GOES Satellites


GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites) are a group of satellites operated by the United States National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). They orbit the Earth in geosynchronous orbit, a location directly above the Earth’s equator at a speed that matches Earth’s rotation. These satellites provide nearly continuous observational information to ground-based user stations.

GOES satellites are equipped with a variety of instruments. The Imager is a device that senses the visible reflected solar energy, while the Sounder provides data on surface and cloud top temperature. GOES also monitors atmospheric triggers for severe weather conditions. In addition, GOES spacecraft help in the development and improvement of numerical weather prediction models. They also provide real-time coverage of severe local storms.

In addition to the imager, the GOES spacecraft also has a geostationary lightning mapper, which is used to detect lightning buildup in clouds. This technology can be used to help meteorologists forecast storm severity and to keep emergency response crews safe. It can also be used to predict tornadoes and hurricanes. These satellites also help scientists learn more about Earth and space weather.

GOES data is transmitted to a variety of operational and research centers around the globe. It is also used by commercial weather services. GOES data is available in a variety of formats. The GOES data collection system consists of over 20,000 Data Collection Platforms (DCPs) located throughout the western hemisphere. DCPs are equipped with an array of environmental sensors and transmitters, and are programmed to transmit data on specified GOES channels.

GOES satellites have been providing continuous monitoring for more than 20 years. GOES data is used by a wide variety of users, including the Department of Defense, as well as commercial weather services. It is a critical source of short-term forecasting and information. In addition, GOES data has been a vital component of the National Weather Service’s operations. A new generation of GOES satellites is in operation, replacing the older GOES-6 and GOES-7 orbiters.

The next five GOES satellites were built under contract to NASA. The GOES-N series includes GOES-13, GOES-14, and GOES-15. These satellites are part of the new generation of satellites, which include the GOES-R series, which provide enhanced data for cloud observations, air temperature estimation, and tropopause location. These satellites also provide the GOES-R band, which is a combination of several GOES-R channels. These channels are used for cloud observations, air temperature estimation, and the generation of derived GOES imagery.

GOES is an important part of the National Weather Service’s operations, as it provides a comprehensive view of the earth. The satellites provide a continuous view of the United States, the southern Canada, and the Pacific Ocean. They also provide a full disc view of the earth. The satellites gather weather information every 30 seconds, and provide a continuous picture of the earth. GOES imagery is available in a variety of formats, including the Advanced Baseline Imager, a multispectral imaging system that provides information on the surface and cloud top temperatures. This imaging system also provides data on vertical atmospheric temperature profiles.