What Is a Nice Person?

A nice person is someone who tries to make people around them feel good. They smile at strangers in the street and say please and thank you. They are polite and try to build group solidarity by putting others before themselves. They are the people we all want to be around because they create positive vibes and a happy environment. However, not everyone who is nice is a good person and the difference between the two can be blurred at times.

A good person has strong values and is not afraid to stand up for themselves. They are genuine and they do things from a heartfelt place. They are also willing to let go of toxic relationships, even if it means they will lose friends. A good person is loyal and dependable, and you can trust them to be true to their word.

On the other hand, a nice person is someone who wants to please others and will often compromise their own values just to be liked. They may pretend to agree with something they do not believe in just to avoid conflict or get out of a tricky situation. In general, nice people are not sure of themselves and tend to seek validation from others to fill the void inside them. This is why they will do anything to keep the peace, including compromising their own beliefs and morals.

If your friend wants to skinny dip with their friends, a nice person will jump right in to join them, even if they are uncomfortable. This is because they think that this is what their friends want and they do not want to cause a fight. However, a good person will not let this stop them and they will speak up for themselves to let their friend know that it is not OK.

Unlike a good person, a nice person does not have a full cup to give to others. They are always trying to please and they can end up giving more than they have, which leads them to feeling empty at the end of the day. A good person has a full cup and they are able to share with others from this place of abundance.

The word nice is used a lot and it can be difficult to distinguish between nice and kind. Generally, nice describes actions that are pleasing to the morals and kind refers to the emotions. However, there are some actions that are both nice and kind, for example, telling someone a hard truth that they do not want to hear can be the kind thing to do (because it will help them in the long run) but is not necessarily nice in the moment.

In the world of work, many organizations promote being nice as a way to encourage collaboration and high performance. However, the reality is that most of what passes for being nice in many workplaces is actually a thin veneer of civility to cover up bullying and back-channeling conversations.