What Is a Good Thing?

A word of many meanings and a topic that has long occupied the minds of philosophers, the concept of good is central to ethics, morality, philosophy, and religion. Whether used to refer to an outcome (a utilitarian “good”) or to a motivation (a moralistic ‘good’), the notion of what is a good thing has always been a subject of intense debate.

In everyday use, good is a general-purpose adjective that describes something as useful or desirable. It is the standard form after linking verbs like taste, smell, look, feel, seem, and be: It feels good to be home; You’re looking very good today. It is also often used after adverbs, but it can be replaced by the adverb well in formal speech and edited writing: He did a good job on the test; She worked really hard.

When used to describe a person, it usually means they are kind, considerate, fair, honest, or generous. It can also be a term of praise: He’s such a good guy. A good friend is someone who will listen to your problems and help you through them.

Depending on the context, good can also mean that something is suitable or appropriate: The dress is too short to wear in public; I’m not a good singer. It can also be a measure of something: The car is a good value for the money. It was a good idea to invest in real estate.

It can also be a euphemism: a “good boy” or “good girl”; an “alpha male” or “alpha female”. It is sometimes used to distinguish between the various grades of school children: My daughter is such a good student.

The premise of this article is that good is more than just a measurable attribute or a subjective judgment of merit: it’s a way of being, an approach to living, and a model for behavior. It’s important to note that sorting people into the binary categories of good and bad is rarely possible or helpful, especially when it comes to addressing complicated topics like morality.

A truly good person knows that others need praise and will compliment them when it’s deserved. They will also offer constructive criticism when it’s needed. They make sure to call their parents regularly and show respect and gratitude for them. They keep their bad side on a leash and do not let it get in the way of being a good person. Good people are always trying to better themselves and will encourage others to do the same. They have a good sense of humor and are willing to laugh at themselves. They are trustworthy and loyal, and will treat their friends with respect. They believe in standing up for what you believe in. They have a deep faith in God and believe that all things will work out for the best in the end. They are humble and have a strong work ethic. They love their families, and they will do whatever it takes to protect them.