicycle, and it determines its shape and strength. It also defines how the various components of a bike fit together and interact.

Some bikes are built for specific types of riding, such as road, mountain, or track. Some bikes are equipped with suspension, which can make a ride more comfortable over rough terrain. Some bikes are built for racing, in which case they will have a more lightweight and aerodynamic frame.

Bicycles can be adapted to carry luggage and gear, or to tow a child in a trailer. There are also a wide range of accessories available, including cyclocomputers to track speed and distance, padded bike clothes and gloves, and reflectors and racks.

The bicycle originated in Europe at the end of the 19th century, and is the most popular mode of transportation in the world. There are now more than 1 billion bicycles in use worldwide. They are used for recreation, transport, utility work, and sport. People enjoy biking because it is a low-impact, low-cost activity that provides excellent cardiovascular and muscular fitness. It is an ideal form of transport for city dwellers, as it reduces traffic congestion and air pollution. It is also an important form of exercise for the disabled and the elderly, and it can be used as a tool for rehabilitation and physical therapy.

A road trip is any vacation or excursion in a car that involves driving over long distances, usually on highways and freeways. A road trip can be as simple or elaborate as you want, but it’s typically a great way to see a lot of scenery in a short amount of time. Road trips can be made even more fun by listening to loud music and eating lots of snacks.

A bicycle is a two-wheeled machine that can be powered by the user’s feet, and is capable of moving at about 16-24 km (10-15 miles) per hour. It has a frame with a front wheel held in a rotatable fork, and a rear wheel connected to the cranks through a chainwheel. The rider sits on a saddle, and steers by leaning and turning the handlebars. The pedals are attached to the cranks, which are in turn connected to a chainwheel and a sprocket on the rear wheel.

New Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES)

The GOES-R series satellites, now being built and tested at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, will help NOAA forecasters better monitor severe storms like tornadoes, hurricanes and flash floods, as well as the hazards they cause such as fog, volcanic ash clouds and wildfires. The satellites will also track lightning, the sun and space weather.

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) are unique among weather satellites in that they orbit Earth at a fixed position above the equator, rotating with the Earth to maintain a constant view of the same region over time. This “geostationary” position allows a single satellite to continuously monitor a specific region on the Earth, and provides meteorologists with data needed for detailed and accurate weather forecasts.

GOES satellites are equipped with an extensive suite of Earth-sensing, lightning-detecting, solar imaging and space weather monitoring instruments. These sensors provide critical information in near-real time to support NOAA forecasters and scientists at local NOAA weather centers, National Weather Service offices and even at the White House.

NOAA’s newest GOES satellite, designated GOES-T and scheduled for launch in early 2022 aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, will be positioned as GOES West upon reaching its geostationary position at an altitude of 35,800 kilometers (22,300 miles) above the planet. GOES-T will cover the western half of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, as well as large areas of Mexico, Central America and the Pacific Ocean.

Like the two GOES satellites currently in use, GOES-T will have an Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) to deliver high-resolution imagery of Earth’s clouds, water vapor, smoke and dust. The new satellite will also include a space weather instrument called the Cosmic Ray Imaging Spectrometer (CRIS) to observe solar flares, coronal mass ejections and other space weather phenomena.

Another important feature of GOES-T is the ability to provide 10-minute Full Disk imagery. This faster scanning cadence will allow GOES-T to monitor regions of potential aviation turbulence, particularly over the ocean and mountains where current GOES satellite imagery is often limited in temporal resolution.

GOES-T is currently in the thermal vacuum test phase, where it is immersed in a huge 29′ x 65′ chamber to simulate the extreme conditions of space. The test will see the satellite’s interior temperatures reach up to 188o Fahrenheit and drop to as low as minus 67o Celsius. Once this phase is complete, the spacecraft will undergo a final assembly in preparation for re-entry into its geostationary orbit and the start of operational service as GOES-18.

Why Being Nice Can Backfire

A nice person is someone who shows care and concern for others. They often go above and beyond to help those around them. They’re a pleasure to be around and can make anyone feel better about themselves. While being nice has its perks, it can also be a downfall. People who are too nice can become burned out, and they can have a hard time separating their own needs from those of others.

The word “nice” is used in a variety of ways, with many different meanings. The word’s semantic history is a bit complicated, and the etymology of nice shows that its usage has changed over time. There are even some senses of the word that are no longer in use.

People who are too nice may find that their ingratiating behavior does not lead to the admiration or relationships they desire. Others may feel they are being taken advantage of. In either case, it is important for those who are naturally nice to recognize that their efforts do not always yield the desired results. They need to learn how to balance their own needs with those of the people they are trying to please.

In addition to helping those around them, nice people tend to be high on the trait of empathy. This means they are deeply attuned to the emotions of others and feel their feelings as if they were their own. This can be a strength, as it allows them to connect with others and provide support to those who need it. However, it can also be a weakness, as they are more likely to take on others’ negative emotions and suffer the consequences themselves.

Another reason why being nice can backfire is that people don’t place a lot of value on above-and-beyond kindness. Outside of rougher areas, most people consider being fairly nice a bare minimum social expectation. They might place more value on other factors when choosing who to socialize with, such as having similar interests and values or a shared sense of humor.

Nice, France

Nice is a city on the Mediterranean coast of France. It is the capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department. The city’s clear air and soft light have made it a popular location for artists such as Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse, and Niki de Saint Phalle. It has also been home to writers, including novelists Frank Harris and Anton Chekhov.

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What Does it Mean to Be Good?

Good is a very common word and one that people often use to describe something as being worthy of attention. This could be anything from a product that has been developed to help with a specific health issue, to an article on an interesting topic or even an attractive person. When an object, experience or idea is described as being good, it usually means that the individual has been pleased with it and finds it to be fulfilling. The word good has a very broad meaning and can mean different things to different individuals, depending on their personal values and beliefs.

In the Bible, good is a frequently used adjective. It is translated from the Greek word eudokia, meaning “pleasure” or “favor,” as in “here is a good gift for you” (Luke 2:14) and the admonition to give thanks unto Yahweh “for he is good” (Psalms 145:9). It is also translated from the Hebrew word hesed, which means “loving kindness” as in “Yahweh is good to Israel” (2 Chronicles 13:18) and the phrase “it seemed good to me” (Genesis 2:4; Song of Solomon 1:10,12 etc.). The Bible also references the goodness of God as in “God is good” (1 Chronicles 16:34).

For an article to be considered good, it must have a high level of Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (E-A-T), a satisfying amount of high-quality main content, a descriptive and helpful title, and be published on a reputable website. This will help to boost the article’s SEO, or search engine optimization, which is a way to help it reach a larger audience.

A good article should be written in a way that appeals to the interests and pain points of the intended audience. This can be done by writing in the tone that the reader will understand, using simple and easy-to-read language. When writing, the writer should try to visualize their audience and think about what they enjoy doing, what problems they might have, and how the article can help them solve those issues.

A good story is told through a series of events that build up to a climax, or resolution. It reveals the cause and effect of a character’s actions and reactions to a sequence of relevant events, and illuminates how and why these things happen. A good story also has a hook that grabs the reader’s attention, so they want to continue reading. A good hook could be a question, an interesting statistic, a quote from a well-known source or an image that makes the reader want to learn more.

The Basics of a Bicycle

A bicycle, also known as a push bike or cycle, is a human-powered, two-wheeled, pedal-driven vehicle that allows people to move quickly and easily. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist, and the word “bike” is derived from the French term for “wheel.” The first bicycles were invented in the 19th century. There are now more than 1 billion bicycles worldwide. Bicycles are used for recreation, exercise, transportation, and racing. They are also often modified with pegs or other attachments for stunts, military and police applications, courier services, and artistic cycling.

The first bicycles were heavy and cumbersome, and were often referred to as hobby horses or velocipedes. Inventors struggled with ways to make them lighter and more user-friendly, and the modern bicycle was born. It is unclear who first conceived the idea of attaching pedals directly to the front wheel of a bicycle, but it was around the early 1860s that these improvements began appearing on the market.

The earliest bikes had wooden frames, which were strong but heavy and difficult to repair. Metal frames were introduced in the 1880s, and they were much easier to maintain. James Kemp Starley, a former bicycle mechanic in northern England, is generally credited with developing the first practical steel bicycle in 1885. Starley’s invention revolutionized transportation, and his bicycle company went on to manufacture motorcycles and later cars.

In the late 1800s, the bicycle became extremely popular in Europe and the United States, as ordinary people took to the roads on their new steeds. Even royalty took up the sport, with the sultan of Zanzibar purchasing bicycles for his entire harem. With a bicycle, anyone could travel far and fast, and the world seemed like an endless playground.

Riding a bike is an incredibly efficient way to get around, and it requires relatively little maintenance. A good bicycle will last for decades with proper care. Its basic parts include a frame, tires, wheels, and handlebars. The frame is a long tube, usually made of steel, that supports the rider and provides the mounting point for the pedals. The wheels are made of spokes, which are thin metal rings that connect the rim to the hub. The rim is then covered with rubber to make the wheel smooth and reduce friction (the rubbing force between two objects). The wheels are held in place by high-tension wires that run from the hub to the axle.

There is no such thing as a completely rigid frame, so even the strongest of materials will give a bit under certain kinds of force at different times and under the weight of a rider who is of different heights and shapes. The flexing of the frame, which is most noticeable when riding up and down hills, helps a bike to absorb shocks and offer greater control and comfort to its rider. The spokes of the wheel are also tensioned, to help cut drag (the friction caused by air resistance). This is why most modern bicycles have a front and rear derailleur system that uses shift levers to select from one of several gears, allowing a rider to vary their speed or power output without having to stop.

NOAA’s GOES Weather Satellite System

The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) system is the cornerstone of NOAA’s weather forecasting and severe storm tracking activities. The system consists of a pair of spacecraft in geostationary orbit 22,236 miles above Earth’s surface that continuously take weather imagery and soundings. The data GOES provides helps in severe storm evaluation, ocean current monitoring, weather mapping, and detection of atmospheric phenomena such as fog, snow and solar activity.

The first GOES spacecraft, GOES-8, was built by Space Systems/Loral with sensors supplied by ITT Aerospace/Communication Division and launched in 1994. This was followed by GOES-9, -10, -11 and -12. These second generation GOES satellites were designed to operate for three years, while GOES-11 and -12 are expected to continue operation beyond their original lifespan.

Each GOES spacecraft contains an Imager and a Sounder instrument. The Imagers capture visible and infrared radiation reflected off the clouds, surface and water vapor. The Sounder instrument records the vertical temperature and moisture profile of the atmosphere.

GOES is the only NOAA weather satellite program that records and distributes real-time data in color, day or night, to support local meteorological operations. NOAA policy calls for two GOES satellites to be operational at one time, with each providing continuous coverage of a specific geographic area.

For example, GOES-11 and -12 operate in tandem to cover the entire Western Hemisphere. GOES-11 covers the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins, while GOES-12 monitors North America, Central America and South America. The GOES-11 and -12 satellites are designed to track the Earth’s rotation and keep a fixed position over their respective geographic areas, maintaining constant observational coverage.

Because the GOES satellites are in geostationary orbit, they continuously observe Earth, day and night, at the same location over the planet. This enables the satellites to provide high resolution imagery of the same geographic region at a time.

The GOES Imagers record images of the Western Hemisphere in visible and infrared light, with additional channels that sense other electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, microwaves and radar signals. In addition, the Sounder instruments on each satellite collect data for vertical thermal and water vapor structure of the atmosphere, atmospheric motion and surface temperature and humidity.

Go has long been popular in China, and probably made its way to the United States with Chinese workers on the transcontinental railroad in the early 1900s. But it did not become well-known in the West until the 1920s, when the American Go Association was founded. It soon began sponsoring tournaments, and newspapers ran columns and analysis of the game. Since then, the sport has grown in popularity. The American Go Association now has over 2000 members and more than 100 chapters across the country. There are also international professional competitions such as the Japan-China Super Go Series, and the World Amateur Championships. The top players are often considered celebrities in their own countries.

The Best Way to Be Nice

Nice is a wonderful thing—it makes people feel good and can even save lives. However, being nice doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand up for yourself or others. It also doesn’t mean that you should be a pushover or let yourself get taken advantage of. In fact, the best way to be nice is to balance it with a little tough love.

A nice person is thoughtful, courteous, and respectful. They consider the feelings and needs of others before they speak or act, and they are often able to find common ground with people. This type of person would be a great mentor to someone new at work, school, or the neighborhood association. They are also often a trusted friend to those who need them most.

Overly-nice people tend to put the needs of others before their own, but this can be damaging in the long run. They may sacrifice their own self-worth in order to please others, which can lead to resentment and even burnout. It is important for nice people to learn how to validate themselves independently of others and to let go of co-dependent relationships that do more harm than good.

Saying nice things is a simple way to make people feel good. For example, complimenting a friend on their achievements or talents makes them feel understood and valued. Moreover, it can help them overcome their challenges by encouraging them to keep going.

Being nice also means listening to your friends and giving them your full attention. This shows that you care about them and want to know what is happening in their lives. It can be difficult to listen to someone else’s problems, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed yourself. However, it is important to listen carefully and support your friends through the rough times in their life.

You can also be nice by being generous with your time and resources. For instance, you could help a friend with their chores, tutor a younger student, or offer to walk a dog for your coworker who is sick. This is a great way to show that you care about your friends, and it also helps build strong connections.

A city in southeast France on the Mediterranean Sea, capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department. Also known as Nice, it’s a popular vacation spot for visitors from around the world who come to enjoy the sun, beaches, and cuisine.

The Promenade des Anglais (also called the Nice Boulevard) is a three-mile long seaside promenade with palm trees and other Mediterranean flora that attracts legions of strollers, runners, and cyclists. Art lovers can take in the works of renowned French artists such as Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall at museums such as the Musee National Marc Chagall and the Musée Matisse. You can also visit the historic heart of Nice with a walking tour led by a guide or simply wander around on your own. No matter what you do, be sure to enjoy the nice weather and friendly locals!

What Is a Good Article?

In the Bible, good () is a synonym for “fair” (2 Samuel 24:25). It also refers to a generous gift or inheritance (2 Kings 3:19), or an ideal state of affairs, such as peace and prosperity. The concept of good is central to ethics, morality, philosophy, and religion.

A good article is one that captivates the reader and conveys a clear purpose. It features a compelling title that draws the reader in and includes a brief introduction, followed by a logical flow of ideas that are clearly articulated. A good article will also contain an engaging image or video, and be published on a reputable website to help it rank well in search engines.

The word good is frequently used as an adjective in informal speech, especially after forms of the verb to do: It tasted good; those biscuits smelled really good. It’s not a standard use of the word in formal speech or edited writing, however, and is often replaced with the adverb well: He did a good job on the test; she sees pretty well with her new glasses. The adjective good may also connote spirits or health: I’m feeling good about the situation.

In business, a good article is one that is well written and reflects the needs and interests of its target audience. It also provides useful information that can be shared across social media platforms, and has a clear call to action to get readers to act. Good articles also have a high level of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) to help them rank well in search engine results.

An important factor in building a good culture is the way leaders and others in your organization send messages about the value of cooperation and other qualities that contribute to a positive workplace. Tangible evidence of a strong culture is also helpful. This might include prominently displayed posters highlighting student achievements, a full parking lot an hour before school begins on the mornings when curriculum teams meet, or a teacher who consistently calls parents about their children’s academic progress.

Effective managers do not waste time shifting blame and place a high value on creating a collaborative, team-oriented work environment that promotes innovation. They are willing to step in and mentor team members when necessary, while simultaneously encouraging their people to take risks and try innovative new approaches. A good manager will also demonstrate integrity and ensure that their actions match their words. This will lead to a mutual trust that will inspire employees to feel comfortable taking risks and trying new approaches. In turn, this will improve the quality of the work produced by your team. Achieving this goal requires a great deal of collaboration among all stakeholders in the organization. Good communication and coordination is the best way to make sure that all parties are aware of what’s happening, when it happens, and what the desired outcome should be. This will help your team achieve its goals and create a positive, productive, and engaging work atmosphere.

The Basics of a Bicycle

Its design might have evolved over time, but the bicycle remains one of the most efficient ways to turn human energy into motion. This two-wheeled device, which is propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars, can move at speeds up to 20 mph or more and is used by millions of people around the world for recreation, fitness, transport, and work. Unlike cars and motorcycles, which require extensive engineering and licensing to operate, most bikes are inexpensive, simple, and easy to maintain. Bicycles are a popular form of transportation and have helped revolutionize the way people live.

In the 1860s, the first bicycle was invented by Karl von Drais. His clunky wooden prototype didn’t include a chain, brakes, or pedals. But he did manage to demonstrate that humans could ride a bicycle without falling off. This prompted other designers to make improvements, including the crankset that allows riders to power the bike with their feet and a lever-operated gearshift. The resulting machine was called the velocipede de pedale, or “bicycle-wheel carriage,” and was very successful.

Other types of bicycles include road, mountain, electric, and racing bikes. They differ in their technical characteristics, movement specifications, formal specifications, and performance, as well as the uses they are intended for.

Regardless of the type of bicycle, most share similar features, including an elongated, diamond-shaped frame, front and rear wheels that are positioned close together, and handlebars. Generally, a bicycle has a rigid or semi-rigid frame that is made of steel, aluminum alloy, or carbon fiber, with an axle at the center that holds both wheels. It has a chain with two or more gears that provide varying levels of resistance when the cyclist pedals. It also has tyres that are inflated with air, which helps to absorb some of the vibration created by riding on rough roads.

Although cycling can be dangerous, it has many benefits. It can help to improve the health of a person’s heart and lungs, strengthen muscles, burn calories, and reduce stress and depression. Furthermore, it can also increase a person’s confidence and self-esteem. In addition, cycling can be a great way to explore local neighborhoods and meet new friends.

However, it is important to wear a helmet when biking, practice good bike maintenance, and follow traffic laws. It is also important to be aware of the dangers of cycling in poor lighting conditions.

Moreover, it is recommended to ride a bike with a helmet when you are going to travel long distances. Also, make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Lastly, it is essential to practice proper hand signals when riding on public roads.