The Next Generation of Geostationary Environmental Satellites (GOES-R)

The game of go, once considered the most difficult board game in existence, has been an important part of Asian culture for millennia. It’s a strategic board game that involves placing and capturing pieces. Unlike chess, which was introduced to the West in the 16th century, go originated in ancient China and is still popular in Japan and Korea today. Go is also a prominent component of Chinese tai chi and has been adapted into a range of other martial arts and sports.

The GOES system uses geosynchronous equatorial satellites to provide essential atmospheric and environmental data. Since the launch of SMS-1 in 1974, the GOES system (short for geostationary operational environmental spacecraft) has been a basic element of U.S. weather monitoring and forecasting.

While NOAA’s GOES series of satellites have been in operation for nearly 50 years, NOAA continues to innovate with the next generation of geostationary weather satellites, the GOES-R Series. This new family of satellites is expected to provide the same life-saving weather information and critical hurricane updates as our current fleet of GOES satellites, while enhancing capabilities in environmental sensing, meteorological research, numerical weather prediction models and Earth system monitoring.

A GOES-R spacecraft features two primary payload instruments, the Imager and Sounder. The Imager provides multispectral images of Earth for storm detection and monitoring, and the Sounder provides data for vertical atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles and ozone distribution.

Aside from its core imaging capability, GOES-R also includes the Solar X-ray Imager and Space Environment Monitor (SEM). These instruments provide information on a variety of high-impact environmental phenomena.

Using the GOES-R Sounder, a weather radar that can detect precipitation and wind speed at a variety of wavelengths, National Weather Service forecasters have been able to increase accuracy and improve the quality of severe weather watches and warnings for the United States. The GOES-R Sounder is a significant improvement over its predecessor, the GOES-13 Sounder, which was launched in 1997.

In September, the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) completed its first of six planned mission rehearsals, simulating critical post-launch events such as the separation of the satellite from the launch vehicle and instrument activations. In addition, the SUVI (Solar Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensor) and EXIS (Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Imager) have been delivered for integration with the GOES-R satellite solar-pointing platform and are scheduled to be mated in November.

By studying ABI imagery, scientists are beginning to understand how the Amazon rainforest is affected by seasonal changes in cloud cover. This information is crucial to developing more accurate climate models of the Amazon and better anticipating future environmental impacts. This study could help lead to more sustainable practices, such as the cultivation of more resilient crops in the Amazon and forest restoration projects. In contrast to polar-orbiting satellites, GOES-R’s geostationary orbit allows ABI to observe the region constantly and deliver updates every 10-15 minutes. This is a major leap forward over previous studies of Amazon seasonality, which have primarily relied on polar-orbiting satellites that only pass over the rainforest once or twice per day.

Using the Word Nice in an Overly Positive Context

Nice means “pleasant” or “good-natured,” and it is often used to describe people who treat others with respect and consideration. Those who are nice typically empathize with the feelings of those around them, and they seek to make everyone feel comfortable. Nice people also tend to be honest and open about their own feelings, and they do not try to hide them. However, there are some people who use the word nice in an overly positive context, and this can cause problems.

Despite the fact that it was once used to mean “foolish or stupid,” the word nice has come a long way in its meaning and usage. It is now mostly used to describe positive traits, and it has a number of synonyms. Nice can also be used to describe things that are pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable.

People who are nice typically have a good understanding of their own needs, feelings, and beliefs, and they can express themselves clearly. They are able to set boundaries and avoid being influenced by the opinions of other people. They are also able to tolerate other people’s feelings and beliefs, even if they disagree with them. People who are nice are usually not overly judgmental or critical of others.

When someone uses the word nice in an overly positive context, they may be trying to manipulate or control others. They are often driven by their need to feel important and valuable, so they will put other people’s needs before their own. This can lead to a co-dependent relationship where both parties suffer from unhealthy emotional dependency. In addition, those who are overly nice can become resentful of the people they give so much to, as they believe that their self-worth is tied to the approval of other people.

Nice is a port city in and capital of the Alpes-Maritimes department in southeastern France, on the Mediterranean coast. The city is known for its mild climate, clear air, and beautiful landscape, which has inspired many artists to visit and work there. Notable painters include Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse, and Niki de Saint Phalle. Other notable writers who have spent time in Nice include Friedrich Nietzsche, Anton Chekhov, and Georges Bernanos.

Aside from some rougher areas, most people consider themselves to be nice. They usually do not place a great deal of value on being nice to strangers, but they do consider it to be an important quality when choosing friends.

Some people are overly nice and do not know how to balance their kindness with their own personal needs. They may bend over backward to be obliging, and they will not stand up for themselves when they are mistreated. This can be problematic because it will ultimately backfire on them. For example, they might help a friend move but get upset when the friend does not appreciate them enough. They need to learn how to prioritize their own needs, and they should try to find happiness in activities and relationships that are not dependent on the approval of other people.