What Is GOES?


GOES is a satellite that provides data about the Earth’s atmosphere. This data is critical for short-term weather forecasting and monitoring. Data from GOES is distributed to several research and operational centers around the world. The National Weather Service, universities, the Department of Defense, and many other organizations use GOES data products.

GOES has 14 satellites that orbit the Earth in a geostationary position, where they remain in one spot above the Earth’s surface. The satellites are designed to provide information every thirty seconds about the weather in the hemisphere that they monitor. GOES was launched in 1960, and has continued to operate for more than five decades.

The GOES satellites are a vital part of weather forecasting, and the new generation of satellites has significantly improved the way meteorologists observe the Earth. These new satellites take a more detailed view of the Earth’s atmosphere and provide data to forecast severe weather in real time. They also provide images of the Earth’s climate and environment every thirty seconds, which improves weather forecasts and outlooks.

In addition to monitoring weather, GOES satellites also provide meteorological data that helps scientists monitor Earth and space weather. Because they orbit high enough to see the entire Earth, GOES satellites help forecast hazardous weather events and monitor the progress of natural disasters. They can also help keep emergency responders safe during disasters, saving lives in the process.

In addition to providing continuous monitoring, GOES satellites also help with search and rescue operations. They are in geosynchronous orbits, which allows them to remain over a single position on Earth’s surface at a constant speed. The geosynchronous plane is located 35,800 kilometers or 22,300 miles above the Earth’s surface. The geosynchronous plane allows the satellites to see a full-disc view of Earth.

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GOES is a four-satellite mission that is supported by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA manages the GOES-R Program through an integrated NOAA-NASA office. While NASA is responsible for the design and procurement of the GOES satellites, NOAA is responsible for the satellites’ operations and data distribution.