What Is Good?

Good is an adjective that means desirable, beneficial, or valuable. People use it to describe things like food, clothes, and cars that are of high quality. It can also be used to describe people who act in a way that is fair and respectful to others.

Good can be a difficult word to define, because it has different meanings depending on context. It can be a positive adjective that describes someone or something that is well-liked or respected, or it can be a negative term that refers to something undesirable, harmful, or wrong.

The dictionary defines good as “sound or valid; conformable to the laws of morality or right reason; virtuous, pious, and religious; wholesome, salubrious, or healthy; acceptable, fit, convenient, seasonable, or expedient.” Good is also a common phrase that is used in the Bible. For example, the Bible says that God created everything “good and very good” (Genesis 1:24).

It can be helpful to think of good as a value judgement. This allows us to see the world through a more positive lens, and it can help us make better decisions about what is important to us. It can also motivate us to do good things and be good examples for other people.

What is it about good people that makes them good? They care about other people, they are open minded (I am straight but would never stone a gay man), and they are courageous enough to defend the weak. They are empathetic and they always remember to say sorry when they have done wrong. They take care of their bodies, they eat well, they exercise regularly, and they do not ignore the elderly or children. They do not steal, they lend a helping hand to their friends, and they are generous with their time and resources. They treat their employees fairly, they pay taxes in a timely manner, and they do not discriminate against anyone. Good people are a joy to be around and they set an incredible example for the rest of us.

A good idea is one that solves a problem, provides a benefit, is understandable to the user, works well and lasts long, and is more than just a fad or trend. These characteristics build upon each other and, if an idea is not good at all of them, it will probably not be successful – no matter how great it might be in one particular area.

It is important to identify what specific characteristics an idea needs to meet in order to be considered good – and to do this BEFORE brainstorming – because it is easy for people to have ideas that are not useful, relevant or valuable, simply because they do not have the right parameters set. For example, a brilliant idea to reduce the amount of food waste could be completely unworkable, because it is not compatible with existing systems. Another example would be a new type of school uniform, which might be a great idea in terms of style and functionality, but is unlikely to sell because it does not suit the majority of school wearers’ tastes.